转载请注明出处 http://blog.csdn.net/sunxinrui1983/archive/2009/09/15/4554694.aspx


#yum install apr

#yum install mod_dav_svn




LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/mod_authz_svn.so
#LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so

# Example configuration to enable HTTP access for a directory
# containing Subversion repositories, "/var/www/svn".  Each repository
# must be both:
#   a) readable and writable by the 'apache' user, and
#   b) labelled with the 'http_sys_content_rw_t' context if using
#   SELinux

# To create a new repository "http://localhost/repos/stuff" using
# this configuration, run as root:
#   # cd /var/www/svn
#   # svnadmin create stuff  
#   # chown -R apache.apache stuff
#   # chcon -R -t -t http_sys_content_rw_t stuff

<Location /repos>
     DAV svn
     SVNParentPath /public/svn/
#   # Limit write permission to list of valid users.
#      # Require SSL connection for password protection.
#      # SSLRequireSSL
      AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/httpd/authz.conf
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Please enter your name and password"
      AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/authfile
      Require valid-user
#   </LimitExcept>




htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf.d/authfile sxr


AuthzSVNAccessFile 指明详细权限设置文件路径,该文件可以进一步指明不同项目的访问权限,该文件的格式如下(需要注意每行前面不能有空格 ):

sxr = sxr
stb_sxr = stb_sxr

sxr = rw

stb_sxr = rw


#apachectl restart



#mkdir /public/svn/AR6k

#svnadmin create /public/svn/AR6k


#cat /public/svn/AR6k/conf/svnserve.conf

### This file controls the configuration of the svnserve daemon, if you
### use it to allow access to this repository.  (If you only allow
### access through http: and/or file: URLs, then this file is
### irrelevant.)

### Visit http://subversion.tigris.org/ for more information.

### These options control access to the repository for unauthenticated
### and authenticated users.  Valid values are "write", "read",
### and "none".  The sample settings below are the defaults.
anon-access = read
auth-access = write
### The password-db option controls the location of the password
### database file.  Unless you specify a path starting with a /,
### the file's location is relative to the directory containing
### this configuration file.
### If SASL is enabled (see below), this file will NOT be used.
### Uncomment the line below to use the default password file.
password-db = passwd
### The authz-db option controls the location of the authorization
### rules for path-based access control.  Unless you specify a path
### starting with a /, the file's location is relative to the the
### directory containing this file.  If you don't specify an
### authz-db, no path-based access control is done.
### Uncomment the line below to use the default authorization file.
authz-db = authz
### This option specifies the authentication realm of the repository.
### If two repositories have the same authentication realm, they should
### have the same password database, and vice versa.  The default realm
### is repository's uuid.
# realm = My First Repository


#svn import AR6k files:///public/svn/AR6k -m "original"


#vi /public/svn/AR6k/conf/authz

### This file is an example authorization file for svnserve.

# joe = /C=XZ/ST=Dessert/L=Snake City/O=Snake Oil, Ltd./OU=Research Institute/CN=Joe Average

sxr = sxr
cvs = cvsroot

 @sxr = rw
# @harry_and_sally = rw
# * = r
@sxr = rw
@cvs = rw


#vi /public/svn/AR6k/conf/passwd

### This file is an example password file for svnserve.
### Its format is similar to that of svnserve.conf. As shown in the
### example below it contains one section labelled [users].
### The name and password for each user follow, one account per line.

# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret
sxr = sxr
cvsroot = cvsroot


#svnserve -d -r /public/svn/

然后就可以通过svn://ip_addr/AR6k 来访问代码库。

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