
外包理由 (Justifications for Outsourcing)

The reasons for outsourcing in a business are many:


  • Ensure greater availability to concentrate on the heart of business (on the value-added activities);确保更多的可用性以专注于业务的核心(增值活动);
  • Benefit from extensive expertise: over and over the internal structure, the service provider can put the best specialists in the face of sometimes complex problems;受益于广泛的专业知识:内部结构一遍又一遍,服务提供商可以将最好的专家面对有时复杂的问题;
  • Provide for its economic structure to improve flexibility in case of increase or decrease the number of employees / business of the company, the provider can more easily adjust to any changes in the operation of the company and the company that outsources the other hand has no worries lack of internal staff for holidays, illness or other;提供其经济结构,以在增加或减少公司雇员/业务数量的情况下提高灵活性,提供商可以更轻松地适应公司经营的任何变化,而外包公司则无后顾之忧缺乏内部人员来休假,生病或其他;
  • Finally, and especially with the rise of a globalized competitiveness, facilitate better control of costs related to the civil, infrastructure, process outsourcing, being contractual, and therefore known in advance and fixed (fixed commitments often ), they may ultimately be lower than internal costs through their mutual.最后,尤其是随着全球化竞争力的提高,有利于更好地控制与土建,基础设施,流程外包,合同相关的成本,因此要事先知道并确定(固定承诺),最终它们可能低于内部成本。通过彼此的成本。

According to P. Veltz, “It does not power the wave of outsourcing if you do not realize that in most cases it refers to three simple observations:

根据P. Veltz的说法,“如果您没有意识到在大多数情况下,它指的是三个简单的观察结果,那么它就不会推动外包浪潮:

a) we control often better than an outside workshop or an internal drive because it has leverage much more efficient, on time, prices, quality,


b) in case of downturn, there is so much easier to separate a vendor and dismiss employees;


c) it is often much simpler – reducing complexity – require an external service that self-organize a production process, even pay a premium. control, distribution of risk and simplification are the three games in outsourcing”(cf. Cit, p. 181 The new industrial world”, Gallimard, 2008).

c)通常要简单得多-降低复杂性-需要自组织生产过程甚至需要支付额外费用的外部服务。 控制,风险分配和简化是外包中的三大游戏”(参见Cit,第181页,《新的工业世界》,加利马德,2008年)。

外包风险 (Risks of Outsourcing)

There are also some risks of outsourcing:


  • Loss of substance within the company by the loss of control of operations or the loss of fundamental knowledge in the company, its intellectual capital;因失去经营控制权或丧失公司基本知识,其智力资本而在公司内部造成的实质性损失;
  • Loss of control of information by the loss of confidentiality of sensitive information;丢失敏感信息的机密性而失去对信息的控制;
  • Reliability and durability of the chosen external partner;所选外部合作伙伴的可靠性和耐用性;
  • Poor reversibility of the operation in case of “re-internalization” (or back-sourcing).在“重新内部化”(或回购)的情况下,运营的可逆性差。

We must consider these risks near future with its supplier before signing any contract. It is also important to diagnose the usual pace of development of the area to outsource, this change is more frequent, more will be defined by contract with the service provider what are the arrangements for study and implementation of these changes.

在签订任何合同之前,我们必须与供应商一起考虑这些风险。 诊断该区域通常的发展步伐也很重要,这种变化更加频繁,与服务提供商的合同将更详细地定义研究和实施这些变化的安排。

It must take account of risk mitigation strategies in the outsourcing contract. For example, it is possible to solve the problem of lack of confidentiality, giving access only to information relevant to the outsourced process.

它必须考虑外包合同中的风险缓解策略。 例如,可以解决缺乏机密性的问题,只允许访问与外包过程相关的信息。

The effect of mode of imitation or competition is in all cases be avoided as has been the case in outsourcing information technology with the “Kodak effect” between Kodak and IBM. In the field of aircraft construction, the limits of outsourcing seem affected when the internal skills are no longer sufficient to contain the advertised start time (late delivery of the A380 as the newest member of Boeing).

像在柯达与IBM之间的“柯达效应”外包信息技术一样,在任何情况下都应避免模仿或竞争模式的影响。 在飞机制造领域,当内部技能不再足以控制标榜的开始时间(作为波音公司最新成员的A380的后期交付)时,外包的限制似乎受到了影响。

外包与离岸 (Outsourcing and offshoring)

Outsourcing is frequently associated with incorrectly to the phenomenon of offshoring.


The two management organizations should not be confused if:


  • Outsourcing does not have any relocation, since it often involves only the local subcontracting;外包没有任何迁移,因为它通常只涉及本地分包;
  • Any relocation is not necessarily outsourcing, for example in cases where it is the company itself, which moves one of its own production facilities.任何搬迁不一定都是外包的,例如,在搬迁自己的生产设施的公司本身的情况下。

无需离岸外包 (Outsourcing without offshoring)

As an illustration, according to an International Markess entitled “Contribution of Outsourcing HR Processes and Applications”, 2006-2008, based on interviews with 400 senior public and private organizations based in France, one in two firms outsource by 2008 or outsource its HR applications or processes.


Among the advantages of outsourcing without prior relocation, local expertise, compliance with national regulations and control costs without currency effects are hit parade grounds managers who require impeccable service to benefit more complex with the stratification of regulations.


外包与外包 (Outsourcing with offshoring)

In the field of production, textiles and clothing is probably the first industrial sector to have experienced this phenomenon since the 70s. Other industries have followed: leather, footwear, for example to earn more sophisticated sectors like today where the auto relocation to Eastern Europe are no longer dreams.

在生产领域,纺织品和服装可能是自70年代以来第一个经历这种现象的工业部门。 其他行业也紧随其后:例如皮革,鞋类等赚钱更成熟的行业,例如今天,自动迁移到东欧不再是梦想。

In the services sector is mainly in the computer industry that the movement has grown strong particularly to India and Eastern Europe (Russia) given the ability to make intellectual services remotely. This is called outsourcing offshore or outsourced.

在服务领域,主要是在计算机行业,由于具备远程提供智能服务的能力,该运动特别是在印度和东欧(俄罗斯)发展壮大。 这称为离岸外包或外包。

Whole areas of the world economy are undergoing profound changes due to offshore. The movement began in the United States has grown in Britain and Germany. For now, there is still sporadic France. But it is now clear that some developed countries will escape. McKinsey, 40% of the top 500 European companies have begun to relocate part of their operations. alone computer, according to research CRM Buyer, 30% of companies surveyed planned to spend their offshore infrastructure in the next twelve months, and 30% are under evaluation, as software development, two thirds of respondents believe the outsourcing within one year! .

由于离岸经济,世界经济的整个领域都在发生深刻的变化。 该运动始于美国,后来发展为英国和德国。 目前,仍然有零星的法国。 但是现在很明显,一些发达国家将逃脱。 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey),在欧洲500强公司中,有40%已开始将部分业务进行搬迁。 据研究CRM买方称,仅一台计算机就被调查了,其中有30%的公司计划在未来12个月内花费其离岸基础设施,而30%的公司正在评估软件开发,三分之二的受访者认为外包将在一年之内完成! 。

Before offshore outsourcing one should know to identify the country and the provider according to the company strategy. Some destinations are ready and others not in that part of the process that you have identified for offshore outsourcing.

在进行离岸外包之前,应该了解根据公司战略确定国家和提供商的身份。 一些目的地已经准备就绪,而其他目的地则不在您确定的离岸外包流程的那一部分中。

Companies often choose their destination based on language use. Some countries, like Mauritius, offering bilingual services in English and French. Besides re-internalization straightforward outsourcing with relocation are rare.

公司通常根据语言使用来选择目的地。 一些国家(例如毛里求斯)以英语和法语提供双语服务。 除了重新内部化外,很少有直接的外包和重新安置。

These movements demonstrate the pendulum natural since the initial benefits of outsourcing have disappeared. The optimum initial origin of the first decision is thus changed to the economic decision maker.

这些运动表明,自从外包的最初收益消失以来,钟摆自然而然。 因此,将第一决策的最佳初始来源更改为经济决策者。

A modification of an industrial process and a value chain, these investment flows have whenever an economic and social costs that must be reintegrated into the calculation of economic actors as authorities to establish regulations applicable.


Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-outsourcing-part-2/


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