
  • 1.PSP
  • 2.Description of problem-solving ideas
  • 3.Design and implementation process.
  • 4.Code description.
    • 1.The first level
    • 2.The second level
    • 3.The third level
    • 4.The fourth level
    • 5.display
  • 5.Unit test screenshots and description
  • 6.Summary
The Link Your Class https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/MUEE308FZU202201
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/608734907
The Aim of This Assignment learn how to use git and submit codes , learn how to use unit test and performance test and extract keywords of different levels from the C or C++ code files that are read in.
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID 20123434/832001102

My github is here:https://github.com/yycgod123/EE308-Lab1-2


Personal Software Process Stages Estimated Time/minutes Completed Time/minutes
Planning 10 10
Estimate 20 20
Developmemt None None
Analysis 160 300
Design Spec 50 50
Design Review 20 30
Coding Standard 10 10
Design 200 300
Coding 600 800
Code ReviewPlanning 40 45
Test 100 150
Reporting 80 100
Test Report - -
Size Measurement 10 10
Postmortem&Process Improvement 120 200
total 1420 2025

2.Description of problem-solving ideas

In this lab, I decided to test the code in Python language. The first thing I’m going to do is use Python to filter out the symbols that I don’t want in the code I’m testing.[“+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “<”, “<=”, “>”, “>=”, “=”, “==”, “!=”, “;”, “(”, “)”, “^”, “,”, “”“, “'”, “#”, “&”,&&”, “|”, “||”, “%”, “~”, “<<”, “>>”, “[”, “]”, “{”, “}”, “\”, “.”, “:”, “!”] ,so I will remove them before my testing.The next thing I need to do is write the code I’m going to test to a file and let Python read it, which makes it easier for me.After Python read the file, I removed all the symbols I didn’t need and used Python’s split function to change the article into English words, which was more convenient for my later code writing.For the first question, it is easy to collect all the keywords in C++, put them into a list, and then match the previously divided English words. In this way, it is easy to read out the total number of C++ keywords in the code.The same is true for the second problem, and a similar approach can be used.
For the third problem, I’m going to create a list, put the words I want in it, and have them go to the list in order. This can be solved by reusing the logic code.
I thought about the fourth question for a long time, and then I came up with the method of list deletion, as long as I can find a loop in the constant reading, delete the duplicate to find the if-elseif-else structure
Instead of a single pass, I think the parser should be designed as a subroutine. Whenever the parser needs a word symbol, it passes an input string to the parser, and the parser can analyze the words in the input string.

3.Design and implementation process.

4.Code description.

def get_file():#get the file we want to getf = open(filename,'r',encoding='UTF-8')file = f.read()#Only leave the content we want to leavesymbol_list = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "=", "==","!=", ";", "(", ")", "^", ",", "\"", "\'", "#", "&","&&", "|", "||", "%", "~", "<<", ">>", "[", "]", "{","}", "\\", ".", ":", "!"]  #the symbols in C++for i in symbol_list:file = file.replace(i," ")#replace unwanted symbolsf.close()return file

In this code,we can read from the test code and transform it into a file which is convinent for us to work on the following steps.

And this is the result.It is expected to what I think.Very great!!!


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