

—What _______ you do if you _______ 5 million yuan?— I’d travel around the world.A.will, will winB.w

I don’t know ______ tomorrow.A.where my father will goB.where will my father goC.where did my father

.In recent years, Chinese traditional culture _______________ more and more fashionable. A.has becom

The plane ____________when I got to the airport. I nearly missed it.A.was leavingB.had leftC.has lef

—Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please?—Sorry. He ___________ Sanya for a holiday.A. has gone to

Yesterday I met Jim. We ____________ each other since we _________ middle school.A.haven’t seen ; fi


.In recent years, Chinese traditional culture _______________ more and more fashionable. A.has becom

.In recent years, Chinese traditional culture _______________ more and more fashionable. A.has becom

—Where are Kate and Michael?  —They __________ England.A. have gone to B. have been to C. had been i

He ______ a chance to try it again just now.A.gaveB.will giveC.is givenD.was given

My grandparents _________for fifty years and they are both quite healthy now.A.marryB.have been marr

-- It’s a nice camera. -- Yes, my uncle______for my last birthday.A.buyB.have boughtC.will buyD.boug

My father isn’t at home. He ____________ home for a week.A. has left B. has been away from C. left

— What do you think of the young lady?— She is hard-working. She ________ all her effort into her wo

We _______ many roses in the garden since last year.A.plantB.plantedC.have plantedD.are planting

---------I have seen the film Tiny Times twice. --------- Oh, it is wonderful. ______ you _______ an

—Did you see a girl in white pass by just now?—No, sir. I________a newspaper.A.readB.was readingC.wo

The books______ into many other languages last year.A.translateB.translatedC.are translatedD.were tr

—Tom, what do you want to do this weekend?—I ______ a picnic with my family in the country.A. have

Yesterday I met Jim. We ____________ each other since we _________ middle school.A.haven’t seen ; fi

The scientists ________ on the new medicine for two years. They will succeed in no time. A.workB.are

During the last 3 years, the students ________ more than 2000 English words.A.have learned B.learned

My grandparents _________for fifty years and they are both quite healthy now.A.marryB.have been marr

—Mike, where is Miss Li?—She ______ a speech to the first-year students now.A.givesB.gave C.is givin

Miss Lin ______ a lot of work for the poor area for about 10 years.A.does B.didC.has done D.will do

Miss Lin ______ a lot of work for the poor area for about 10 years.A.does B.didC.has done D.will do

The film _________________ for half an hour when she got to the cinema.A.has been overB.has finished

—Where are Kate and Michael?  —They __________ England.A. have gone to B. have been to C. had been i

—Mike, where is Miss Li?—She ______ a speech to the first-year students now.A.givesB.gave C.is givin

----- Did you go to Sam's weekend party?   ----- No, I ______________.A.am not invitedB.wasn't invit

—Where is Jack? —I noticed that he ________the teacher’s office just now.A.went intoB.goes intoC.was

—Why was he late for school yesterday?— He overslept. By the time he got to the bus stop, the bus __

---How did the accident happen? ---You know, it ________difficult to see the road clearly because it

I don’t know if it _______ next Sunday. If it _______, we will go and fly kites.A.will rain; won’t r


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