因为没有直接使用fabric8的镜像(https://hub.docker.com/r/fabric8/java-jboss-openjdk8-jdk/~/dockerfile/), 但是又羡慕其自动内存计算的功能, 所以从facric8的把"/deployments"目录下的脚本都活剥出来, 也就是抄袭出来, 打算加到自己的镜像中去.


#!/bin/sh# Fail on a single failed command
set -eo pipefail# ==========================================================
# Generic run script for running arbitrary Java applications
# Source and Documentation can be found
# at https://github.com/fabric8io/run-java-sh
# ==========================================================# Error is indicated with a prefix in the return value
check_error() {local msg=$1if echo ${msg} | grep -q "^ERROR:"; thenecho ${msg}exit 1fi
}# The full qualified directory where this script is located
get_script_dir() {# Default is current directorylocal dir=`dirname "$0"`local full_dir=`cd "${dir}" ; pwd`echo ${full_dir}
}# Try hard to find a sane default jar-file
auto_detect_jar_file() {local dir=$1# Filter out temporary jars from the shade plugin which start with 'original-'local old_dir=$(pwd)cd ${dir}if [ $? = 0 ]; thenlocal nr_jars=`ls *.jar 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^original-' | wc -l | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`if [ ${nr_jars} = 1 ]; thenls *.jar | grep -v '^original-'exit 0ficd ${old_dir}echo "ERROR: Neither \$JAVA_MAIN_CLASS nor \$JAVA_APP_JAR is set and ${nr_jars} found in ${dir} (1 expected)"elseecho "ERROR: No directory ${dir} found for auto detection"fi
}# Check directories (arg 2...n) for a jar file (arg 1)
get_jar_file() {local jar=$1shift;if [ "${jar:0:1}" = "/" ]; thenif [ -f "${jar}" ]; thenecho "${jar}"elseecho "ERROR: No such file ${jar}"fielsefor dir in $*; doif [ -f "${dir}/$jar" ]; thenecho "${dir}/$jar"returnfidoneecho "ERROR: No ${jar} found in $*"fi
}load_env() {local script_dir=$1# Configuration stuff is read from this filelocal run_env_sh="run-env.sh"# Load default default configif [ -f "${script_dir}/${run_env_sh}" ]; thensource "${script_dir}/${run_env_sh}"fi# Check also $JAVA_APP_DIR. Overrides other defaults# It's valid to set the app dir in the default scriptif [ -z "${JAVA_APP_DIR}" ]; thenJAVA_APP_DIR="${script_dir}"elseif [ -f "${JAVA_APP_DIR}/${run_env_sh}" ]; thensource "${JAVA_APP_DIR}/${run_env_sh}"fifiexport JAVA_APP_DIR# Read in container limits and export the as environment variablesif [ -f "${script_dir}/container-limits" ]; thensource "${script_dir}/container-limits"fi# JAVA_LIB_DIR defaults to JAVA_APP_DIRexport JAVA_LIB_DIR="${JAVA_LIB_DIR:-${JAVA_APP_DIR}}"if [ -z "${JAVA_MAIN_CLASS}" ] && [ -z "${JAVA_APP_JAR}" ]; thenJAVA_APP_JAR="$(auto_detect_jar_file ${JAVA_APP_DIR})"check_error "${JAVA_APP_JAR}"fiif [ "x${JAVA_APP_JAR}" != x ]; thenlocal jar="$(get_jar_file ${JAVA_APP_JAR} ${JAVA_APP_DIR} ${JAVA_LIB_DIR})"check_error "${jar}"export JAVA_APP_JAR=${jar}elseexport JAVA_MAIN_CLASSfi
}# Check for standard /opt/run-java-options first, fallback to run-java-options in the path if not existing
run_java_options() {if [ -f "/opt/run-java-options" ]; thenecho `sh /opt/run-java-options`elsewhich run-java-options >/dev/null 2>&1if [ $? = 0 ]; thenecho `run-java-options`fifi
}# Combine all java options
get_java_options() {local dir=$(get_script_dir)local java_optslocal debug_optsif [ -f "$dir/java-default-options" ]; thenjava_opts=$($dir/java-default-options)fiif [ -f "$dir/debug-options" ]; thendebug_opts=$($dir/debug-options)fi# Normalize spaces with awk (i.e. trim and elimate double spaces)echo "${JAVA_OPTIONS} $(run_java_options) ${debug_opts} ${java_opts}" | awk '$1=$1'
}# Read in a classpath either from a file with a single line, colon separated
# or given line-by-line in separate lines
# Arg 1: path to claspath (must exist), optional arg2: application jar, which is stripped from the classpath in
# multi line arrangements
format_classpath() {local cp_file="$1"local app_jar="$2"local wc_out=`wc -l $1 2>&1`if [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho "Cannot read lines in ${cp_file}: $wc_out"exit 1filocal nr_lines=`echo $wc_out | awk '{ print $1 }'`if [ ${nr_lines} -gt 1 ]; thenlocal sep=""local classpath=""while read file; dolocal full_path="${JAVA_LIB_DIR}/${file}"# Don't include app jar if include in listif [ x"${app_jar}" != x"${full_path}" ]; thenclasspath="${classpath}${sep}${full_path}"fisep=":"done < "${cp_file}"echo "${classpath}"else# Supposed to be a single line, colon separated classpath filecat "${cp_file}"fi
}# Fetch classpath from env or from a local "run-classpath" file
get_classpath() {local cp_path="."if [ "x${JAVA_LIB_DIR}" != "x${JAVA_APP_DIR}" ]; thencp_path="${cp_path}:${JAVA_LIB_DIR}"fiif [ -z "${JAVA_CLASSPATH}" ] && [ "x${JAVA_MAIN_CLASS}" != x ]; thenif [ "x${JAVA_APP_JAR}" != x ]; thencp_path="${cp_path}:${JAVA_APP_JAR}"fiif [ -f "${JAVA_LIB_DIR}/classpath" ]; then# Classpath is pre-created and stored in a 'run-classpath' filecp_path="${cp_path}:`format_classpath ${JAVA_LIB_DIR}/classpath ${JAVA_APP_JAR}`"else# No order impliedcp_path="${cp_path}:${JAVA_APP_DIR}/*"fielif [ "x${JAVA_CLASSPATH}" != x ]; then# Given from the outsidecp_path="${JAVA_CLASSPATH}"fiecho "${cp_path}"
}# Set process name if possible
get_exec_args() {EXEC_ARGS=""if [ "x${JAVA_APP_NAME}" != x ]; then# Not all shells support the 'exec -a newname' syntax..`exec -a test true 2>/dev/null`if [ "$?" = 0 ] ; thenecho "-a '${JAVA_APP_NAME}'"else# Lets switch to bash if you have it installed...if [ -f "/bin/bash" ] ; thenexec "/bin/bash" $0 $@fififi
}# Start JVM
startup() {# Initialize environmentload_env $(get_script_dir)local argscd ${JAVA_APP_DIR}if [ "x${JAVA_MAIN_CLASS}" != x ] ; thenargs="${JAVA_MAIN_CLASS}"elseargs="-jar ${JAVA_APP_JAR}"fiecho exec $(get_exec_args) java $(get_java_options) -cp "$(get_classpath)" ${args} $*exec $(get_exec_args) java $(get_java_options) -cp "$(get_classpath)" ${args} $*
}# =============================================================================
# Fire up
startup $*


# =================================================================
# Detect whether running in a container and set appropriate options
# for limiting Java VM resources
# Usage: JAVA_OPTIONS="$(java-default-options.sh)"# Env Vars evaluated:# JAVA_OPTIONS: Checked for already set options
# JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO: Ratio use to calculate a default maximum Memory, in percent.
#                     E.g. the default value "50" implies that 50% of the Memory
#                     given to the container is used as the maximum heap memory with
#                     '-Xmx'. It is a heuristic and should be better backed up with real
#                     experiments and measurements.
#                     For a good overviews what tuning options are available -->
#                             https://youtu.be/Vt4G-pHXfs4
#                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1rZOY5gbvk
#                             https://vimeo.com/album/4133413/video/181900266
# Also note that heap is only a small portion of the memory used by a JVM. There are lot
# of other memory areas (metadata, thread, code cache, ...) which addes to the overall
# size. There is no easy solution for this, 50% seems to be are reasonable compromise.
# However, when your container gets killed because of an OOM, then you should tune
# the absolute values
## Check for memory options and calculate a sane default if not given
max_memory() {# Check whether -Xmx is already given in JAVA_OPTIONS. Then we dont# do anything hereif echo "${JAVA_OPTIONS}" | grep -q -- "-Xmx"; thenreturnfi# Check if explicitely disabledif [ "x$JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO" = "x0" ]; thenreturnfi# Check for the 'real memory size' and caluclate mx from a ratio# given (default is 50%)if [ "x$CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY" != x ]; thenlocal max_mem="${CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY}"local ratio=${JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO:-50}local mx=$(echo "${max_mem} ${ratio} 1048576" | awk '{printf "%d\n" , ($1*$2)/(100*$3) + 0.5}')echo "-Xmx${mx}m"fi
}# Switch on diagnostics except when switched off
diagnostics() {if [ "x$JAVA_DIAGNOSTICS" != "x" ]; thenecho "-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions"fi
}cpu_core_tunning() {local core_limit="${JAVA_CORE_LIMIT}"if [ "x$core_limit" = "x0" ]; thenreturnfiif [ "x$CONTAINER_CORE_LIMIT" != x ]; thenif [ "x$core_limit" = x ]; thencore_limit="${CONTAINER_CORE_LIMIT}"fiecho "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=${core_limit} " \"-XX:ConcGCThreads=${core_limit} " \"-Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=${core_limit}"fi
}# Echo options, trimming trailing and multiple spaces
echo "$(max_memory) $(diagnostics) $(cpu_core_tunning)" | awk '$1=$1'


#!/bin/sh# Check for debug options and echo them if enabled. Meant to be included by
# a run script.debug_options() {if [ "x${JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG}" != "x" -o "x${JAVA_DEBUG_ENABLE}" != "x" -o "x${JAVA_DEBUG}" != "x" ]; thenlocal debug_port=${JAVA_DEBUG_PORT:-5005}echo "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=${debug_port}"fi
}## Echo options, trimming trailing and multiple spaces
echo "$(debug_options)" | awk '$1=$1'


#!/bin/sh# Detected container limits
# If found these are exposed as the following environment variables:
# This script is meant to be sourced.ceiling() {awk -vnumber="$1" -vdiv="$2" 'function ceiling(x){return x%1 ? int(x)+1 : x}BEGIN{print ceiling(number/div)}'
}# Based on the cgroup limits, figure out the max number of core we should utilize
core_limit() {local cpu_period_file="/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us"local cpu_quota_file="/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us"if [ -r "${cpu_period_file}" ]; thenlocal cpu_period="$(cat ${cpu_period_file})"if [ -r "${cpu_quota_file}" ]; thenlocal cpu_quota="$(cat ${cpu_quota_file})"# cfs_quota_us == -1 --> no restrictionsif [ "x$cpu_quota" != "x-1" ]; thenceiling "$cpu_quota" "$cpu_period"fififi
}max_memory() {# High number which is the max limit unti which memory is supposed to be# unbounded. 512 TB for now.local max_mem_unbounded="562949953421312"local mem_file="/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes"if [ -r "${mem_file}" ]; thenlocal max_mem="$(cat ${mem_file})"if [ ${max_mem} -lt ${max_mem_unbounded} ]; thenecho "${max_mem}"fifi
if [ x$limit != x ]; thenexport CONTAINER_CORE_LIMIT="${limit}"
unset limitlimit="$(max_memory)"
if [ x$limit != x ]; thenexport CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY="$limit"
unset limit


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