



fix ID group-ID style args
ID = fix命令的ID
group-ID = 该fix命令所作用的原子组的ID
style = fix类型名(最下有列表)
args = 特定类型fix命令所需要的参数

fix 1 all nve
fix 3 all nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.01
fix mine top setforce 0.0 NULL 0.0





注意:使用unfix命令是唯一用来关闭fix命令所施加的约束的方法。如果只是指定一种新的类似的fix命令并不会关闭之前的fix命令。这对于进行积分的fix命令特别重要。举例来说,如果你先定义了fix nvt命令,然后又定义了fix nve命令,这样做并不会将先定义的NVT时间积分取消掉,而是这两个时间积分同时进行。











全局量可以使用命令thermo_style custom or fix ave/time 输出,也可以以equal类型或atom类型的变量进行引用。
单原子量可以使用 dump customor fix ave/spatial命令进行输出,也可以使用 fix ave/atom命令对时间进行平均,或使用compute reduce 命令进行降维,或使用atom-style类型的变量进行引用。
局域量可以使用compute reduce命令进行降维,或者使用fix ave/histo命令进行直方图化。

fix命令计算的全局量既可以是内部的,也可以是外部的。“内部”是说其值独立于模拟中的原子数,比如温度。“外部”是说其值的大小与模拟中的原子数有关系,比如总的转动动能。命令Thermodynamic output 会将外部量的值对体系中的原子数进行规范化,具体看"thermo_modify norm"的设置。但对于内部量,它不会进行规范化。如果使用其他方法对fix量进行引用,比如变量variable,你需要了解它是内部量还是外部量。


adapt - change a simulation parameter over time
addforce - add a force to each atom
append/atoms - append atoms to a running simulation
aveforce - add an averaged force to each atom
ave/atom - compute per-atom time-averaged quantities
ave/histo - compute/output time-averaged histograms
ave/spatial - compute/output time-averaged per-atom quantities by layer
ave/time - compute/output global time-averaged quantities
bond/break - break bonds on the fly
bond/create - create bonds on the fly
bond/swap - Monte Carlo bond swapping
box/relax - relax box size during energy minimization
deform - change the simulation box size/shape
deposit - add new atoms above a surface
drag - drag atoms towards a defined coordinate
dt/reset - reset the timestep based on velocity, forces
efield - impose electric field on system
enforce2d - zero out z-dimension velocity and force
evaporate - remove atoms from simulation periodically
external - callback to an external driver program
freeze - freeze atoms in a granular simulation
gravity - add gravity to atoms in a granular simulation
gcmc - grand canonical insertions/deletions
heat - add/subtract momentum-conserving heat
indent - impose force due to an indenter
langevin - Langevin temperature control
lineforce - constrain atoms to move in a line
momentum - zero the linear and/or angular momentum of a group of atoms
move - move atoms in a prescribed fashion
msst - multi-scale shock technique (MSST) integration
neb - nudged elastic band (NEB) spring forces
nph - constant NPH time integration via Nose/Hoover
nph/asphere - NPH for aspherical particles
nph/sphere - NPH for spherical particles
nphug - constant-stress Hugoniostat integration
npt - constant NPT time integration via Nose/Hoover
npt/asphere - NPT for aspherical particles
npt/sphere - NPT for spherical particles
nve - constant NVE time integration
nve/asphere - NVE for aspherical particles
nve/asphere/noforce - NVE for aspherical particles without forces"
nve/body - NVE for body particles
nve/limit - NVE with limited step length
nve/line - NVE for line segments
nve/noforce - NVE without forces (v only)
nve/sphere - NVE for spherical particles
nve/tri - NVE for triangles
nvt - constant NVT time integration via Nose/Hoover
nvt/asphere - NVT for aspherical particles
nvt/sllod - NVT for NEMD with SLLOD equations
nvt/sphere - NVT for spherical particles
orient/fcc - add grain boundary migration force
planeforce - constrain atoms to move in a plane
poems - constrain clusters of atoms to move as coupled rigid bodies
pour - pour new atoms into a granular simulation domain
press/berendsen - pressure control by Berendsen barostat
print - print text and variables during a simulation
property/atom - add customized per-atom values
reax/bonds - write out ReaxFF bond information recenter - constrain the center-of-mass position of a group of atoms
restrain - constrain a bond, angle, dihedral
rigid - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVE integration
rigid/nph - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NPH integration
rigid/npt - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NPT integration
rigid/nve - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with alternate NVE integration
rigid/nvt - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVT integration
rigid - constrain many small clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVE integration
setforce - set the force on each atom
shake - SHAKE constraints on bonds and/or angles
spring - apply harmonic spring force to group of atoms
spring/rg - spring on radius of gyration of group of atoms
spring/self - spring from each atom to its origin
srd - stochastic rotation dynamics (SRD)
store/force - store force on each atom
store/state - store attributes for each atom
temp/berendsen - temperature control by Berendsen thermostat
temp/rescale - temperature control by velocity rescaling
thermal/conductivity - 使用Muller-Plathe方法计算热导
tmd - guide a group of atoms to a new configuration
ttm - two-temperature model for electronic/atomic coupling
viscosity - Muller-Plathe动量交换法计算粘度
viscous - viscous damping for granular simulations
wall/colloid - Lennard-Jones wall interacting with finite-size particles
wall/gran - frictional wall(s) for granular simulations
wall/harmonic - harmonic spring wall
wall/lj126 - Lennard-Jones 12-6 wall
wall/lj93 - Lennard-Jones 9-3 wall
wall/piston - moving reflective piston wall
wall/reflect - reflecting wall(s)
wall/region - use region surface as wall
wall/srd - slip/no-slip wall for SRD particles





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