

班级:_________ 姓名:________ 学号:________ 计分:________

I. 根据图片把方框里的单词或词组填入对应的空格。(14分)

1. __________________ 2. _________________

3. __________________ 4. _________________

5. __________________ 6. _________________

7. __________________

II. 中英文配对:将中文前的字母填入其对应的英文前的空格里。(20分)

_____ 1. input device a. 闪盘

_____ 2. RAM b. 只读光盘

_____ 3. floppy disk c. 芯片

_____ 4. memory bank d. 移动硬盘

_____ 5. output device e. 输入设备

_____ 6. flash disk f. 随机存储器

_____ 7. chip g. 软盘

_____ 8. mobile hard disk h. 输出设备

_____ 9. motherboard i. 内存条

_____ 10. CD-ROM j. 主板

III. 阅读理解:


Mary: Hello, PC Support Center. This is Mary. What can I do for you?

Customer: Hello. this is Chen Lin. I’m calling because I have some questions about my disk.

Mary: Hi, Chen Lin. You can tell me one by one.

Customer: I’m afraid I’ll run out of disk space. What shall I do?

Mary: OK, running out of hard disk space is no big deal. You can just start moving old junks off to the CDs or you can just add a second hard disk.

Customer: Oh, I see. Are there any signs before the hard drive fails?

Mary: Yes, the signs may include strange sounds, noise, popping or similar problems.

Customer: Thanks for your help

Mary: You’re welcome.


1. Chen Lin’s hard disk is almost full. ( )

2. There is a strange sound before the hard drive fails. ( )

3. Running out of hard disk space is a serious problem. ( )

4. Mary works at PC Support Center. ( )

5. Chen Lin asks Mary for help. ( )

6. Chen Lin can’t add second hard disk. ( )


Data are written to and read from the surface of a platter by a device called a head. Hard disk platters are sealed inside the hard disk box to prevent dust. The drive spindle supports one or more hard disk platters. Both sides of the platter are used for data storage. More platters mean more data storage capacity.

The data are recorded on a series of concentric circles called tracks. A cylinder comprises tracks with the same track number on each platter. There can be more than a thousand tracks on a 3.5 inch hard disk. Sections within each track are called sectors. A cluster can consist of one or more consecutive sectors. A sector is the smallest physical storage unit on a disk.


The computer reads data from the disk by using a _____.

A. head B. spindle C. sector.

2. The _____ is the smallest unit on a disk when a computer writes the data to the disk.

A. cluster B. sector C. track

3. According to the passage, we know that the data are recorded on ______.

A. circles B. tracks C. sectors

IV. 把下列字母重组为正确的单词。(30分)





l o t s

wa hard re

tall s in

up set


k e t o c s

tt ba er y

ge ra s to

ware soft

e r o w t

V. 把下列句子翻译程中文。(15分)

1. Running out of hard disk space is no big deal. You can just start moving old junk off to CDs or you can just add a second hard disk.


2. If your computer can work, it not only needs the computer hardware system, but also needs the computer software system.



3. This is because the battery of the motherboard is getting low. It could also be a dad connection between the battery and the motherboard.




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