Tcl只有一种语法: command arg arg ....


它和很多程序设计语言不一样,它没有关键词!譬如if, switch在Tcl中也是命令。

初次体验Tcl的感觉是:利用Tcl来构建一些东西的时候,只做两件事情:一,调用命令;二,直接给参数或者用替换的方法给参数。 仅有的一种语法在有了“可替换“这个特性后,果然强大了很多!可见,好的设计,真的是至简的设计。你无法再用更少的东西来达到相同的目的了。


proc procName args... {

main body




#test tcl built-in commands

puts "======================start=========================="

#print "running" after 5 seconds

puts "waiting for 1 second ..."

after 1000

puts "running ..."

#append var(="Hello") with " " and "World!"

set var {}

append var "Hello" " " "World!"

puts ${var}

#test command 'for', 'if' and 'incr'

#output the odd number between [1:10]

for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {

if {$i%2 != 0} {puts $i}


#command substitution

set var [expr 1+2+3]

puts $var


puts [file attributes tmp.tcl]

puts [file atime tmp.tcl]

puts [file channels *err]

puts [file dirname ~]

puts [file dirname ~/Desktop]

#file copy tmp.tcl commandtest.tcl

set flag [file executable commandtest.tcl]

if {$flag == 1} {

puts "commandtest.tcl is executable"


if {$flag == 0} {

puts "commandtest.tcl is not executable"


file mkdir testdir1 testdir2 testdir3

puts [file normalize commandtest.tcl]

puts [file separator]

#test 'proc' and 'cd'

proc mypwd args {

return [file normalize ./]


puts [mypwd]

set current_dir [file normalize ./]

cd /home/chenqi/Desktop

puts [mypwd]

cd ${current_dir}

puts [mypwd]

#test pwd

puts [pwd]

#test 'file stat', 'array' and 'foreach'

file stat commandtest.tcl var_stat_array

foreach {field value} [array get var_stat_array] {

puts "field: $field; value: $value"


puts $::tcl_platform(platform)

#test 'switch'

switch  $::tcl_platform(platform) {

unix {

puts "the platform is unix"


windows {

puts "the platform is windows"



#test 'exec'

puts "executing 'uname -r' command"

puts [exec uname -r]

#test time

puts [time {

puts [exec find /home/chenqi/MyPro/CFiles/ -name *.c]


puts "===================end================================="


waiting for 1 second ...

running ...

Hello World!







-group root -owner root -permissions 00644





commandtest.tcl is executable







field: mtime; value: 1336203195

field: atime; value: 1336203234

field: gid; value: 0

field: nlink; value: 1

field: mode; value: 33261

field: type; value: file

field: ctime; value: 1336203195

field: uid; value: 0

field: ino; value: 2360375

field: size; value: 1724

field: dev; value: 2056


the platform is unix

executing 'uname -r' command




























4776 microseconds per iteration


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