1. Because these operators are implemented by calling the prefix versions, there is no need to check that the curris in range. That check, and the throw if necessary, is done inside the corresponding prefix operator.

因为通过调用前缀式版本实现这些操作符,不需要检查 curr 是否在范围之内,那个检查以及必要的 throw,在相应的前缀式操作符中完成。

2. Calls the CheckedPtr prefix increment operator on this object. That operator checks that the increment is safe and either increments curror throws an exception.

调用这个对象的 CheckedPtr 前缀自增操作符,该操作符检查自增是否安全并将 curr 加 1 或抛出一个异常。

3. Void BlockRebuild SInt *rec_curr, SInt *comp, Int pred_type, Int max

Uint width:宏块所在的活动图像对象平面的边界框宽度。

4. Making band-pass filtering of 10~30 hours on the real observed current and keeping the tidal period, after that using EOF to analyze the filtered tidal current, we can find that there are different vertical modes in the tidal current, which indicates that the tidal curr.

对实测海流进行10~30 h的带通滤波保留潮周期部分,滤波后的潮流进行EOF分解得到潮流存在不同的垂向模态,证明南海深水海盆潮流具有较强的斜压性。

5. Neuroblastomas may be associated with the opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome. From Deita et al., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed, pp2099-2101; CurrOpin Oncol 1998 Jan; 10


6. The article introduces the several expression modes about history curriculum resources under the auspice of information technologies and network techn ologies which contain electron books; sound-and-image materials; network resourc es; nominal praxis.


7. The trait is needed in my current(or previous position and I know I can handle it well.


8. The third part elaborates the inspiration of the reform in recent 20 years on the present stage of curr


9. They fail to realize that currt history is history without a current.

他们 没有明白当代历史是没有趋势的历史。

10. It seemed to them that the crux of the currt confusion lay in the inadequate foundation for algebra.

在他们 看来,当时的含糊不清的原因在于代数基础的不完善。

11. How breaks through present the fetter, is important topic which in the curr...


12. Specialized development of teachers can only be achieved through teaching practice. in volvementin resource development of curr...


13. I lived up at Radcliffe, in Curr


14. There exist a lot of flaws in the system of the sccond instance as the final curr...


15. Defr. Tax Asst.-Curr


16. Cite journal | author=Cromwell WC, Otvos JD | title=Low-density lipoprotein particle number and risk for cardiovascular disease | journal=CurrAtheroscler Rep | year=2004 | pages=381-7 | volume=6 | issue=5 | id=PMID


17. Fleet of foot; the fleet scurrying of squirrels; a swift currt; swift flight of an arrow; a swift runner.


18. A design method of switched curren t biquadratic filter is proposed in this paper.


19. The currcolumn for the other two fragments represents the currently achieved compression ratio.


20. The first fragment is not compressed and has a value of 0.0% in the curr (current compression ratio) column.



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