
While Chromebooks are generally considered “casual use” machines, they continue to get more powerful and versatile. And as they continue to do more, the strain on the machine naturally becomes larger. If you’re looking for a great way to quickly and easily keep tabs on what your Chromebook is doing, look no further than Cog.

虽然Chromebook通常被认为是“日常使用”的计算机,但它们仍在变得越来越强大和多功能。 随着他们继续做更多的事情,机器上的压力自然会变大。 如果您正在寻找一种快速便捷地掌握Chromebook所做操作的好方法,那么Cog就是您的最佳选择。

Chrome的本机任务管理器不足之处 (Where Chrome’s Native Task Manager Falls Short)

Now, before we jump into what Cog is, let’s talk about the native task manager in Chrome OS. This is a great tool that will let you easily hunt down resource-hogging apps, and Cog isn’t meant to replace this. Instead, it’s really useful alongside the native task manager.

现在,在介绍Cog是什么之前,让我们谈谈Chrome操作系统中的本机任务管理器。 这是一个很棒的工具,可以让您轻松地寻找耗费资源的应用程序,而Cog并不是要取代它。 相反,它本机任务管理器一起非常有用。

If you’re not familiar with the native task manager in Chrome OS, there are two ways to launch it:


  • Three dot menu button > More Tools > Task Manager三点菜单按钮>更多工具>任务管理器
  • Tapping Search + Escape on the keyboard在键盘上点按“搜索+退出”

This will give you a nice overview of what’s going on with the system, albeit in a very plain Jane, straightforward, text-based look. (Read: it’s ugly.)

这将使您对系统的运行情况有一个很好的了解,尽管使用的是简明,简单,基于文本的外观。 (阅读:这很丑。)

It’s not only slightly [really] unattractive, but its info is also limited. That’s where Cog comes into play.

它不仅不吸引人,而且信息也很有限。 那就是Cog发挥作用的地方。

用Cog看大图 (Getting a Look at the Bigger Picture with Cog)

While Chrome OS’ native task manager is great for getting exact numbers and checking top processes, sometimes you don’t need to see granular stats—instead, a bigger look at what the system is doing is necessary.

尽管Chrome OS的本机任务管理器非常适合获取准确的数字并检查顶级进程,但有时您不需要查看详细的统计信息,而是需要对系统的工作进行更深入的了解。

If you haven’t already, go ahead and install Cog now.

如果尚未安装 ,请立即安装Cog 。

Once that’s finished, fire that little guy up. Gorgeous, isn’t it?

完成后,解雇那个小家伙。 华丽,不是吗?

The breakdown of info is super simple:


  • Operating system操作系统
  • CPU中央处理器
  • Removable Storage移动存储
  • RAM内存
  • Internet Connection网络连接
  • Battery电池
  • Display显示
  • Language语言
  • Plugins外挂程式

This is a great way to get a quick look at what’s going on behind the scenes, especially if you suspect something is happening that shouldn’t be.


For example, if your system feels bogged down, fire up Cog and take a look at what the CPU is doing—if it looks maxed out, there’s a good chance some rogue app is eating up clock cycles. You can then jump back into the task manager and figure out exactly what’s causing it, then kill it. Murderer.

例如,如果您的系统感到停滞,请启动Cog并查看CPU的运行情况-如果它看起来已超负荷运行,则很可能有一些恶意应用程序正在消耗时钟周期。 然后,您可以跳回到任务管理器中,找出导致问题的确切原因,然后将其杀死。 凶手。

But again, it’s all about the bigger picture here. Like if you can’t remember exactly what processor your Chromebook has. Or you need to know your IP address. Or you just have to know the exact pixel count on your display at its current resolution. Cog has your back.

但同样,这都是关于这里的大局。 就像您不记得自己的Chromebook拥有哪种处理器一样。 或者您需要知道您的IP地址。 或者,您只需要知道当前分辨率下显示器上的确切像素数即可。 齿轮有你的背。

Keeping an eye on system stats isn’t something that every user needs to do (or even cares about), but tools like Cog are great to see on Chrome OS for when you need to see what’s happening. It’s definitely something every Chrome OS power user needs to have installed.

密切关注系统统计信息并不是每个用户都需要做(或关心)的事情,但是,当您需要查看正在发生的事情时,像Cog这样的工具非常适合在Chrome OS上查看。 绝对是每位Chrome OS高级用户都需要安装的东西。




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