
  • Word Preparation
    • go-to place: 需要去的地方,经常去的地方
    • visit: 参观,游览
    • shopping district: 购物区
    • commercial area: 商业区
    • go around: 游览,参观,四处活动
    • represent: 代表
  • Grammar
    • one of the ...

Word Preparation

go-to place: 需要去的地方,经常去的地方

a place that one goes to for a specific purpose, a popularly visited place

The beach is my go-to place when I am sad.

The shopping mall is Hannah’s go-to place when she is bored.

visit: 参观,游览

a period of time when one goes to see something

How long was your visit to Thailand?

My visit didn’t last long because I had to go back home to feed my dog.

shopping district: 购物区

an area within a town or city where many people go to shop

Are there many foreign stores in this city’s shopping district?

This shopping district is a good place to go if you want to buy someone a gift.

commercial area: 商业区

a part of a place that has a lot of businesses

This place is always crowded because it is the commercial area.

There is a lot of traffic near the commercial area of Los Angeles.

go around: 游览,参观,四处活动

to move from place to place

We don’t have time to go around the shopping district.

We still have some time for the train, so let’s go around that garden.

represent: 代表

to be a sign or symbol of something

Roses represent love for many people.

Black represents death to Americans, but it may represent life in another culture.


one of the …

one of the + (superlative of adj. ) + n. ,表示“最…之一”。

  • It’s one of the most amazing works I’ve ever seen.
  • It was one of the president’s greatest accomplishments.
  • The movie’s success has made her one of the world’s most bankable stars.

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