Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.

Follow up:
Can you solve it without using extra space?



  • fast = slow * 2
  • fast - slow = (n - k)的倍数



/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* struct ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode *next;*     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}* };*///Runtime:16 ms
class Solution {
public:ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {if (head == NULL){return NULL;}ListNode *slow = head;ListNode *fast = head;while (fast->next && fast->next->next){slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;if (fast == slow){break;}}if (fast->next && fast->next->next){slow = head;while (slow != fast){slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next;}return slow;}return NULL;}


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