
I use python on win2000.I found python perhaps spend 10~15 second on

starting. How to accelerate it?


解决方案On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:30:42 +0800, angel wrote:Hi

I use python on win2000.I found python perhaps spend 10~15 second on

starting. How to accelerate it?

I''m running Python 2.3.3 on Windows 2000 here at work, and while the

startup time isn''t great (about 1 second) compared with Linux at home,

it''s nowhere near that bad.

Is there some other process taking a lot of CPU time or RAM? Are you

talking about just starting Python itself - or are you running some

program written in Python? How long does it take just to start the

Python command-line shell by itself?


Hi !

Do you use a soft anti-virus ? Look his parameters (exclude \Python23).

The cpu of my system is P3 1G, memory is 1G. The preformance is good when

runing other application. But running python is terrible, pythonwin.exe will

speed 30 second on startup. "python.exe -i" on command line will speed 10

second on startup.

"Michel Claveau, résurectionn?d''outre-bombe informatique"


:ce**********@news-reader5.wanadoo.fr...Hi !

Do you use a soft anti-virus ? Look his parameters (exclude \Python23).


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