* 1.关于编程风格:每一位程序猿可能都有自己独特的编程风格,但是有些规则是大家都必须遵守的,特别
*   是在工作的过程中,良好的代码风格能大大提高代码本身的可阅读性和维护性,也更有利于别人修改你
*   的代码。风格问题涉及到的都是细节相关的问题,读者朋友们或许都听过“细节决定成败”这句话,这句话
*   在这里同样生效,不过是换了种意思,就是“细节体现你的专业程度”,所以作为一名程序猿,我们应该从
*   编写代码的训练中养成良好的编码习惯,如命名规范,排版规范,写好注释等。下面具体说明下:
* 1)整个Project相关内容的目录规范:(通常可以包含以下几个文件夹)
*    #.Requirement Doc: project的需求文档说明
*    #.Design:有关设计方面的说明
*    #.Planning&Log:计划、日志、会议等
*    #.Test:测试及其报告
*    #.Study:学习资料及demo
*    #.Deployment:发布,部署
*    #.src: 源代码
*    #.help:帮助文档
*    #. ...(根据自己需求添加合适文档)
*    注意事项:在IDE建立project的时候,包即目录(java),包名全小写,且一般不超过3层,命名为:【公司】.【项目】.【模块】
* 2)命名规范:
*    #、Pascal命名法:每个单词首字母大写,其余小写,如“ActivityDemo”,主要应用于:文件名,普通类名,构造函数等
*    #、Camel命名法:第一个单词全小写,其余单词按pascal命名,如“myName”,主要应用于:方法名(动宾短语),普通函数名等
*    #、匈牙利命名法(使用前缀,后缀命名):如对于整型变量,可以“int intMyAge;”
*    #、下划线命名法:主要在常量(全大写)中使用,分隔两个不同单词
*    其他常见命名:私有成员变量:“mMyName”;静态变量:“sMyName”;方法参数:“pMyName”;
*    当然命名规则的使用主要看已有项目的要求,若新启动一个项目,编码前团队必须先统一命名规范
* 3)其他需要注意的地方:
*   1、一个方法不超过35行代码
*   2、不要去修改机器自动生成的代码
*   3、final String取代String,即不要直接写字符串
*   4、循环语句中不用return
*   5、属性用set(),get()方法操控
*   6、不要再系统生成函数中写复杂代码,复杂代码通常用函数调用解决
*   7、虽然class能搞定一切,但使用接口暴露信息会更好
*   8、switch语句中无论如何都要有default
*   9、同类的import包放在一起
*   ...*
//下面看一下Android源码中的代码:/** Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/package android.app;import com.android.internal.app.ActionBarImpl;
import com.android.internal.policy.PolicyManager;import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.text.Selection;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.method.TextKeyListener;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.EventLog;/**可在注释中嵌入HTML标签,在生成javadoc的时候控制各种属性等* An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do.  Almost all* activities interact with the user, so the Activity class takes care of* creating a window for you in which you can place your UI with* {@link #setContentView}.  While activities are often presented to the user* as full-screen windows, they can also be used in other ways: as floating* windows (via a theme with {@link android.R.attr#windowIsFloating} set)* or embedded inside of another activity (using {@link ActivityGroup}).** There are two methods almost all subclasses of Activity will implement:* * <ul>*     <li> {@link #onCreate} is where you initialize your activity.  Most*     importantly, here you will usually call {@link #setContentView(int)}*     with a layout resource defining your UI, and using {@link #findViewById}*     to retrieve the widgets in that UI that you need to interact with*     programmatically.* *     <li> {@link #onPause} is where you deal with the user leaving your*     activity.  Most importantly, any changes made by the user should at this*     point be committed (usually to the*     {@link android.content.ContentProvider} holding the data).* </ul>...*/
public class Activity extends ContextThemeWrapperimplements LayoutInflater.Factory2,Window.Callback, KeyEvent.Callback,OnCreateContextMenuListener, ComponentCallbacks2 {private static final String TAG = "Activity";private static final boolean DEBUG_LIFECYCLE = false;/** Standard activity result: operation canceled. *///常量命名public static final int RESULT_CANCELED    = 0;/** Standard activity result: operation succeeded. */public static final int RESULT_OK           = -1;/** Start of user-defined activity results. */public static final int RESULT_FIRST_USER   = 1;static final String FRAGMENTS_TAG = "android:fragments";private static final String WINDOW_HIERARCHY_TAG = "android:viewHierarchyState";private static final String SAVED_DIALOG_IDS_KEY = "android:savedDialogIds";private static final String SAVED_DIALOGS_TAG = "android:savedDialogs";private static final String SAVED_DIALOG_KEY_PREFIX = "android:dialog_";private static final String SAVED_DIALOG_ARGS_KEY_PREFIX = "android:dialog_args_";private static class ManagedDialog {Dialog mDialog;Bundle mArgs;}private SparseArray<ManagedDialog> mManagedDialogs;// set by the thread after the constructor and before onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) is called.//私有变量命名private Instrumentation mInstrumentation;private IBinder mToken;private int mIdent;static final class NonConfigurationInstances {Object activity;HashMap<String, Object> children;ArrayList<Fragment> fragments;HashMap<String, LoaderManagerImpl> loaders;}/* package */ NonConfigurationInstances mLastNonConfigurationInstances;private Window mWindow;/** * Change the intent returned by {@link #getIntent}.  This holds a * reference to the given intent; it does not copy it.  Often used in * conjunction with {@link #onNewIntent}. *  * @param newIntent The new Intent object to return from getIntent * * @see #getIntent* @see #onNewIntent*自定义javadoc标签*@author ..*@date  ..*@modify  ..(who,when..)*/ public void setIntent(Intent newIntent) {mIntent = newIntent;}


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