So you got yourself a shiny new iPhone, but it’s all…. different. Apple’s 2018 iPhones, along with iPhone X, are a huge departure from everything that came before, and we’re going to tell you how to use them.

这样您就拥有了闪亮的新iPhone,仅此而已...。 不同。 Apple的2018年iPhone和iPhone X与之前的所有产品都有很大的不同,我们将告诉您如何使用它们。

You don’t need to have been keeping the closest of eyes on the iPhone over the last couple of years to know that Apple has been changing things up. The iPhone X ushered in a new wave of iPhones that are sans Home button, and that changes the way the iPhone works in many more ways than just how you back out of an app. The removal of Touch ID and the arrival of Face ID is one of the biggest small changes the iPhone has seen, and it impacts how iOS works from authenticating purchases to entering passwords. The loss of the Home button was huge, and that changes much of the muscle memory you built up over the years.

在过去的两年中,您不必一直密切关注iPhone,只需知道Apple一直在进行改进即可。 iPhone X迎来了新一轮的iPhone,这些手机没有Home键,并且改变了iPhone的工作方式,而不仅仅是您退出应用程序的方式。 Touch ID的删除和Face ID的到来是iPhone看到的最大的小变化之一,它影响了iOS从身份验证购买到输入密码的工作方式。 “主页”按钮的丢失非常巨大,这改变了您多年来积累的许多肌肉记忆。

But boy oh boy, is having to relearn some gestures a small price to pay for what you get in return. We know that there’s a learning curve to deal with, no matter how great the new iPhones are. That’s why we’ve put together a collection of the most useful how-tos that we have, all aimed at helping you get to grips with your new phone. By the time you’ve read everything here, you’ll be an iPhone-toting ninja warrior.

但是,男孩,男孩,不得不重新学习一些手势,以付出一定的代价来换取所获得的回报。 我们知道,无论新iPhone多么出色,都有一条学习曲线需要应对。 因此,我们收集了一系列最有用的操作方法,旨在帮助您掌握新手机。 当您在这里阅读所有内容时,您将成为拥有iPhone的忍者战士。

With that said, let’s get started.


点按屏幕以唤醒手机 (Tap the Screen to Wake Your Phone)

With the removal of the Home button, waking your iPhone up is now a matter of just tapping its screen and watching it spring into action. Phones have been doing this for years, but it’s great to be able to do it with an iPhone. There’s some fancy tap detection going on to try and avoid accidental touches waking the screen, too.

删除“主页”按钮后,唤醒iPhone只需轻按其屏幕,然后观看即可生效。 手机已经这样做了多年,但是能够使用iPhone做到这一点很棒。 正在进行一些精美的点击检测,以尝试避免意外的触摸唤醒屏幕。

滑动屏幕底部以切换应用 (Swipe the Bottom of the Screen to Switch Apps)

The new iPhones have plenty of gestures to get around iOS, but entering the app switcher can be a little fiddly. Here’s the easy way to switch between recently used apps. This is a feature that a lot of people don’t take the best advantage of, but when you add it to your repertoire of swipes, you’ll never want to go back.

新的iPhone有很多手势可以绕过iOS,但是进入应用程序切换器可能有点麻烦。 这是在最近使用的应用之间切换的简单方法 。 这是很多人没有充分利用的功能,但是当您将其添加到刷卡功能表中时,您永远都不会回去。

了解所有有用的手势 (Learn All the Useful Gestures)

There are plenty of other things you can do with a quick gesture, and we cover them all right here. Who knew that there were so many different ways to wave a finger at a screen?

您还可以通过快速手势来完成许多其他事情, 我们在这里介绍了所有内容 。 谁知道在屏幕上挥动手指的方法有很多?

关闭您的新iPhone (Turn Your New iPhone Off)

You’d be amazed at how different some very basic things are with the arrival of the new iPhones. Like, for example, just turning the thing off. You might not need to do it often, but when you do, it would be handy if you knew which buttons to press.

您会惊讶于新iPhone的到来使一些非常基础的事情变得如此不同。 例如,仅将其关闭 。 您可能不需要经常执行此操作,但是当您知道要按哪些按钮时,这将很方便。

拍摄没有主页按钮的屏幕截图 (Take a Screenshot Without a Home Button)

Taking a screenshot hasn’t gotten any more difficult with the refreshed, but without the Home button, it works differently. Screenshots are great ways to show people apps or how to do something, and we use them a lot!

刷新屏幕快照并没有变得更加困难,但是如果没有“主页”按钮, 它的工作方式将有所不同 。 截图是伟大的方式向人们展示了应用程序或如何做,而我们使用他们制造了很多

使用触控板模式选择文本 (Use Trackpad Mode to Select Text)

Apple made a really poor job of making this feature apparent, but did you know that you can turn your iPhone’s keyboard into a trackpad? You do now. There are some bonus tips that might be of use if you own an iPad, too.

苹果在使该功能变得明显方面做得很差,但是您知道您可以将iPhone的键盘变成触控板吗? 你现在做 。 如果您还拥有iPad,那么还有一些额外的提示可能有用。

设置和使用Apple Pay (Set Up and Use Apple Pay)

Apple Pay is still an unsung hero of the iPhone and the Apple ecosystem as a whole, and things changed a whole lot with the arrival of Face ID. With no Touch ID to authenticate, you now need to give your iPhone attention before it allows you to pay. It sounds clumsy, but it isn’t.

Apple Pay仍然是iPhone和整个Apple生态系统的无名英雄,随着Face ID的出现,情况发生了很大变化。 由于没有用于身份验证的Touch ID,因此您现在需要在支付费用之前引起iPhone的注意。 听起来很笨拙,但事实并非如此。

设置和使用Siri (Set Up and Use Siri)

Siri is often the butt of jokes, but it’s more than serviceable if you work within its limitations. But how do you use it if you have no Home button? Don’t worry, we’ll give you the lowdown.

Siri经常是个笑话,但是如果您在其限制范围内工作,它就可以为您服务。 但是,如果没有“主页”按钮,该如何使用? 不用担心, 我们会为您提供帮助 。


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