iphone h5 拍摄

Making movies on your smartphone has always been simple, but more often than not you can expect that the quality will suffer because of shaky images, out-of-focus lenses, and sound that’s better left to the deaf. Now all that can change with the help of some unique hardware and cleverly designed software that makes it easier than ever before to create studio-quality movies with nothing more than the iPhone in your pocket.

在智能手机上制作电影一直很简单,但往往会因图像抖动,镜头外焦以及声音更好而让聋人感到质量下降。 现在,借助一些独特的硬件和巧妙设计的软件,所有这些都可以改变,这比以往任何时候都更容易制作出工作室质量的电影,而口袋里只有iPhone。

Sure, you may never be able to get an IMAX-ready flick out of it, but with these clever add-ons and professional-grade editing apps, you might just be the next big director in Hollywood without even realizing it yet.


Just imagine what Spielberg or Scorsese could have done if they had the kind of technology we have available to us today?


从一组优质的镜片开始 (Starting Out with a Quality Set of Lenses)

Out of all the options we’ve listed here, additional lens attachments are where you’ll probably be dropping the most cash, and for good reason too. The iPhone camera is good enough on its own, but with these add-on lenses, you can step your moviemaking game up far beyond anything else that your family might record in their free time.

在我们在此处列出的所有选项中,其他镜头附件可能是您最多可以花钱的地方,也是有充分理由的。 iPhone相机本身就足够好了,但是有了这些附加镜头,您就可以使电影制作游戏更进一步,这远远超出了家人在空闲时间可能录制的任何东西。

Depending on the kind of movie you’re shooting, you can choose from everything like the lower-end CamKix lens set which comes with a fisheye lens, wide-angle, telephoto zoom (8x), and macro attachment all for just $34.95. The kit also comes equipped with a mini-tripod for stable shots, as well as a microfiber cleaning cloth to keep all your glass as shiny as the day you bought it.

根据您拍摄的电影类型,您可以从低端CamKix镜头组中进行选择 ,其中包括鱼眼镜头,广角,远摄变焦(8倍)和微距附件,所有这些仅售$ 34.95。 该工具包还配备了用于稳定拍摄的迷你三脚架,以及超细纤维清洁布,可以使您的所有玻璃杯保持与购买当天一样的光泽。

iPhone auteurs also have the option to upgrade the onboard camera even further by dropping a little extra coin, specifically with the iPro Lens Kit which features many of the same lenses we mentioned above. The difference is the iPod contains higher quality glass that will take photos and record video at whichever resolution your phone is set to max out at.

iPhone auteurs还可以选择放一些额外的硬币来进一步升级车载摄像头,特别是使用iPro镜头套件 ,该套件具有我们上面提到的许多相同的镜头。 区别在于iPod包含更高质量的玻璃杯,可以在手机设置为最大分辨率的情况下拍照和录制视频。

Both kits are built standard for the iPhone 5 and 5S, but also have adapters which will allow them to fit snuggly on the back of an iPhone 6 or 6+.

两种工具包都是iPhone 5和5S的标准配置,但是还具有适配器,可以将它们紧紧地安装在iPhone 6或6+的背面。

使用自己的Steadicam保持稳定 (Keep it Steady with Your Own Steadicam)

We’ve all been there. You’re trying to watch a video of your niece’s ballet recital but halfway through you have to shut it off because your brother couldn’t keep his hands steady for more than a minute at a time.

我们都去过那里。 您正在尝试观看侄女的芭蕾舞演奏会的视频,但是在中途您必须关闭它,因为您的兄弟一次不能保持双手稳定超过一分钟。

Shaky videos and cell phone footage go so hand-in-hand by this point, it’s more of a surprise when a video is stable than when it isn’t. Luckily, if you’re trying to get professional-grade footage, there are a number of steadicams which will help you to keep your shots focused, stable, and looking as good as anything you’d see on the big screen.

摇晃的视频和手机录像在这一点上是齐头并进的,当视频稳定而不是不稳定时,更令人惊讶。 幸运的是,如果您要获取专业级的镜头,则可以使用许多稳定器来使您的镜头保持聚焦,稳定并看起来像在大屏幕上看到的一样好。

Our favorite of the bunch is the Smoothee Steadicam, which uses a five pound counterweight to keep all your shots as buttery smooth as possible. Just attach your phone into the mount, grab the handle, and start stacking up that footage!

我们最喜欢的是Smoothee Steadicam ,它使用5磅配重来使您的所有拍摄尽可能地保持黄油般的光滑。 只需将手机连接到支架上,抓住手柄,然后开始堆积素材即可!

If you’re not willing to drop more than $100 on a rig, the StabylCam can be had for just a bit less, at $75. Unfortunately the materials required to make a decent steadicam keep costs relatively high, but the shots you get as a result are well worth the upfront charge.

如果您不愿意将钻机的价格降到 100美元以上,则StabylCam的价格可以低一些,为75美元。 不幸的是,制作像样的替身所需的材料会使成本保持较高水平,但由此而来的击打非常值得预先付费。

在GarageBand中获得喇叭声 (Get the Horns Blaring in GarageBand)

With GarageBand, you won’t even need to ring up John Williams to give your movie that professional-level score that will have everyone humming the tune at work next Monday.

使用GarageBand,您甚至不需要叫John Williams就能给您的电影提供专业水平的评分,这将使每个人都在下周一努力工作。

Available for all models of the iPhone from the 4 and above, GarageBand for iOS enables you to create sweeping, gorgeous scores that are sure to keep your audience enthralled from start to finish. Choose from over 15+ different digital instruments to play, sample from the microphone, or integrate your own sounds recorded from an outside source and layer them together to create the environment and atmosphere that fits your film the best.

适用于iOS 4及更高版本的所有型号的iPhone,适用于iOS的GarageBand使您能够创建令人印象深刻的精美乐谱,这些乐谱将确保您的观众从头到尾都着迷。 从15多种不同的数字乐器中进行选择,以播放,从麦克风采样或整合从外部来源录制的您自己的声音,并将它们分层放置,以创建最适合您电影的环境和氛围。

GarageBand is admittedly a bit simpler to use on an iPad than an iPhone, but both versions are equally feature-rich and come equipped with all the tools you’ll need to create the next big soundtrack for your Sundance debut.


Download GarageBand for iOS 8.0 and above here.

在此处下载适用于iOS 8.0及更高版本的 GarageBand。

与iMovie融合在一起 (Bring it All Together with iMovie)

Last, but not least, comes the editing. As any director will tell you, a movie is only as good as its editor, and with iMovie you can create seamless, beautiful movies up to three hours long at a time.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是编辑。 就像任何导演都会告诉你的那样,一部电影的质量仅与剪辑器一样好,并且使用iMovie,您可以一次制作长达三个小时的无缝,精美的电影。

Technically the base iPhone does come with its own video editor, but it’s limited almost exclusively to taking screenshots and trimming the size of the clip itself.

从技术上讲,基本的iPhone 确实带有自己的视频编辑器,但是它几乎仅限于拍摄屏幕快照并修剪剪辑本身的大小。

With iMovie, the choices shoot far beyond those cramped capabilities, including the option to add filters, transitions, logos, and even the ability to choose from a predetermined bank of animations that can be used to pull from one shot to the next.


You can download iMovie for your iPhone from the iTunes link here.


Just because your friend has a fancy DSLR doesn’t mean you can’t shoot pictures or movies that look just as good (if not better), than anything the pros are putting out. Make that next family video pop off the page with these simple tools and techniques.

仅仅因为您的朋友喜欢花哨的数码单反相机并不意味着您无法拍摄出看起来和专业人士所能媲美的照片或电影。 使用这些简单的工具和技术,使下一个家庭视频从页面弹出。

Image Credit: iPro, Flickr 1, 2, 3, iTunes

图片来源: 强化主体 ,Flickr的1 , 2 , 3 , iTunes的

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/217537/how-to-use-your-iphone-to-shoot-professional-movies/

iphone h5 拍摄

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