Quad Trees


Time Limit: 2000 msMemory Limit: 65536 KB

A binary image, such as the one shown in Figure 2(a), is usually represented as an array of binary entries, i.e., each entry of the array has value 0 or 1. Figure 2(b) shows the array that represents the binary image in Figure 2(a). To store the binary image of Figure 2(b), the so-called quad tree partition is usually used. For an N N array, N <= 512 and N = 2^i for some positive integer i, if the entries do not have the same value, then it is partitioned into four N/2 N/2 arrays, as shown in Figure 2(c). If an N/2N/2 array does not have the same binary value, such as the upper right and lower right N/2N/2 arrays in Figure 2(c), then we can divide it into four N/4N/4 arrays again. These N/4N/4 arrays in turn can also, if needed, be divided into four N/8 N/8 arrays, etc.. The quad tree partition is completed when the whole array is partitioned into arrays of various size in which each array contains only one binary value. Figure 2(c) contains the arrays after the quad tree partition is completed.

Figure 2: A binary image (a), its array representation (b), its quad tree partition (c), and its quad tree representation (d).

Instead of storing the binary image of Figure 2(a), we only need to store the quad tree in the form as Figure 2(d) which is encoded from Figure 2(c). In Figure 2(d), each node represents an array of Figure 2(c) in which the root node represents the original array. If the value of a node in the tree is 1, then it means that its corresponding array needs to be decomposed into four smaller arrays. Otherwise, a node will have a pair of values and the first one is 0. It means that its corresponding array is not necessary to decompose any more. In this case, the second value is 0 (respectively, 1) to indicate that all the entries in the array are 0 (respectively, 1). Thus, we only need to store the tree of Figure 2(d) to replace storing the binary image of Figure 2(a). The way to store the tree of Figure 2(d) can be represented by the following code:


This code is just to list the values of the nodes from the root to leaves and from left to right in each level. Deleting the parentheses and commas, we can obtain a binary number 100101100011000000010100010001 which is equal to 258C0511 in hexadecimal. You are asked to design a program for finding the resulting hexadecimal value for each given image.


There is an integer number k, 1 <= k <= 100, in the first line to indicate the number of test cases. In each test case, the first line is also a positive integer N indicating that the binary image is an N N array, where N <= 512 and N = 2^i for some positive integer i. Then, an N N binary array is followed in which at least one blank is between any two elements.


The bit stream (in hexadecimal) used to code each input array.

Sample Input

0 0
0 0
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sample Output




②顺一波题意康康:输入一个整数num:1 ~100,表示测试的组数,然后每组测试数据先输入一个整数N,N <= 512且N是2的次幂,然后输入一个N*N的0,1矩阵。如果整个N*N的矩阵是全0(或者全1),则记录为00(或者01),不用继续拆分;否则,记录为1,并将矩阵四分为西北、东北、西南、东南各一块,并按此顺序检查各个分块是否全0或全1, 不是的话继续四分,最后把所有的01串连起来,转换为十六进制输出即可。




(1)深度优先生成四分树  (2)层次遍历四分树得到二进制数列  (3)将二进制数列转化为十六进制输出



using namespace std;class quadtree{  //四分树类 public:char value[3];  //取值"00","01","1"(其中00表示全0, 01表示全1, 1表示mixed quadtree *child[4];quadtree(){child[0]=child[1]=child[2]=child[3]=0;} bool operator ==(const quadtree& p) const{  //运算符重载 if(strcmp(value,"1")==0||strcmp(value,p.value)!=0) return 0;  //如果有孩子值为1或者存在相异值则不能合并 else return 1;}}; quadtree *head;
char map[520][520],ans[10000],str[5];
int N,a[2500];//组织输入并进行初始化
void init(){  scanf("%d",&N);for(int i=0;i<N;i++)for(int j=0;j<N;j++)cin>>map[i][j];str[4]=0;memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans));
} //深度优先之四分树的四分,合并,剪枝
quadtree * DFS(int r, int c, int len)//r ,c 坐标,len长度
{quadtree*temp = new quadtree;if(len==1){  //到四分到最小格时停止 temp->value[0]='0';  //第一个数 置0 temp->value[1]=map[r][c];  //第二个数则为方格中的数字 temp->value[2]=0;  //最后一位 置0 表示结束符 return temp;}len/=2;  //将map四分 temp->child[0]=DFS(r,c,len);temp->child[1]=DFS(r,c+len,len);temp->child[2]=DFS(r+len,c,len);temp->child[3]=DFS(r+len,c+len,len);bool flag=true;for(int i=1;i<4;i++)  //判断是否符合合并要求 if(!(*temp->child[0]==*temp->child[i])){ flag=false;break;}if(flag)  //若满足要求则合并 {strcpy(temp->value, temp->child[0]->value);for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){delete temp->child[i];  //剪枝 temp->child[i]=0;}}else strcpy(temp->value, "1");  //否则该节点不合并,并且节点值为1 return temp;
void funtion(char s[]){int sum=0;for(int i=0;i<4;i++) sum=sum*2+str[i];printf("%X",sum);
void print(){int i,j,m;quadtree *temp;queue<quadtree *> q;q.push(head);while(!q.empty()){temp=q.front();q.pop();strcat(ans,temp->value);  //将二进制串连接起来if(!(temp->child[0]==0))  //若该节点存在孩子for(i=0;i<4;i++) q.push(temp->child[i]);delete temp; }int slen =strlen(ans);  //计算ans的长度 int pos=0;  //标记ans当前计算的位置 //为了方便计算,将整个数字串长度补成4的倍数//用长度求余数得i,在最前面补4-i个0if(slen%4!=0){i=slen%4;for(j=0;j<4-i;j++) str[j]=0;for(m=j;m<4;m++) str[m]=ans[pos++]-'0'; funtion(str);}for(i=pos;i<slen;i+=4){for(j=0;j<4;j++) str[j]=ans[i+j]-'0';funtion(str);}printf("\n");
} int main(){int num;scanf("%d",&num);while(num--){init();head=DFS(0,0,N);print();}return 0;

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