
vibrator 是手机上的一个硬件功能,也是常用的提示功能,在开发过程中,遇到一个需求,需要实现灭屏震动提示,搜集网上博客,没有找到想要的案例,所以自己花了点时间研究了,记录下实现

android 对硬件的权限使用控制的越来越严格,android R 之前的灭屏震动不知道有没有特别设置,本文只讨论Android R上的应用。



 /** * Vibrate with a given pattern.                                                                                                                                                                        ** <p>* Pass in an array of ints that are the durations for which to turn on or off* the vibrator in milliseconds.  The first value indicates the number of milliseconds* to wait before turning the vibrator on.  The next value indicates the number of milliseconds* for which to keep the vibrator on before turning it off.  Subsequent values alternate* between durations in milliseconds to turn the vibrator off or to turn the vibrator on.* </p><p>* To cause the pattern to repeat, pass the index into the pattern array at which* to start the repeat, or -1 to disable repeating.* </p>** @param pattern    an array of longs of times for which to turn the vibrator on or off.* @param repeat     the index into pattern at which to repeat, or -1 if*                   you don't want to repeat.* @param attributes {@link AudioAttributes} corresponding to the vibration. For example,*                   specify {@link AudioAttributes#USAGE_ALARM} for alarm vibrations or*                   {@link AudioAttributes#USAGE_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE} for*                   vibrations associated with incoming calls.* @deprecated Use {@link #vibrate(VibrationEffect, AudioAttributes)} instead.*/@Deprecated@RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.VIBRATE)public void vibrate(long[] pattern, int repeat, AudioAttributes attributes) {// This call needs to continue throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException but ignore all other// exceptions for compatibility purposesif (repeat < -1 || repeat >= pattern.length) {Log.e(TAG, "vibrate called with repeat index out of bounds" +(pattern.length=" + pattern.length + ", index=" + repeat +")");throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();}try {vibrate(VibrationEffect.createWaveform(pattern, repeat), attributes);} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create VibrationEffect", iae);}}


<uses-permission  android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>


AudioAttributes VIBRATION_ATTRIBUTES = new AudioAttributes.Builder().setContentType(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ALARM) /*USAGE_ALARM*/.setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ALARM).build();


Vibrator mVibrator;
mVibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);


mVibrator.vibrate(new long[]{1000, 2000, 3000, 4000}, 0, VIBRATION_ATTRIBUTES);




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