Web Hacking Fundamentals


  • Web Hacking Fundamentals
    • Web Fundamentals
      • task1 Introduction and objectives
      • task2 How do we load websites?
      • task3 More HTTP - Verbs and request formats
      • task4 Cookies, tasty!
      • task5 Mini CTF
    • OWASP Top 10
      • task1 Introduction
      • task2 Accessing machines
      • task3 [Severity 1] Injection
      • task4 [Severity 1] OS Command Injection
      • task5 [Severity 1] Command Injection Practical
      • task6 [Severity 2] Broken Authentication
      • task7 [Severity 2] Broken Authentication Practical
      • task8 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Introduction)
      • task9 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 1)
      • task10 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 2)
      • task11 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Challenge)
      • task12 [Severity 4] XML External Entity
      • task13 [Severity 4 XML External Entity - eXtensible Markup Language
      • task14 [Severity 4] XML External Entity - DTD
      • task15 [Severity 4] XML External Entity - XXE Payload
      • task16[Severity 4] XML External Entity - Exploiting
      • task17 [Severity 5] Broken Access Control
      • task18[Severity 5] Broken Access Control (IDOR Challenge)
      • task19 [Severity 6] Security Misconfiguration
      • task20 [Severity 7] Cross-site Scripting
      • task21 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization
      • task22 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Objects
      • task23 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Deserialization
      • task24 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies
      • task25 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies Practical
      • task26 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Code Execution
      • task27 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Intro
      • task28 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Exploit
      • task29 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Lab
      • task30 [Severity 10] Insufficient Logging and Monitoring
      • task31 What Next?
    • OWASP Juice Shop
      • task1 Open for business!
      • task2 Let's go on an adventure!
      • tsak 3 Inject the juice
      • task 4 Who broke my lock?!
      • task 5 AH! Don't look!
      • task6 Who's flying this thing?
      • task 7 Where did that come from?
      • task 8 Exploration!
    • Rickle Rick
      • Task1 Pickle Rick

Web Fundamentals

task1 Introduction and objectives

1.Read and understand the information

task2 How do we load websites?

1.What request verb is used to retrieve page content?


2.What port do web servers normally listen on?


3.What’s responsible for making websites look fancy?


网页的实际内容通常是HTML、CSSJavaScript的组合。 HTML 定义页面结构和内容。CSS 允许您更改页面的外观,使其看起来花哨。JavaScript 是一种在浏览器中运行的编程语言,允许您使页面交互或加载额外的内容。

task3 More HTTP - Verbs and request formats

1.What verb would be used for a login?


2.What verb would be used to see your bank balance once you’re logged in?


3.Does the body of a GET request matter? Yea/Nay


4.What’s the status code for “I’m a teapot”?


IETF在1998年愚人节时发布的一个笑话RFC,具体可以参考RFC 2324 - Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)超文本咖啡壶控制协议。

5.What status code will you get if you need to authenticate to access some content, and you’re unauthenticated?


task4 Cookies, tasty!

1.Read and try and understand this information. Check out the link for extra information

task5 Mini CTF

1.What’s the GET flag?



2.What’s the POST flag?


curl -d flag_please

3.What’s the “Get a cookie” flag?



4.What’s the “Set a cookie” flag?



或者在上一问使用curl -c cookie.txt 获取cookie,修改cookie名/值为flagpls,再使用curl -b cookie.txt 得到flag

OWASP Top 10

task1 Introduction

  • Injection
  • Broken Authentication
  • Sensitive Data Exposure
  • XML External Entity
  • Broken Access Control
  • Security Misconfiguration
  • Cross-site Scripting
  • Insecure Deserialization
  • Components with Known Vulnerabilities
  • Insufficent Logging & Monitoring

task2 Accessing machines

Connect to our network or deploy the AttackBox.

task3 [Severity 1] Injection

I’ve understood Injection attacks.

task4 [Severity 1] OS Command Injection

I’ve understood command injection.

task5 [Severity 1] Command Injection Practical

1.What strange text file is in the website root directory?


2.How many non-root/non-service/non-daemon users are there?


3.What user is this app running as?


4.What is the user’s shell set as?


5.What version of Ubuntu is running?


6.Print out the MOTD. What favorite beverage is shown?


00-header – /etc/update-motd.d/00-header 修改Ubuntu下ssh登录欢迎信息

task6 [Severity 2] Broken Authentication

1.I’ve understood broken authentication mechanisms.

task7 [Severity 2] Broken Authentication Practical

1.What is the flag that you found in darren’s account?


注册用户时将darren和 darren认定为不同账户,登陆时认定为同一账户造成逻辑漏洞

2.Now try to do the same trick and see if you can login as arthur.

3.What is the flag that you found in arthur’s account?


task8 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Introduction)

Read the introduction to Sensitive Data Exposure and deploy the machine.

task9 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 1)

Read and understand the supporting material on SQLite Databases.

task10 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 2)

Read the supporting material about cracking hashes.

task11 [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Challenge)

1.What is the name of the mentioned directory?


2.Navigate to the directory you found in question one. What file stands out as being likely to contain sensitive data?


3.Use the supporting material to access the sensitive data. What is the password hash of the admin user?


4.What is the admin’s plaintext password?



5.Login as the admin. What is the flag?


task12 [Severity 4] XML External Entity

Deploy the machine attached to the task.

task13 [Severity 4 XML External Entity - eXtensible Markup Language

1.Full form of XML

eXtensible Markup Language

xml(eXtensible Markup Language)可扩展标记语言

2.Is it compulsory to have XML prolog in XML documents?


3.Can we validate XML documents against a schema?


4.How can we specify XML version and encoding in XML document?

XML Prolog

task14 [Severity 4] XML External Entity - DTD

1.How do you define a new ELEMENT?


2.How do you define a ROOT element?


3.How do you define a new ENTITY?



task15 [Severity 4] XML External Entity - XXE Payload

1.Try the payload mentioned in description on the website.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY read SYSTEM 'file:///etc/passwd'>]>

task16[Severity 4] XML External Entity - Exploiting

1.Try to display your own name using any payload.

2.See if you can read the /etc/passwd

3.What is the name of the user in /etc/passwd


4.Where is falcon’s SSH key located?


5.What are the first 18 characters for falcon’s private key


task17 [Severity 5] Broken Access Control

Read and understand how broken access control works.

task18[Severity 5] Broken Access Control (IDOR Challenge)

1.Read and understand how IDOR works.

2.Deploy the machine and go to http://MACHINE_IP - Login with the username being noot and the password test1234.

3.Look at other users notes. What is the flag?


task19 [Severity 6] Security Misconfiguration

1.Deploy the VM

2.Hack into the webapp, and find the flag!



task20 [Severity 7] Cross-site Scripting

1.Deploy the VM

2.Navigate to in your browser and click on the “Reflected XSS” tab on the navbar; craft a reflected XSS payload that will cause a popup saying “Hello”.


3.On the same reflective page, craft a reflected XSS payload that will cause a popup with your machines IP address.



4.Now navigate to in your browser and click on the “Stored XSS” tab on the navbar; make an account.

Then add a comment and see if you can insert some of your own HTML.


5.On the same page, create an alert popup box appear on the page with your document cookies.



6.Change “XSS Playground” to “I am a hacker” by adding a comment and using Javascript.


<script>document.querySelector('#thm-title').textContent = 'I am a hacker'</script>

task21 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization

1.Who developed the Tomcat application?

Apache Software Foundation

2.What type of attack that crashes services can be performed with insecure deserialization?

Denial of Service

反序列化漏洞会造成Dos(Denial of Service)和远程代码执行RCE (Remote Code Execution)

task22 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Objects

if a dog was sleeping, would this be:

A) A State
B) A Behaviour

A Behaviour

task23 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Deserialization

What is the name of the base-2 formatting that data is sent across a network as?


task24 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies

1.If a cookie had the path of webapp.com/login , what would the URL that the user has to visit be?


2.What is the acronym for the web technology that Secure cookies work over?


secure属性只在https连接发送;http only 不允许js脚本读取cookie

task25 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies Practical

1.1st flag (cookie value)


2.2nd flag (admin dashboard)


task26 [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Code Execution




task27 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Intro

Read above.

task28 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Exploit

Read the above!

task29 [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Lab

How many characters are in /etc/passwd (use wc -c /etc/passwd to get the answer)

主页右下方点击Admin Login进入登录界面,万能密码 %’ or ‘1’='1进入后台页面,后台添加书籍信息存在任意文件上传漏洞,上传小马。返回页面,找到新增书籍,反弹shell成功


task30 [Severity 10] Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

1.What IP address is the attacker using?

2.What kind of attack is being carried out?

暴力破解Brute Force

task31 What Next?

Read the above!

OWASP Juice Shop

task1 Open for business!

1.Deploy the VM attached to this task to get started! You can access this machine by using your browser-based machine, or if you’re connected through OpenVPN.

2.Once the machine has loaded, access it by copying and pasting its IP into your browser; if you’re using the browser-based machine, paste the machines IP into a browser on that machine.

task2 Let’s go on an adventure!

1.Question #1: What’s the Administrator’s email address?

The reviews show each user’s email address. Which, by clicking on the Apple Juice product, shows us the Admin email!


2.We can now see the search parameter after the /#/search? the letter q


3.If we google “replicator” we will get the results indicating that it is from a TV show called Star Trek

Star Trek

tsak 3 Inject the juice

1.Question #1: Log into the administrator account!


使用万能密码登录,payload 1’ or ‘1’=‘1’–

2.Question #2: Log into the Bender account!


同样使用万能密码,payload bender@juice-sh.op’–

task 4 Who broke my lock?!

1.Question #1: Bruteforce the Administrator account’s password!



2.Question #2: Reset Jim’s password!


安全问题为兄弟的中间名,上一问jim 与 Star Trek(星际迷航)有关,他的兄弟叫George Samuel Kirk

task 5 AH! Don’t look!

1.Question #1: Access the Confidential Document!


点击关于我们链接 ,进入ftp目录可以看到很多文件

2.Question #2: Log into MC SafeSearch’s account!

搜索MC SafeSearch,油管上有相关视频可得知他的密码为 "Mr. Noodles"但 "vowels into zeros"将元音字母变成0,密码为 Mr.N00dles

3.Question #3: Download the Backup file!


task6 Who’s flying this thing?

1.Question #1: Access the administration page!



2.Question #2: View another user’s shopping basket!



3.Question #3: Remove all 5-star reviews!



task 7 Where did that come from?

1.Question #1: Perform a DOM XSS!


<iframe src="javascript:alert(xss)">搜索框输入payload即可

2.Question #2: Perform a persistent XSS!


对URL True-Client-IP没有做过滤

3.Question #3: Perform a reflected XSS!



task 8 Exploration!

Access the /#/score-board/ page


/score-board 计分板页面


Rickle Rick

Task1 Pickle Rick

1.What is the first ingredient Rick needs?

查看源代码,源代码注释中发现 用户名R1ckRul3s


登录发现命令执行页面,whoami查看账户为www-data,la -a查看目录下文件,在Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt中得到第一种原料为 mr. meeseek hair

2.Whats the second ingredient Rick needs?

使用;符号在Commands页面同时执行多个命令,因为不能使用cat命令查看使用less命令代替,在/home/rick文件夹下发现second ingredients文件

jerry tear

3.Whats the final ingredient Rick needs?

运行sudo -l命令发现命令框可以无需密码执行sudo,sudo ls /root查看root目录下文件发现3rd.txt,读取文件发现第三种成分

fleeb juice

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