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计算机应用专业毕业生求职信范文一份好的工作从一份好的信开始!以下整理了计算机应用专业毕业生求职信3篇,仅 供参考!计算机应用专业毕业生求职信范文(一)Distinguished leadership:hello! My name is xx, xx electromechanical vocational and technical college, a recent graduate, is a specialized in computer application. Scrawled a cover, is serious and difficult, here I just want to use the plain language as far as possible to introduce yourself and to your job search to express the most sincere wishes.In professional courses: c,c + +,vb, Java, web the three musketeers, assembly language, data structure, database SQL, photoshop, 3 on3dmax, network management, network engineering, etc.My attitude is: always regardless is best to do a good job.My philosophy is: hard struggle, constantly striving to become.After some period of summer work experience, I various aspects ability has a corresponding increase; Second, the academic record outstanding, has won various awards many times; Once again a good interpersonal relationship, the spirit of the bear hardships and stand hard work, the physical condition of its optimal committee. These are the prerequisite of I can have a good job.If you can give me the opportunity, I will cherish you give me the opportunity to use their own wisdom and sweat, with sincere action, the spirit of ecstasy make my greatest efforts to the company; Contributing to the development of the company own light and heat, to the development of the company.The final zhu GUI company business is thriving!advanceSalute!计算机应用专业毕业生求职信范文(二)Dear Sir/madam:hello!I am xx urban construction vocational and technical college, a recent graduate, pay attention to your company for a long time, I eagerly hope that we can work in your company, on the starting point of success in life.Through the efforts of the university three years, I constantly learning and practice to improve their comprehensive quality. I master the C language, assembly language, compile principle, Bodybuilder, principle of database, and the object-oriented C + + and vc + + Windows programming has a certain understanding. I also self-study outside Delphi programming, ASP dynamic web pages and web database. At the same time, I also very pay attention to the development of English and computer ability, passed the national English four levels, respectively, for Cambridge business English qualifications, be familiar with business English, can read commercial documents, and have a certain business English writing ability. I use spare time pass Microsoft MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer), MCP + I (Microsoft Certified Professional Internet), as well as the Cisco CA (Cisco Certified Network Association) such as Professional skills certificate. During the period of school, for good grades, I frequently get all kinds of scholarship awards.Since school, I make full use of spare time widely participate in social practice and community activities. Several representative system, class debate and get good grades. Xx years worked for f 关 键 词: 计算机 应用 专业 毕业生 求职信 范文



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