



sudo raspi-config

Using Raspi-config you should expand the root filesystem, set your timezone, finish (reboot) and login again. You can find various tutorials on how to do this elsewhere on the internet, or you can check out the tutorial on this wiki: 全新树莓派的第一次设置

Domoticz - 简单方法(推荐)


sudo curl -L install.domoticz.cn | sudo bash

如果出现以下错误,请安装curl,安装命令:sudo apt-get install curl



[注意: 如果安装时遇到证书错误提示,你可以执行sudo curl -L -k install.domoticz.cn | sudo bash,这条命令通过非加密通道下载Domoticz(http而不是https)。

Domoticz - 复杂方法(手动安装)

You can also install Domoticz by compiling the source code yourself. The advantage of this is that it should work on most versions of Linux (Debian/Ubuntu tested).

For a manual install see:

Build times reported are when using a Raspberry Pi 3, using "make -j 3"

(Older revisions of the raspberry pi could take up to 10x longer to compile)

You also might need to install GCC 4.6 and compile with this version as 4.9 takes to much memory

Creating a large swap file does not solve the problem, and build with 'make -j 3'

If you are using an old version of the Raspberry Pi, remove the "-j 4" from the make commands!

This will also work for Debian systems, but one these systems you do not need to install the wiringpi library

sudo apt-get install cmake make gcc g++ libssl-dev git curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libusb-dev wiringpi

Change to your source folder (could be your home folder)

Build & Install Boost Libraries

If this is a clean system, continue at Now build and install the Boost library.

[ This should most likely not be needed. The only thing you need to do is to add the flag -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-lboost_atomic to the cmake command when building Domoticz below. I do not own an Raspberry PI so I have not tested it on an Raspberry PI but I have tested it on other ARM computer running debian (sterys) ]

Its recommended that you use the latest Boost libraries - as of 13th November 2016 that is version 1.62.0.

For this we need to compile/install them by issuing the following commands:

These instructions can also be used on a Linux system.

[This first step is necessary because you will get linking errors if you don't remove the old Boost library]

Instructions here are for removing boost 1.55, on your system this might be another version, so adopt these commands to your need.

It could also be you never installed boost on your system, do not worry, just execute the commands

sudo apt-get remove libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-atomic-dev libboost-regex-dev

sudo apt-get remove libboost-date-time1.55-dev libboost-date-time1.55.0 libboost-atomic1.55.0 libboost-regex1.55.0 libboost-iostreams1.55.1

sudo apt-get remove libboost-iostreams1.55.0 libboost-iostreams1.55.0 libboost-iostreams1.55.0

sudo apt-get remove libboost-serialization1.55-dev libboost-serialization1.55.0 libboost-system1.55-dev

sudo apt-get remove libboost-system1.55.0 libboost-thread1.55-dev libboost-thread1.55.0 libboost1.55-dev

sudo apt-get autoremove

Now build and install the Boost library.

mkdir boost

cd boost

wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.62.0/boost_1_62_0.tar.gz/download

tar xvfz download

rm download

cd boost_1_62_0/


./b2 stage threading=multi link=static --with-thread --with-date_time --with-system --with-atomic --with-regex

sudo ./b2 install threading=multi link=static --with-thread --with-date_time --with-system --with-atomic --with-regex

cd ../../

rm -Rf boost/

Build Support for OpenZWave

If you need support for ZWave, you need to compile open-zwave before compiling domoticz

Make sure to follow the below steps, you will end up with a folder layout like:

- open-zwave-read-only

- dev-domoticz

sudo apt-get install libudev-dev

For the first time, you need to clone the code (copy) from GitHub into your system:

Refresh the source and build OpenZWave(1m23.057s for initial build (rpi2 3 minutes))

cd open-zwave-read-only

git pull

make -j 3

go back to the top folder (your Home directory) with:

cd .. or cd ~

Domoticz Source

For the first time, you need to checkout the source from GitHub onto your system:

Note building on pi 3 with image september jessy with gcc 4.9, you need bigger swapspace 512 instead of 100 (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=46472) or else it will take ages...

Build Domoticz (21m15.899s on a raspberry pi 3 , 35m0.646s on a raspberry pi 2 for initial build)

If you have updated dev-domoticz, the make step will only re-build those files that have been changed - although if a header-file common to a lot of source files has been changed, this will still take a long time

Change to the Domoticz directory, refresh the source and and start building

cd dev-domoticz

git pull

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMakeLists.txt

make -j 3


sudo cp domoticz.sh /etc/init.d

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/domoticz.sh

sudo update-rc.d domoticz.sh defaults

编辑启动脚本,修改USERNAME, DAEMON 及 DAEMON_ARGS参数为你自己的设置

sudo vi /etc/init.d/domoticz.sh



DAEMON_ARGS="-daemon -www 8080"


DAEMON_ARGS="-daemon -www 8080"

测试Domoticz (确保获取文件所有权!)

cd domoticz

sudo ./domoticz

Start Domoticz

sudo service domoticz.sh start








cd domoticz

sudo sh ./updaterelease


cd domoticz

sudo sh ./updatebeta



cd domoticz

git pull

make -j 4


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