红帽今天在San Francisco发布了酝酿了两年之久的下一个重要版本Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5,这个版本让大伙期待了两年多,在SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10、Windows Vista、Unix等商业平台的重压下,终于重装上阵。最重要的特性当属XEN虚拟化,还包括内核升级,Red Hat Cluster Suite等等。





Thank you. We've been listening.Over two years ago we began asking what you wanted in the next major release from Red Hat. Today we'd like to show you what we heard.

An open source architecture

You told us you were tired of companies selling you more software. You wanted value. The kind of value you got from Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the kind of value that made you name us the most valuable enterprise software vendor three years running. more

A world-class service experience

You told us you'd had enough of the typical technology vendor experience. So we're bringing some of the same open source principles we use to develop open source software to how we serve our customers. more

More applications you can trust

You told us you want to extend the benefits of open source beyond the infrastructure. So we set out to transform the traditional partner model. To make commercial open source applications easier to choose, buy, and support.

The result: Red Hat Exchange (RHX). more

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