QR.js JS 生成 PNG二维码图片,使用说明

github 上的原文什么都没有提,我给 fork 了一个,并添加了使用说明


1. Browser 模式

html 中引入 qr.js

<script src="qr.js"></script>

生成 png 图片

let linkAddress = 'https://kylebing.cn'
let qrCodeData = QRCode.generatePNG(linkAddress)
document.querySelector('.qr-code').setAttribute('src', qrCodeData)

2. Vue 模式


<img :src="shareQrCode" alt="qr">
let linkAddress = 'https://kylebing.cn'
this.shareQrCode = QRCode.generatePNG(linkAddress)

二、 option 说明

参数 可选 参数类型 可能的值 说明
version 可选 Number -1, 1 ~ 40 版本,当为 -1 时,使用可能的最小值
mode 可选 String numeric, alphanumeric, octet 默认使用最小的值
ecclevel 可选 String L M Q H 默认值 L

generateHTML generatePNG

参数 可选 参数类型 可能的值 说明
modulesize 可选 Number Number 每个方块的大小,默认为 5px
margin 可选 Number Number 边框距离,默认为 4px


// the public interface is trivial; the options available are as follows:
// - version: an integer in [1,40]. when omitted (or -1) the smallest possible
//   version is chosen.
// - mode: one of 'numeric', 'alphanumeric', 'octet'. when omitted the smallest
//   possible mode is chosen.
// - ecclevel: one of 'L', 'M', 'Q', 'H'. defaults to 'L'.
// - mask: an integer in [0,7]. when omitted (or -1) the best mask is chosen.
// for generate{HTML,PNG}:
// - modulesize: a number. this is a size of each modules in pixels, and
//   defaults to 5px.
// - margin: a number. this is a size of margin in *modules*, and defaults to
//   4 (white modules). the specficiation mandates the margin no less than 4
//   modules, so it is better not to alter this value unless you know what
//   you're doing.

以下是原仓库 Readme:

qr.js: QR code generator in pure Javascript (2011)

This is a fairly standalone script for producing QR code on the fly.
Originally developed for my own interest, the code is fully commented and well-structured.
The code is in the public domain (or to be exact, Creative Commons Zero),
and you can use it for absolutely any purpose.

See also a node.js module based on qr.js, packaged by Nadav Ivgi.

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