



int utime(const char *filename, const struct utimbuf *times);


int utimes(const char *filename,const struct timeval times[2]);


The  utime()  system  call changes the access and modification times of
       the inode specified by filename to the actime  and  modtime  fields  of
       times respectively.


If  times  is  NULL, then the access and modification times of the file
       are set to the current time.



3.下面是    utimbuf这个结构体:

struct utimbuf


time_t atime;          /*access time :访问时间*/

time_t modtime;     /*modification time : 更改时间*/



The utimes() system call is similar, but the times argument  refers  to
       an  array  rather  than  a  structure.   The elements of this array are
       timeval structures, which allow a precision of 1 microsecond for speci‐
       fying timestamps.  The timeval structure is:

struct timeval {
               long tv_sec;        /* seconds */
               long tv_usec;       /* microseconds */

times[0]  specifies the new access time, and times[1] specifies the new
       modification time.  If times is NULL, then analogously to utime(),  the
       access and modification times of the file are set to the current time.



struct timeval


long tv_sec;          /*seconds 秒*/

long tv_usec;        /*microseconds 微秒,百万分之一秒*/





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