符合SEMI E4, E5, E30, E37 的 SECS/GEM通讯方案

遵循 SEMI 人机交互设计,提供触摸屏支持让你触手可及。





符合SEMI E4, E5, E30, E37 的 SECS/GEM通讯方案

遵循 SEMI 人机交互设计,提供触摸屏支持让你触手可及。
















In many equipment control applications there is a need for a GEM host to modify one or a small set of

process parameters associated with a recipe. The number of parameters modified, frequency of modification (e.g.,

wafer-to-wafer, batch-to-batch, etc.), range of modification, etc., is largely a function of the equipment control

application. Utilizing SECS/GEM, at least two methods are envisioned for modifying process parameters on a tool. With the

first method, ‘Equipment Constants’ can be used to relate process parameters of the updated recipe. Equipment

Constants can also be used in a mode where they relate suggested modifications to process parameters from the stored

recipe; that is, the constants contain only the ± differential from a nominal value. The former mode is preferred because

it better ensures data integrity between the controller and tool. With the second method the entire recipe could be

downloaded, but this results in an enormous amount of communication overhead. Note that, in all cases, the Equipment

Constants do not replace the process parameters inside a recipe, but are associated with (e.g., linked to) these

parameters to relate modifications. The remainder of this application note provides a description of how process

parameter modification can be implemented using existing GEM capabilities. The method may be used in a SECS/GEM

compliant system provided that the specific GEM capabilities described are supported.

The equipment constants should represent the actual values of the process parameters with which they are

associated. Depending on the equipment operation and control application, the equipment constant could represent

the actual value of a process parameter at a recipe step, or over the entire recipe. The equipment constants could also

be utilized to represent the differentials of process parameters from nominal values. However it is important to note

that, when using differential values to relate process parameter modifications, any loss of synchronization between

equipment and host could result in an incorrect assessment of the value of a process setpoint by the host. Note also

that, upon system startup, and whenever the appropriate process parameters are modified, the equipment constants

should also be modified as necessary to always reflect the (absolute or relative) values of the associated process

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