

module_init(camera_init);static __init int camera_init(void)
{ u8 err = 0; pr_debug("In MVC:camera_init\n"); /* Register the device driver structure. */ err = platform_driver_register(&mxc_v4l2_driver); if (err != 0) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture:camera_init: " "platform_driver_register failed.\n"); return err; } return err;


static struct platform_driver mxc_v4l2_driver = { .driver = { .name = "mxc_v4l2_capture", .owner = THIS_MODULE, .of_match_table = mxc_v4l2_dt_ids, }, .id_table = imx_v4l2_devtype, .probe = mxc_v4l2_probe, .remove = mxc_v4l2_remove, .suspend = mxc_v4l2_suspend, .resume = mxc_v4l2_resume, .shutdown = NULL,

(二) mxc_v4l2_probe函数

static int mxc_v4l2_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
{ /* Create cam and initialize it. */ cam_data *cam = kmalloc(sizeof(cam_data), GFP_KERNEL); if (cam == NULL) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: failed to register camera\n"); return -1; } init_camera_struct(cam, pdev); pdev->dev.release = camera_platform_release; /* Set up the v4l2 device and register it*/ cam->self->priv = cam; v4l2_int_device_register(cam->self); /* register v4l video device */ if (video_register_device(cam->video_dev, VFL_TYPE_GRABBER, video_nr) < 0) { kfree(cam); cam = NULL; pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: video_register_device failed\n"); return -1; } pr_debug("   Video device registered: %s #%d\n", cam->video_dev->name, cam->video_dev->minor); if (device_create_file(&cam->video_dev->dev, &dev_attr_fsl_v4l2_capture_property)) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Error on creating sysfs file" " for capture\n"); if (device_create_file(&cam->video_dev->dev, &dev_attr_fsl_v4l2_overlay_property)) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Error on creating sysfs file" " for overlay\n"); if (device_create_file(&cam->video_dev->dev, &dev_attr_fsl_csi_property)) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Error on creating sysfs file" " for csi number\n"); return 0;


2.1 init_camera_struct函数

static int init_camera_struct(cam_data *cam, struct platform_device *pdev)
{ const struct of_device_id *of_id = of_match_device(mxc_v4l2_dt_ids, &pdev->dev); struct device_node *np = pdev->dev.of_node; int ipu_id, csi_id, mclk_source; int ret = 0; struct v4l2_device *v4l2_dev; pr_debug("In MVC: init_camera_struct\n"); ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "ipu_id", &ipu_id); if (ret) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "ipu_id missing or invalid\n"); return ret; } ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "csi_id", &csi_id); if (ret) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "csi_id missing or invalid\n"); return ret; } ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "mclk_source", &mclk_source); if (ret) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "sensor mclk missing or invalid\n"); return ret; } /* Default everything to 0 */ memset(cam, 0, sizeof(cam_data)); /* get devtype to distinguish if the cpu is imx5 or imx6 * IMX5_V4L2 specify the cpu is imx5 * IMX6_V4L2 specify the cpu is imx6q or imx6sdl */ if (of_id) pdev->id_entry = of_id->data; cam->devtype = pdev->id_entry->driver_data; cam->ipu = ipu_get_soc(ipu_id); if (cam->ipu == NULL) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: failed to get ipu\n"); return -EINVAL; } else if (cam->ipu == ERR_PTR(-ENODEV)) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: get invalid ipu\n"); return -ENODEV; } init_MUTEX(&cam->param_lock); init_MUTEX(&cam->busy_lock); cam->video_dev = video_device_alloc(); if (cam->video_dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; *(cam->video_dev) = mxc_v4l_template; video_set_drvdata(cam->video_dev, cam); dev_set_drvdata(&pdev->dev, (void *)cam); cam->video_dev->minor = -1; v4l2_dev = kzalloc(sizeof(*v4l2_dev), GFP_KERNEL); if (!v4l2_dev) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to allocate v4l2_dev structure\n"); video_device_release(cam->video_dev); return -ENOMEM; } if (v4l2_device_register(&pdev->dev, v4l2_dev) < 0) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "register v4l2 device failed\n"); video_device_release(cam->video_dev); kfree(v4l2_dev); return -ENODEV; } cam->video_dev->v4l2_dev = v4l2_dev; init_waitqueue_head(&cam->enc_queue); init_waitqueue_head(&cam->still_queue); /* setup cropping */ cam->crop_bounds.left = 0; cam->crop_bounds.width = 640; cam-> = 0; cam->crop_bounds.height = 480; cam->crop_current = cam->crop_defrect = cam->crop_bounds; ipu_csi_set_window_size(cam->ipu, cam->crop_current.width, cam->crop_current.height, cam->csi); ipu_csi_set_window_pos(cam->ipu, cam->crop_current.left, cam->, cam->csi); cam->streamparm.parm.capture.capturemode = 0; cam->standard.index = 0; cam-> = V4L2_STD_UNKNOWN; cam->standard.frameperiod.denominator = 30; cam->standard.frameperiod.numerator = 1; cam->standard.framelines = 480; cam->standard_autodetect = true; cam->streamparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; cam->streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe = cam->standard.frameperiod; cam->streamparm.parm.capture.capability = V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME; cam->overlay_on = false; cam->capture_on = false; cam->v4l2_fb.flags = V4L2_FBUF_FLAG_OVERLAY; cam->v2f.fmt.pix.sizeimage = 352 * 288 * 3 / 2; cam->v2f.fmt.pix.bytesperline = 288 * 3 / 2; cam->v2f.fmt.pix.width = 288; cam->v2f.fmt.pix.height = 352; cam->v2f.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420; cam->win.w.width = 160; cam->win.w.height = 160; cam->win.w.left = 0; cam-> = 0; cam->ipu_id = ipu_id; cam->csi = csi_id; cam->mclk_source = mclk_source; cam->mclk_on[cam->mclk_source] = false; cam->enc_callback = camera_callback; init_waitqueue_head(&cam->power_queue); spin_lock_init(&cam->queue_int_lock); spin_lock_init(&cam->dqueue_int_lock); cam->self = kmalloc(sizeof(struct v4l2_int_device), GFP_KERNEL); cam->self->module = THIS_MODULE; sprintf(cam->self->name, "mxc_v4l2_cap%d", cam->csi); cam->self->type = v4l2_int_type_master; cam->self->u.master = &mxc_v4l2_master; return 0;

2.1.1 首先通过of_match_device函数根据pdev->dev里面的of_node项,从mxc_v4l2_dt_ids数组里面找出最匹配的一项of_device_id,然后将这个值赋给of_id。在这里of_id= {

.compatible= "fsl,imx6q-v4l2-capture",

.data= &imx_v4l2_devtype[IMX6_V4L2],


2.1.2 然后通过三个of_property_read_u32函数,来分别读取pdev->dev.of_node里面的"ipu_id","csi_id"和"mclk_source"的值,并将他们分别保存在ipu_id和csi_id以及mclk_source中。之后调用memset将cam_data*cam中的其他变量设置为0.

然后通过pdev->id_entry= of_id->data;将pdev中的id_entry项设置为of_id->data。在这里就是pdev->id_entry= &imx_v4l2_devtype[IMX6_V4L2].


2.1.3 之后就是cam->ipu= ipu_get_soc(ipu_id); ipu_get_soc这个函数在ipu_common.c中定义,如下所示:

struct ipu_soc *ipu_get_soc(int id)
{ if (id >= MXC_IPU_MAX_NUM) return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); else if (!ipu_array[id].online) return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); else return &(ipu_array[id]);


static struct ipu_soc ipu_array[MXC_IPU_MAX_NUM];
#define MXC_IPU_MAX_NUM     2

目前为止,最多有2个ipu,ipu_get_soc函数从这个ipu_array数组中根据ipu_id取出相应的ipu。然后对ipu_id进行判断,如果它大于ipu的最大数目,就直接返回。然后判断ipu_array[id].online这一项,我们可以在ipu_soc结构体里面看到这一项,他是一个bool类型的变量,判断系统是否正在占用这一个ipu,如果系统正在占用这一个ipu的话,就只能返回了,如果以上两点都满足的话,就返回找到的这个ipu_soc结构体的地址。可以看这个cam_data结构体,它里面有一项成员是void*ipu,所以这个ipu_get_soc返回的是(structipu_soc *)类型。在本例中就是返回&(ipu_array[id])。


 cam->ipu = ipu_get_soc(ipu_id); if (cam->ipu == NULL) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: failed to get ipu\n"); return -EINVAL; } else if (cam->ipu == ERR_PTR(-ENODEV)) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: get invalid ipu\n"); return -ENODEV; }

2.1.4 之后就是初始化一些互斥锁,为cam结构体里面的video_dev分配内存,然后通过*(cam->video_dev)= mxc_v4l_template;将video_device结构体指向了mxc_v4l_template,mxc_v4l_template如下所示:

static struct video_device mxc_v4l_template = { .name = "Mxc Camera", .fops = &mxc_v4l_fops, .release = video_device_release,
static struct v4l2_file_operations mxc_v4l_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = mxc_v4l_open, .release = mxc_v4l_close, .read = mxc_v4l_read, .ioctl = mxc_v4l_ioctl, .mmap = mxc_mmap, .poll = mxc_poll,

通过这一步,就为用户空间提供了接口函数,当用户空间调用open,read, poll等函数的时候,就会调用到mxc_v4l_open,mxc_v4l_read, mxc_v4l_poll等函数。这些函数都在mxc_v4l2_capture.c里面提供了,后面再分析。

2.1.5 然后通过

video_set_drvdata(cam->video_dev, cam);
dev_set_drvdata(&pdev->dev, (void *)cam);



2.1.6 然后将cam->video_dev->minor设置为-1;在structvideo_device结构体中有这样的注释:

/*'minor' is set to -1 if the registration failed */,


2.1.7 之后就是为v4l2_dev结构体分配内存并清零,调用了v4l2_device_register(&pdev->dev,v4l2_dev)函数,这个函数将v4l2_dev这个结构体里面的一些成员函数进行了初始化,然后将pdev->dev->p指向v4l2_dev,然后通过cam->video_dev->v4l2_dev= v4l2_dev;将v4l2_dev添加到cam->video_dev结构体里面。

2.1.8 通过



2.1.9 之后就是设置cam_data结构体里面的一些其他参数的初始值:

        cam->crop_bounds.left = 0; cam->crop_bounds.width = 640; cam-> = 0; cam->crop_bounds.height = 480;


struct v4l2_rect { __s32   left; __s32   top; __u32   width; __u32   height;


然后通过cam->crop_current= cam->crop_defrect =cam->crop_bounds;这条语句将cam_data结构体里面其他两个相似的成员crop_current和crop_defrect赋值。将这三个值都初始化为左上角坐标为(0,0),区域大小都为640* 480。




ipu_csi_write(ipu,csi, (width - 1) | (height - 1) << 16, CSI_ACT_FRM_SIZE);

--->writel(value, ipu->csi_reg[csi] + offset);

其中value= (width - 1) | (height - 1) << 16, offset = CSI_ACT_FRM_SIZE,大致意思是根据cam->ipu和cam->csi(这两个变量之前刚设定好)将(width- 1) | (height - 1) <<16的值写到csi寄存器里面,这个csi寄存器的初始地址在通过ipu_get_soc函数获取ipu的时候已经获取到了,CSI_ACT_FRM_SIZE就是关于csi寄存器初始地址的偏移值,它在drivers/mxc/ipu3/ipu_regs.h中定义。





2.1.10 下面就是继续设置cam_data结构体里面成员初始值,分别设置了streamparm,standard,standard_autodetect,overlay_on,capture_on,v2f,win的值。这些就不分析了,后面用到的话再说。


 cam->ipu_id = ipu_id; cam->csi = csi_id; cam->mclk_source = mclk_source; cam->mclk_on[cam->mclk_source] = false;



2.1.11 下面就是设置cam_data中的self结构体,self结构体为structv4l2_int_device类型的,

 cam->self = kmalloc(sizeof(struct v4l2_int_device), GFP_KERNEL); cam->self->module = THIS_MODULE; sprintf(cam->self->name, "mxc_v4l2_cap%d", cam->csi); cam->self->type = v4l2_int_type_master; cam->self->u.master = &mxc_v4l2_master;



2.2 下面我们返回probe函数中继续分析:

pdev->dev.release= camera_platform_release;


2.3 下面是

cam->self->priv= cam;




int v4l2_int_device_register(struct v4l2_int_device *d)
{ if (d->type == v4l2_int_type_slave) sort(d->u.slave->ioctls, d->u.slave->num_ioctls, <span style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;"> </span>/* 按照序号存储,加快访问速度。*/ sizeof(struct v4l2_int_ioctl_desc), &ioctl_sort_cmp, NULL); mutex_lock(&mutex); list_add(&d->head, &int_list); //无论是slave还是master都会添加到int_list中 v4l2_int_device_try_attach_all(); //都会做匹配动作 mutex_unlock(&mutex); return 0;



static inline int __must_check video_register_device_no_warn( struct video_device *vdev, int type, int nr)
{ return __video_register_device(vdev, type, nr, 0, vdev->fops->owner);


int __video_register_device(struct video_device *vdev, int type, int nr, int warn_if_nr_in_use, struct module *owner)
{ int i = 0; int ret; int minor_offset = 0; int minor_cnt = VIDEO_NUM_DEVICES; const char *name_base; /* A minor value of -1 marks this video device as never having been registered */ vdev->minor = -1; /* the release callback MUST be present */ if (WARN_ON(!vdev->release)) return -EINVAL; 

/*如果没有提供这个release函数的话,就直接返回错误,那么我们在哪初始化了它呢?在上面的init_camera_struct(cam,pdev);函数中,通过下面这个语句*(cam->video_dev)= mxc_v4l_template;来为它指定release函数了,在mxc_v4l_template结构体中

.release= video_device_release。*/


/* the v4l2_dev pointer MUST be present */ if (WARN_ON(!vdev->v4l2_dev)) return -EINVAL;


 /* v4l2_fh support */ spin_lock_init(&vdev->fh_lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vdev->fh_list); /* Part 1: check device type */ switch (type) { case VFL_TYPE_GRABBER: name_base = "video"; break; case VFL_TYPE_VBI: name_base = "vbi"; break; case VFL_TYPE_RADIO: name_base = "radio"; break; case VFL_TYPE_SUBDEV: name_base = "v4l-subdev"; break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s called with unknown type: %d\n", __func__, type); return -EINVAL; } 


 vdev->vfl_type = type; vdev->cdev = NULL; if (vdev->v4l2_dev) { if (vdev->v4l2_dev->dev) vdev->parent = vdev->v4l2_dev->dev; if (vdev->ctrl_handler == NULL) vdev->ctrl_handler = vdev->v4l2_dev->ctrl_handler; /* If the prio state pointer is NULL, then use the v4l2_device prio state. */ if (vdev->prio == NULL) vdev->prio = &vdev->v4l2_dev->prio; } 


 /* Part 2: find a free minor, device node number and device index. */
#ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_FIXED_MINOR_RANGES /* Keep the ranges for the first four types for historical * reasons. * Newer devices (not yet in place) should use the range * of 128-191 and just pick the first free minor there * (new style). */ switch (type) { case VFL_TYPE_GRABBER: minor_offset = 0; minor_cnt = 64; break; case VFL_TYPE_RADIO: minor_offset = 64; minor_cnt = 64; break; case VFL_TYPE_VBI: minor_offset = 224; minor_cnt = 32; break; default: minor_offset = 128; minor_cnt = 64; break; }
#endif /* Pick a device node number */ mutex_lock(&videodev_lock); nr = devnode_find(vdev, nr == -1 ? 0 : nr, minor_cnt); if (nr == minor_cnt) nr = devnode_find(vdev, 0, minor_cnt); if (nr == minor_cnt) { printk(KERN_ERR "could not get a free device node number\n"); mutex_unlock(&videodev_lock); return -ENFILE; }
#ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_FIXED_MINOR_RANGES /* 1-on-1 mapping of device node number to minor number */ i = nr;
#else /* The device node number and minor numbers are independent, so we just find the first free minor number. */ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_NUM_DEVICES; i++) if (video_device[i] == NULL) break; if (i == VIDEO_NUM_DEVICES) { mutex_unlock(&videodev_lock); printk(KERN_ERR "could not get a free minor\n"); return -ENFILE; }
#endif vdev->minor = i + minor_offset; vdev->num = nr; devnode_set(vdev); /* Should not happen since we thought this minor was free */ WARN_ON(video_device[vdev->minor] != NULL); vdev->index = get_index(vdev); video_device[vdev->minor] = vdev;mutex_unlock(&videodev_lock); if (vdev->ioctl_ops) determine_valid_ioctls(vdev);


 /* Part 3: Initialize the character device */ vdev->cdev = cdev_alloc(); if (vdev->cdev == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } 


 vdev->cdev->ops = &v4l2_fops; 


static const struct file_operations v4l2_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .read = v4l2_read, .write = v4l2_write, .open = v4l2_open, .get_unmapped_area = v4l2_get_unmapped_area, .mmap = v4l2_mmap, .unlocked_ioctl = v4l2_ioctl,
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT .compat_ioctl = v4l2_compat_ioctl32,
#endif .release = v4l2_release, .poll = v4l2_poll, .llseek = no_llseek,




 vdev->cdev->owner = owner; ret = cdev_add(vdev->cdev, MKDEV(VIDEO_MAJOR, vdev->minor), 1); if (ret < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: cdev_add failed\n", __func__); kfree(vdev->cdev); vdev->cdev = NULL; goto cleanup; } /* Part 4: register the device with sysfs */ vdev->dev.class = &video_class; vdev->dev.devt = MKDEV(VIDEO_MAJOR, vdev->minor); if (vdev->parent) vdev->dev.parent = vdev->parent; dev_set_name(&vdev->dev, "%s%d", name_base, vdev->num); ret = device_register(&vdev->dev); if (ret < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: device_register failed\n", __func__); goto cleanup; } /* Register the release callback that will be called when the last reference to the device goes away. */ vdev->dev.release = v4l2_device_release; if (nr != -1 && nr != vdev->num && warn_if_nr_in_use) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: requested %s%d, got %s\n", __func__, name_base, nr, video_device_node_name(vdev)); /* Increase v4l2_device refcount */ if (vdev->v4l2_dev) v4l2_device_get(vdev->v4l2_dev);
/* 在sysfs中创建类,在类下创建设备结点 */#if defined(CONFIG_MEDIA_CONTROLLER) /* Part 5: Register the entity. */ if (vdev->v4l2_dev && vdev->v4l2_dev->mdev && vdev->vfl_type != VFL_TYPE_SUBDEV) { vdev->entity.type = MEDIA_ENT_T_DEVNODE_V4L; vdev-> = vdev->name; vdev-> = VIDEO_MAJOR; vdev-> = vdev->minor; ret = media_device_register_entity(vdev->v4l2_dev->mdev, &vdev->entity); if (ret < 0) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: media_device_register_entity failed\n", __func__); }


 /* Part 6: Activate this minor. The char device can now be used. */ set_bit(V4L2_FL_REGISTERED, &vdev->flags); 


 mutex_lock(&videodev_lock); video_device[vdev->minor] = vdev; 

/*将设置好的video_device结构体vdev按照次设备号保存到video_device数组中。这个数组是在前面staticstruct video_device *video_device[VIDEO_NUM_DEVICES];定义的。*/

 mutex_unlock(&videodev_lock); return 0; cleanup: mutex_lock(&videodev_lock); if (vdev->cdev) cdev_del(vdev->cdev); devnode_clear(vdev); mutex_unlock(&videodev_lock); /* Mark this video device as never having been registered. */ vdev->minor = -1; return ret;

2.5 下面通过3次调用device_create_file函数,来分别为dev_attr_fsl_v4l2_capture_property,dev_attr_fsl_v4l2_overlay_property和dev_attr_fsl_csi_property在/sys/class/下创建对应的属性文件。


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  8. 程序设计竞赛资源索引
  9. highcharts 24小时显示数据,显示00:00格式的数据
  10. 软件设计师23-存储器系统02
  11. Hive DDL DML
  12. 爬虫实例7 爬取豆瓣电影数据 (json+ajax)
  13. 稀疏矩阵与 spdiags函数图解
  14. 关于考研复习数学分析和高等代数
  15. 微软Google人才战主角首次开口:Google让我震撼(转)
  16. 【机器学习基础】理解为什么机器可以学习1——PAC学习模型
  17. 《淘宝店铺营销推广一册通》一1.3 宝贝标题优化
  18. 基于遗传算法自动组卷的实现
  19. 实时高分辨率视频抠像
  20. android gridview 详解,Android GridView九宫图


  2. Linux 关闭透明大页(transparent_hugepage)和 NUMA
  3. Android集成阿里消息推送
  4. ORA-02391问题分析与解决
  5. 推荐书单(网课)-人生/编程/Python/机器学习
  6. 昆仑通态屏幕制作(连载4)---基础篇(图形设定与显示,按钮灯)
  7. Android 2D游戏引擎1
  8. JSR303--异常处理
  9. 湿空气性质计算,随笔与学习记录(合订)
  10. 废旧锂电池湿法回收酸浸料液除氟