slack 使用说明

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The infinite realms of tabletop role-playing games that are traditionally played in person are increasingly playable online. With modern communications apps like Slack, you can easily keep all the content, characters, conversations, and critical hits in one convenient place.

传统上亲自玩的台式角色扮演游戏的无限领域越来越可以在线玩。 使用Slack之类的现代通信应用程序,您可以轻松地将所有内容,角色,对话和重要内容保存在一个方便的位置。

在工作空间中创造世界 (Create Your World In A Workspace)

In essence, a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) is cooperative storytelling where random chance can dictate the results of your actions. There are countless systems of rules that dictate what you can and can’t do, the most famous of which is the high fantasy world of Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast. In fact, to help assuage the woes of isolation during quarantine, the TTRPG developer is providing free adventures and resources that can help get you started.

从本质上讲,台式角色扮演游戏(TTRPG)是协作式讲故事,随机机会可以决定您的行动结果。 有无数的规则系统规定了您可以做什么和不能做什么,其中最著名的是海岸奇才队的《 龙与地下城》 。 实际上,为帮助缓解隔离期间的困境,TTRPG开发人员提供了免费的冒险活动和资源 ,可帮助您入门。

To get your TTRPG up and running today, start by creating your own Slack workspace for free. In this new workspace, you’ll want to create spaces for play to happen. You can create a channel for posting links to character sheets, a channel for uploading rulesets and source materials, and out-of-character chat where players can talk and share. There are countless digital character sheets you use; D&D Beyond’s character sheets link beautifully in Slack.

要立即开始使用TTRPG, 请先免费创建自己的Slack工作区 。 在这个新的工作区中,您将需要创建用于玩耍的空间 。 您可以创建一个通道,用于发布指向角色表的链接,一个通道,用于上传规则集和源材料,以及字符外聊天,供玩家交谈和共享。 您使用了无数的数字字符表。 D&D Beyond的角色表在Slack中链接精美。

You’ll also want to create in-character spaces: a channel for images of the world you’re adventuring through and the people your characters meet, a channel for in-character dialogue, and most importantly a channel for rolling dice.


使用Slack的D&D骰子滚子应用程序滚动骰子 (Roll Dice With Slack’s D&D Dice Roller App)

Slack provides developers with a huge array of tools for developing custom apps for the platform. Slack’s D&D Dice Roller app is the only Slack app you’ll really need to start playing your TTRPG. You can add the app to Slack by navigating to its page in the Slack App Directory and clicking the “Add to Slack” button.

Slack为开发人员提供了大量工具,用于为平台开发自定义应用程序 。 Slack的D&D Dice Roller应用程序是您真正开始玩TTRPG所需的唯一Slack应用程序。 您可以通过导航到Slack App Directory中的页面并将其添加到Slack,然后单击“添加到Slack”按钮。

Once you’ve given the app permission to access your Slack workspace, you’re ready to immediately start rolling. Type /roll into the channel you created for rolling dice to view the syntax for making your roll. You can roll as many dice as you want and the app will automatically show you the total, as well as the results of each individual roll, any modifiers, and even the reason for that roll.

授予应用程序访问Slack工作空间的权限后,您就可以立即开始滚动。 在您创建的掷骰子通道中键入/roll ,以查看进行掷骰的语法。 您可以随意掷骰子,应用程序会自动向您显示总数,以及每个掷骰子的结果,任何修饰符,甚至是掷骰子的原因。

一起开始冒险 (Come Together and Start Adventuring)

Now that you’re up and rolling, with your rules, characters, maps, and images uploaded to the proper channels in the workspace, it’s time to start playing. This new workspace is where you can hold your sessions through free audio or video calls. For most players, playing on a map is essential. Fortunately, while Slack doesn’t give you the ability to move icons around a map, there are countless tools for maps including Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds. You can even upload any image to Google Drive and give your players permission to edit the document so they can upload and move their character tokens or icons.

现在,您可以将规则,字符,地图和图像上传到工作区中的适当通道,并开始滚动,是时候开始播放了。 在这个新的工作区中,您可以通过免费的音频或视频通话进行会话。 对于大多数玩家来说,在地图上玩至关重要。 幸运的是,尽管Slack不能让您在地图上移动图标,但是有很多用于地图的工具,包括Roll20或Fantasy Grounds 。 您甚至可以将任何图像上传到Google云端硬盘,并授予播放器编辑文档的权限,以便他们可以上传和移动其角色标记或图标。

Alternatively, there’s always the option of forgoing the map and playing via “the theater of the mind.” This involves describing the nature of the encounter and the layout of the environment and conducting play entirely through everyone’s imagination. Lastly, for players and game masters with busy schedules, there’s always the option of playing by text. This option is much slower but can allow your players to contribute to the story without having to coordinate schedules and dedicate long periods of time to a gaming session.

另外,始终可以选择放弃地图并通过“思维剧院”进行游戏。 这涉及描述相遇的性质和环境的布局,并完全通过每个人的想象力进行游戏。 最后,对于日程安排繁忙的玩家和游戏大师,始终可以选择按文本播放。 此选项的速度要慢得多,但是可以让您的玩家为故事做贡献,而不必协调时间表并长时间花时间进行游戏。

With these tools at hand, you can use Slack to easily set up any TTRPG system to share with friends around the world. Explore the cosmos, become a supernatural detective, or create any story you and your friends can imagine, all without leaving your desk.

有了这些工具,您就可以使用Slack轻松设置任何TTRPG系统,以便与世界各地的朋友共享。 在不离开办公桌的情况下,探索宇宙,成为超自然的侦探或创建您和您的朋友可以想象的任何故事。


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