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Just like computers, iPhones sometimes stop responding during use. Rarely, they become so unresponsive they can’t be powered off. However, it’s possible to force an iPhone to restart in these situations and bring it back to life.

就像计算机一样,iPhone在使用过程中有时也会停止响应。 很少,它们变得React迟钝,无法关闭电源。 但是,有可能在这些情况下强制iPhone重新启动并使其恢复活力。

Forcing an older iPhone to restart was easy—all you had to do was press and hold the Volume and Home buttons. But the iPhone X and later don’t have a Home button, so the process had to change.

强迫旧的iPhone重新启动很容易-您所要做的就是按住“音量”和“主页”按钮 。 但是,iPhone X和更高版本没有“主页”按钮,因此必须更改此过程。

Apple does provide a method to force restart all modern iPhones, but you need to know the particular combination for it to work.


如何强制重启现代iPhone (How to Force Restart a Modern iPhone)

In quick succession, press, and then release the Volume Up button, and then press and release the Volume Down button.


Next, press and hold the power button (Apple calls it the Side button). You can release it when the Apple logo appears on the iPhone screen.

接下来,按住电源按钮(Apple将其称为“侧面”按钮)。 当Apple徽标出现在iPhone屏幕上时,可以释放它。

When your iPhone restarts, it should work as usual. The next time you want to power off your iPhone, you can turn it off using the conventional method.

当您的iPhone重新启动时,它应该照常工作。 下次要关闭iPhone电源时,可以使用传统方法将其关闭。

The removal of the Home button means other standard functions have been remapped to new combinations of key presses, too. Taking screenshots is one example, and the whole Apple Pay experience is entirely different, as well.

删除“主页”按钮意味着其他标准功能也已重新映射为新的按键组合。 截屏就是一个例子,整个Apple Pay体验也完全不同。

If you’re new to Home buttonless iPhones, we have a full rundown of how to get around iOS, use your apps, and more, that will have you up and running in no time.



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