
    These days, Sempr is crazed on one problem named Crazy Thair. Given N (1 ≤ N ≤ 50000) numbers, which  are no more than 109, Crazy Thair is a group of 5 numbers {i, j, k, l, m} satisfying:

    1. 1 ≤ i < j < k < l < m  N

    2. Ai < Aj < Ak < Al < Am

  For example, in the sequence {2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6},there are four Crazy Thair groups: {1, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {1, 3, 4, 5, 7} and {2, 3, 4, 5, 7}.

Could you help Sempr to count how many Crazy Thairs in the sequence?



  Input contains several test cases. Each test case begins with a line containing a number N, followed by a line containing N numbers.



Output the amount of Crazy Thairs in each sequence.





  靠,好复杂,又没有P语言,C语言不会翻,I give up it。然后LZH经过了N天N夜,在 big head 的叽叽咕咕下,在 pig 的乱搞下,AC啦。于是我狠狠的敲了一波标。



    F[I,j]= sum(F[k,j-1]) (1<=k<I且a[i]>a[k])



typearr=recordx,y:longint;end;vardp:array [0..50001,1..5] of int64;m,len,n,k:longint;f:array [0..50001] of longint;tree:array [0..50001] of arr;sum:array [0..101] of longint;procedure qsort(l,r:longint);
beginif l>=r then exit;i:=l; j:=r;key:=tree[(l+r) shr 1].x;key1:=tree[(l+r) shr 1].y;repeatwhile (tree[i].x<key) or (tree[i].x=key) and (tree[i].y<key1) do inc(i);while (tree[j].x>key) or (tree[j].x=key) and (tree[j].y>key1) do dec(j);if i<=j thenbegintemp:=tree[i]; tree[i]:=tree[j]; tree[j]:=temp;inc(i);dec(j);end;until i>j;qsort(l,j);qsort(i,r);
end;function bit(n:longint):longint;
beginexit(n and -n);
end;procedure jf(n:qword);
vari:longint;a,b:array [0..100] of longint;
beginfillchar(a,sizeof(a),0);fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);i:=-1;while n>0 dobegininc(i);a[i]:=n mod 10;n:=n div 10;end;i:=-1;while i<100 dobegininc(i);b[i]:=a[i]+sum[i]+b[i];if b[i]>=10 thenbegininc(b[i+1]);b[i]:=b[i] mod 10;end;end;for i:=0 to 99 dosum[i]:=b[i];
end;function count(n,j:longint):int64;
beginans:=0;while n>0 dobeginans:=ans+dp[n,j];n:=n-bit(n);end;exit(ans);
end;procedure update(n,j:longint;k:int64);
beginwhile n<=m dobegindp[n,j]:=dp[n,j]+k;n:=n+bit(n);end;
end;procedure dpp(n:longint);
beginfillchar(dp,sizeof(dp),0);fillchar(sum,sizeof(sum),0);len:=1;for i:=1 to n dobegintem:=count(f[i]-1,4);jf(tem);for j:=5 downto 2 dobegintem:=count(f[i]-1,j-1);update(f[i],j,tem);end;update(f[i],1,1);end;len:=100;while(sum[len]=0) and (len>0) do dec(len);for i:=len downto 0 dowrite(sum[i]);writeln;
end;procedure main;
beginwhile not eof dobeginreadln(n);m:=n;for i:=1 to n-1 dobeginread(tree[i].x);tree[i].y:=i;end;readln(tree[n].x);tree[n].y:=n;qsort(1,n);f[tree[1].y]:=1; k:=0;for i:=1 to n dobeginif tree[i].x=tree[i-1].x then f[tree[i].y]:=f[tree[i-1].y] elsebeginf[tree[i].y]:=k+1;inc(k);end;end;dpp(n);end;


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