


function GetNewCycleRecords (sourceRecords, targetCycle) { // K线合成函数

var ret = []

// 首先获取源K线数据的周期

if (!sourceRecords || sourceRecords.length < 2) {

return null


var sourceLen = sourceRecords.length

var sourceCycle = sourceRecords[sourceLen - 1].Time - sourceRecords[sourceLen - 2].Time

if (targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0) {

Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)

Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)

throw "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."


if ((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 && (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0) {

Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)

Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)

Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)

throw "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."


var multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle

var isBegin = false

var count = 0

var high = 0

var low = 0

var open = 0

var close = 0

var time = 0

var vol = 0

for (var i = 0 ; i < sourceLen ; i++) {

// 获取 时区偏移数值

var d = new Date()

var n = d.getTimezoneOffset()

if (((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - sourceRecords[i].Time % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000 * 60)) % targetCycle == 0) {

isBegin = true


if (isBegin) {

if (count == 0) {

high = sourceRecords[i].High

low = sourceRecords[i].Low

open = sourceRecords[i].Open

close = sourceRecords[i].Close

time = sourceRecords[i].Time

vol = sourceRecords[i].Volume


} else if (count < multiple) {

high = Math.max(high, sourceRecords[i].High)

low = Math.min(low, sourceRecords[i].Low)

close = sourceRecords[i].Close

vol += sourceRecords[i].Volume



if (count == multiple || i == sourceLen - 1) {


High : high,

Low : low,

Open : open,

Close : close,

Time : time,

Volume : vol,


count = 0




return ret



算法逻辑完全一模一样,只是JavaScript的函数调用var n = d.getTimezoneOffset(),移植到Python时,使用Python的time库中的n = time.altzone代替。其它差异仅仅是语言语法方面的了(例如for循环的使用,布尔值的差别,逻辑与、逻辑非、逻辑或的使用差别等…)。


import time

def GetNewCycleRecords(sourceRecords, targetCycle):

ret = []

# 首先获取源K线数据的周期

if not sourceRecords or len(sourceRecords) < 2 :

return None

sourceLen = len(sourceRecords)

sourceCycle = sourceRecords[-1]["Time"] - sourceRecords[-2]["Time"]

if targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0 :

Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)

Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)

raise "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."

if (1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 and (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0 :

Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)

Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)

Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)

raise "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."

multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle

isBegin = False

count = 0

barHigh = 0

barLow = 0

barOpen = 0

barClose = 0

barTime = 0

barVol = 0

for i in range(sourceLen) :

# 获取时区偏移数值

n = time.altzone

if ((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - (sourceRecords[i]["Time"] * 1000) % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000)) % targetCycle == 0 :

isBegin = True

if isBegin :

if count == 0 :

barHigh = sourceRecords[i]["High"]

barLow = sourceRecords[i]["Low"]

barOpen = sourceRecords[i]["Open"]

barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]

barTime = sourceRecords[i]["Time"]

barVol = sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]

count += 1

elif count < multiple :

barHigh = max(barHigh, sourceRecords[i]["High"])

barLow = min(barLow, sourceRecords[i]["Low"])

barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]

barVol += sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]

count += 1

if count == multiple or i == sourceLen - 1 :


"High" : barHigh,

"Low" : barLow,

"Open" : barOpen,

"Close" : barClose,

"Time" : barTime,

"Volume" : barVol,


count = 0

return ret

# 测试

def main():

while True:

r = exchange.GetRecords()

r2 = GetNewCycleRecords(r, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4)

ext.PlotRecords(r2, "r2")






如有BUG或者改进建议,欢迎留言,十分感谢 o^_^o

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