
Move over, Cortana: Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant could come to Windows 10’s lock screen. A small, quiet change to a new Windows 10 Insider build will enable “third-party digital assistants” on the lock screen.

继续前进,Cortana:亚马逊的Alexa语音助手可能会进入Windows 10的锁定屏幕。 对新的Windows 10 Insider内部版本进行的小规模安静更改将在锁定屏幕上启用“第三方数字助理”。

Microsoft isn’t betting too big on Cortana as a digital assistant anymore. You can already download Alexa for Windows 10, and Cortana has already left Windows 10’s search bar. Now, Cortana won’t be the only voice assistant with access to your PC’s lock screen.

微软不再把Cortana当作数字助手了。 您已经可以下载Windows 10的Alexa ,而Cortana已经离开Windows 10的搜索栏 。 现在,Cortana将不再是唯一可以访问PC锁定屏幕的语音助手。

This change arrived in Windows 10 Insider build 18362.10005. Buried in a list of small fixes, Microsoft’s blog post says this build includes:

此更改到达Windows 10 Insider内部版本18362.10005 。 埋藏在一些小的修补程序中,Microsoft的博客文章说此版本包括:

A change to enable third-party digital assistants to voice activate above the Lock screen.


Based on this comment, it looks like Amazon’s Alexa will be getting access to the lock screen. All Amazon has to do is enable this feature. Google (or even Apple) could integrate with this, too—but only Amazon offers a Windows 10 app for Alexa.

根据此评论,看起来亚马逊的Alexa将可以访问锁定屏幕。 亚马逊要做的就是启用此功能。 谷歌(甚至苹果)也可以与之集成,但只有亚马逊为Alexa提供Windows 10应用程序。

This particular insider build is for Windows 10 19H2, which will arrive in the second half of 2019—likely around October 2019. Alexa could be coming to your PC’s lock screen later this year.

此特定内部人员版本适用于Windows 10 19H2,该版本将于2019年下半年(可能在2019年10月左右)到来。Alexa可能在今年晚些时候进入您的PC锁屏。



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