



int truncate(const char *path,off_t length);

int ftruncate(int fd,off_t length);


The  truncate()  and ftruncate() functions cause the regular file named
       by path or referenced by fd to be truncated  to  a  size  of  precisely
       length bytes.


If  the  file  previously  was larger than this size, the extra data is
       lost.  If the file previously was shorter,  it  is  extended,  and  the
       extended part reads as null bytes ('\0').


If  the  size  changed,  then the st_ctime and st_mtime fields (respec‐
       tively, time of last status change and time of last  modification;  see
       stat(2)) for the file are updated, and the set-user-ID and set-group-ID
       permission bits may be cleared.


With ftruncate(), the file must be open for writing;  with  truncate(),
       the file must be writable.




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