代写INFT 1020作业、Database作业代做、Java课程作业代写、c++,Python编程作业代做

日期:2020-04-25 10:27

INFT 1020 Database Fundamentals 202001 Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Gamer's Club Database

Your first assignment for this semester is to design a database for you and your friends in the E-Sports Gamer's Club

(ESGC - the only club you should ever join!). To complete this assignment, you will need to bring a PC with a highend

graphics card, lightning-fast CPU, your favourite games and a good supply of energy drinks. It's like a therapy

session with you and your class mates (just to prove databases can really be fun!).

Jokes aside, this stuff is really serious. If you don’t believe me, look up any of the big international events such as

Blizzcon or better still check out some of the action shots here. Our fight club is way more elite than the others so

we need a system in place to help track all the awesome fun.

The Detail

eSport events come in two categories; local game meets and eSport events held at public venues (for example, see

Blizzcon 2019). Local game meets are the most common and only involve other club members. Public gaming

events are loads of fun and involve awesome team-based games. The database needs to help us keep track of

members so that we can quickly distribute event dates for gaming conventions and more commonly, game nights

involving a sleep over (although usually players don’t really sleep!). We would need to record contact information to

spread the word as quickly as possible.

The planned gaming events are a little different from public events and often involve a sleepover at either a

member’s home address or some other location. Due to several complaints about member freeloading, we also

want to keep a record of who brought food (and what they brought – yoyos and other cheap-as biscuits are frowned

upon in this club!). It may be handy to have some basic food rating system – perhaps a food field and a simple 1-5

food rating. If a member brings something ordinary to one of these events too often, then they may as well have

brought nothing and their record gets marked as a freeloader.

For game meets we record multiple game rounds and which teams participated. This also involves recording the

winning team for each round. Because these rounds are so important to a team's status (and we want to be fair and

everything), we also need to record info about the types of computers brought along by each member to the event

(desktop, laptop, cpu, memory, gpu, etc). On completion of a members only team play, we need to record the 1st

prize (team) winner and runner up for that sleep over/gaming weekend.

Restrictions on the Design

To achieve the desired level of flexibility in data collection, the design will be expected to accommodate the

following features:

? The design should consist of around 7-10 classes (information about public gaming events does not need to

be recorded)

? It is up to you as the designer if you want to use inheritance in the proposed design.

? Your design should include at least 5 foreign keys and 2 composite primary keys.

? Your design will be optimised to reduce the storage of redundant information.

INFT 1020 Database Fundamentals 202001 Assignment 1

Submission Requirements

To complete the assignment, you must submit each of the following:

1. A Conceptual UML design of the database showing the attributes of each class and highlighting ALL

associations between classes including their multiplicities.

a. The UML diagram must be drawn up in UMLet.

b. Multiplicities must be included.

c. Save the UML as an image to be included in your final word document (make sure it is still

readable!). You may need to rotate the page layout to landscape.

2. An Executable UML design of the database showing the attributes of each class and highlighting ALL

associations between classes including their multiplicities.

a. The UML diagram must be drawn up in DBDesignerFork.

b. Multiplicities must be included and can be represented using number or crow’s feet notation.

c. Save the UML as an image to be included in your final word document (make sure it is still

readable!). You may need to rotate the page layout to landscape.

3. Written Relational/Logical Schemas for your design showing:

a. Each of the required Table Schemas

b. Any Primary and Candidate Keys using notation PK(xx) and CK(yy)

c. Any Foreign Keys using notation FK(attr1) -> Table2(attr1)

4. At least three table Creation statements for your design which together must cover:

a. An example of a named Primary Key

b. An example of a named Foreign Key

c. An example of a named Composite Primary Key OR Composite Foreign Key

5. Justification for some of your decisions (those that may be debatable). For example, why you may have

chosen a particular class and/or relationship over another (e.g. a 1:many relationship instead of inheritance,

or vertical vs horizontal inheritance in the logical design etc). There is a maximum of 2500 words so dot

point justifications are acceptable. If it rambles you will lose marks as the reader will fall asleep.

Your designs should be combined into a final word document that includes a Title page (with your name, ID and Title

of the assignment), the above numbered points in their own section with suitable section labels.

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