The Reactor:An Object-Oriented Wrapper for Event-Driven Port Monitoring and Service Demultiplexing


Douglas C. Schmidt

An earlier version of this paper appeared in the February 1993 issue of the C++ Report.

这篇文章的早期版本出现在1993年2月发表的C++ Report上。

1. Introduction

1 绪论

This is part one of the third article in a series that describes techniques for encapsulating existing operating system (OS) interprocess communication (IPC) services within object oriented (OO) C++ wrappers.


The first article explains the main principles and motivations for OO wrappers, which simplify the development of correct, concise, portable, and efficient applications.


The second article describes an OO wrapper called IPC SAP that encapsulates the BSD socket and System V TLI system call Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs).

第二篇文章描述了一种被称为IPC SAP的面向对象包装器,它封装了BSD socket 和System V TLI 系统调用应用程序编程接口。

IPC SAP enables application programs to access local and remote IPC protocol families such as TCP/IP via a type-secure, object-oriented interface.

IPC SAP 使应用程序可以通过类型安全的面向对象的接口访问本地的和远程的IPC协议族,比如TCP/IP。

This third article presents an OO wrapper for the I/O port monitoring and timer-based event notification facilities provided by the select and poll system calls.

第三篇文章介绍了一种对于I/O端口监控和基于定时器的事件通知的由select 和poll系统调用提供的机制的面向对象包装器。

Both select and poll enable applications to specify a time-out interval to wait for the occurrence of different types of input and output events on one or more I/O descriptors.

select 和poll都允许应用程指定一个在一个或者多个I/O描述符上等待不同类型的输入输出事件的超时时间间隔。

Select and poll detect when certain I/O or timer events occur and demultiplex these events to the appropriate application(s).

select 和poll检测某个I/O 或者定时器事件的发生并且分发这些事件到适当的应用程序。

As with many other OS APIs, the event demultiplexing interfaces are complicated, error-prone, non-portable, and not easily extensible.


An extensible OO framework called the Reactor was developed to overcome these limitations.


The Reactor provides a set of higher-level programming abstractions that simplify the design and implementation of event-driven distributed applications.


The Reactor also shields developers from many error-prone details in the existing event demultiplexing APIs and improves application portability between different OS variants.


The Reactor is somewhat different than the IPC SAP class wrapper described in [2]. IPC SAP added a relatively“thin” OO veneer to the BSD socket and System V TLI APIs.

反应堆模式和IPC SAP类包装器有些不同,IPC SAP 添加了一个相对薄的面向对象封装在BSD socket and System V TLI应用程序编程接口之上。

On the other hand, the Reactor provides a significantly richer set of abstractions than those offered directly by select or poll.

另一方面,反应堆模式提供了一系列更加丰富的抽象相对于直接的select 和 poll所提供的。

In particular, the Reactor integrates I/O-based port monitoring together with timer-based event notification to provide a general framework for demultiplexing application communication services.


Port monitoring is used by event-driven network servers that perform I/O on many connections simultaneously.


Since these servers must handle multiple connections it is not feasible to perform blocking I/O on a single connection indefinitely.


Likewise, the timer-based APIs enable applications to register certain operations that are periodically or aperiodically activated via a centralized timer facility controlled by the Reactor.


This topic is divided into two parts.


Part one (presented in this article) describes a distributed logging facility that motivates the need for efficient event demultiplexing, examines several alternative solution approaches, evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives, and compares them with the Reactor.


Part two (appearing in a subsequent issue of the C++ Report) focuses on the OO design aspects of the Reactor.

第二部分(出现在后来发表的C++ Report上)集中在反应堆模式的面向对象设计方面。

In addition, it discusses the design and implementation of the distributed logging facility.


This example illustrates precisely how the Reactor simplifies the development of event-driven distributed applications.


2. Example: A Distributed Logging Facility

2. 例子:一个分布式日志系统

To motivate the utility of event demultiplexing mechanisms, this section describes the requirements and behavior of a distributed logging facility that handles event-driven I/O from multiple sources “simultaneously.”


As shown in Figure 1, the distributed logging facility offers several services to applications that operate concurrently throughout a network environment.


First, it provides a centralized location for recording certain status information used to simplify the management and tracking of distributed application behavior.


To facilitate this, the client daemon time-stamps outgoing logging records to allow chronological tracing and reconstruction of the execution order of multiple concurrent processes executing on separate host machines.


Second, the facility also enables the prioritized delivery of logging records. These records are received and forwarded by the client daemon in the order of their importance, rather than in the order they were originally generated.


Centralizing the logging activities of many distributed applications within a single server is also useful since it serializes access to shared output devices such as consoles, printers, files, or network management databases.


In contrast, without such a centralized facility, it becomes difficult to monitor and debug applications consisting of multiple concurrent processes.


For example, the output from ordinary C stdio library subroutines (such as fputs and printf) that are called simultaneously by multiple processes or threads is often scrambled together when it is displayed in a single window or console.

比如,一个普通的C stdio 库的子函数(比如fputs 和 printf)的输出,如果被多进程或者多线程同时调用,当显示在窗口或者控制台的时候经常会纠缠在一起。

The distributed logging facility is designed using a client/server architecture.


The server logging daemon collects, formats, and outputs logging records forwarded from client logging daemons running on multiple hosts throughout a local and/or wide-area network.


Output from the logging server may be redirected to various devices such as printers, persistent storage repositories, or logging management consoles.


As shown in Figure 1, the InterProcess Communication (IPC) structure of the logging facility involves several levels of demultiplexing.


For instance, each client host in the network contains multiple application processes (such as P1 ; P2 ; andP3) that may participate with the distributed logging facility.

比如,网络上的每一个客户端主机包含多个应用程序进程(比如 P1;P2;P3),他们都可能参与分布式日志系统。

Each participating process uses the application logging API depicted in the rectangular boxes in Figure 1 to format debugging traces or error diagnostics into logging records.


A logging record is an object containing several header fields and a payload with a maximum size of approximately 1K bytes.


When invoked by an application process, the Log Msg::log API prepends the current process identifier and program name to the record.

当Log Msg::log API被应用程序调用的时候, 它预先考虑将当前进程的ID和程序名字放进记录。

It then uses the “record-oriented” named pipe IPC mechanism to demultiplex these composite logging records onto a single client logging daemon running on each host machine.


The client daemon prepends a time-stamp to the record and then employs a remote IPC service (such as TCP or RPC) to demultiplex the record into a server logging daemon running on a designated host in the network.

这个客户端守护进程为日志记录预先准备一个时间戳,然后发起一个远程的IPC服务(比如 TCP或者RPC)以多路化这个日志记录到一个运行在一个指定的网络主机上的守护进程中。

The server operates in an event-driven manner, processing logging records as they arrive from multiple client daemons.


Depending on the logging behavior of the participating applications, the logging records may be sent by arbitrary clients and arrive at the server daemon at arbitrary time intervals.


A separate TCP stream connection is established between each client logging daemon and the designated server logging daemon.


Each client connection is represented by a unique I/O descriptor in the server.


In addition, the server also maintains a dedicated I/O descriptor to accept new connection requests from client daemons that want to participate with the distributed logging facility.


During connection establishment the server caches the client’s host name (illustrated by the ovals in the logging server daemon), and uses this information to identify the client in the formatted records it prints to the output device(s).


The complete design and implementation of the distributed logging facility is described in [3].


The remainder of the current article presents the necessary background material by exploring several alternative mechanisms for handling I/O from multiple sources.


3. Operating System Event Demultiplexing

3. 操作系统事件多路化

Modern operating systems such as UNIX, Windows NT, and OS/2 offer several techniques that allow applications to perform I/O on multiple descriptors “simultaneously.”

现代操作系统比如UNIX,Windows NT, 和 OS/2都提供几种技术允许应用程序运行在多个描述符上的同时的I/O。

This section describes four alternatives and compares and contrasts their advantages and disadvantages.


To focus the discussion, each alternative is characterized in terms of the distributed logging facility described in Section 2 above.


In particular, each section presents a skeletal server logging daemon implemented with the alternative being discussed.


To save space and increase clarity, the examples utilize the OO IPC SAP socket-wrapper library described in a previous C++ Report article [2].

为了节省空间并且是描述更加清楚,这些例子利用面向对象的IPC SAP套接字封装器库,这个库在先前的C++ Report文章中有描述。

The handle logging record function shown in Figure 2 is also invoked by all the example server daemons.


This function is responsible for receiving and processing the logging records and writing them to the appropriate output device.


Any synchronization mechanisms required to serialize access to the output device(s) are also performed in this function.


In general, the concurrent multi-process and multi-thread approaches are somewhat more complicated to develop since output must be serialized to avoid scrambling the logging records generated from all the separate processes.


To accomplish this, the concurrent server daemons cooperate by using some form of synchronization mechanisms (such as semaphores, locks, or other IPC mechanisms like FIFOs or message queues) in the handle logging record subroutine.



4. 总结


This article presents the background material necessary to understand the behavior, advantages, and disadvantages of existing UNIX mechanisms for handling multiple sources of I/O in a network application.


An OO wrapper called the Reactor has been developed to encapsulate and overcome the limitations with the select and poll event demultiplexing system calls.

一个被称为反应堆的面向对象的封装器被开发出来以封装和克服select 和poll 事件多路化系统调用的限制。

The object-oriented design and implementation of the Reactor is explored in greater detail in part two of this article (appearing in the next C++ Report).

反应堆的面向对象设计和实现在这篇文章(在下一篇C++ Report上出现)的第二部分进行更加详细的讨论。

In addition to describing the class relationships and inheritance hierarchies, the follow-up article presents an extended example involving the distributed logging facility.


This example illustrates how the Reactor simplifies the development of event-driven network servers that manage multiple client connections simultaneously.




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