
Apple just made one of Safari’s best features even better. Whether you’re using an iPhone or iPad with iOS 11 or Safari 11 on a Mac, you can now make Safari always open articles on any website in Reader Mode. This is perfect if there’s a site with content you love, but design choices you absolutely despise. Reader Mode is one reason why every Mac user should ditch Chrome for Safari.

苹果刚刚使Safari的最佳功能之一变得更好。 现在,无论您是将iPhone或iPad与iOS 11一起使用还是在Mac上使用Safari 11,现在都可以使Safari始终以“ 阅读器模式”在任何网站上打开文章。 如果网站上有您喜欢的内容,但您绝对鄙视设计选择,那么这是完美的选择。 读者模式是每个Mac用户都应放弃Chrome for Safari的原因之一。

在iPhone或iPad上自动使用阅读器模式 (Automatically Use Reader Mode on an iPhone or iPad)

Setting this up on an iPhone or iPad is easy: just head to the site in question and long-press the Reader View button in the address bar. Note that this button only shows up on pages with an article.

在iPhone或iPad上进行设置很容易:只需转到相关站点并长按地址栏中的“阅读器查看”按钮即可。 请注意,此按钮仅显示在带有文章的页面上。

Tap “Use on [Current Website]” or “Use on All Websites” and Safari will always open articles on either the current website or the entire web in Reader View. Of course, web pages will only open in Reader View if Safari recognizes them as articles, so some web pages will be unaffected.

轻按“在[当前网站]上使用”或“在所有网站上使用”,Safari就会始终在Reader View中在当前网站或整个网络上打开文章。 当然,只有在Safari将其识别为文章的情况下,这些网页才会在Reader View中打开,因此某些网页不会受到影响。

To undo this change, long-press the Reader View button again and select either the “Stop Using on [Current Website]” or “Stop Using on All Websites” option.


You can use this feature to opt a few websites out of Reader Mode, too. For example, you could enable Reader Mode for all websites and then tell Safari not to use Reader Mode on a single, specific website. Articles from that specific website will always open as normal web pages, but articles on the rest of the web will continue to open in Reader Mode.

您也可以使用此功能使一些网站退出阅读器模式。 例如,您可以为所有网站启用阅读器模式,然后告诉Safari不要在单个特定网站上使用阅读器模式。 该特定网站上的文章将始终以正常网页的形式打开,但是其余网站上的文章将继续以阅读器模式打开。

Even when using Automatic Reader View, you can just tap the Reader View button in the address bar to temporarily view the current page as a normal web page.


在Mac上自动使用阅读器模式 (Automatically Use Reader Mode on a Mac)

On a Mac, head to the site in question and right-click the Reader Mode button in the address bar. This button only shows up if the current page is an article, so navigate to an article on the website if you don’t see it.

在Mac上,请转到有问题的站点,然后右键单击地址栏中的“阅读器模式”按钮。 仅当当前页面是文章时,此按钮才会显示,因此,如果看不到该文章,请导航到网站上的文章。

You’ll see the option to “Use Reader Automatically” on this particular domain.


Click this and you’re done: every article you open on that domain will automatically open in Reader Mode.


It’s hard to overstate how much better this can make reading a site. Not only is the clutter gone, but you can also customize the font style, font size, and color scheme to your liking.

很难高估这可以使阅读网站更好。 不仅杂乱无章,而且您还可以根据自己的喜好自定义字体样式,字体大小和配色方案。

Want to stop using Reader Mode for a particular site? Open the site you want to configure, then click Safari > Settings For This Website in the menu bar.

是否要停止为特定站点使用阅读器模式? 打开您要配置的网站,然后在菜单栏中单击Safari>此网站的设置。

This will show you the Safari settings for the website you currently have open.


Uncheck “User Reader when available” and Reader Mode will stop turning on automatically for that domain.


If the menu bar takes too long, you can add a button to Safari’s toolbar to access this window: just right-click the toolbar, then drag the “Website Preferences” button wherever you want it.


There’s one more way to configure this: in the Safari preferences, which you can find in the menu bar: Safari > Preferences. Head to the “Websites” tab and you’ll see a list of sites with Reader enabled; toggle them as you see fit.

还有另一种配置方式:在Safari偏好设置中,您可以在菜单栏中找到:Safari>偏好设置。 转到“网站”标签,您将看到启用了阅读器的网站列表; 根据需要切换它们。

From here you can disable the feature for sites en masse.





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