
以下来自Lucky Anand



I am not sure about this problem. But I always get this problem with my lappy & desktop. And I resolve it using "netsh winsock reset" command. I have searched over this issue and got some info: This error is mainly due to spyware (Vista is probably have such internal configuration that it is trapped by spyware as well as antiviruses) and sometimes due to hacking.

Well, try this you might get solution:

  1. Click on the "Start" button. Click "Run." Type the word "cmd" in the open box. When the DOS screen comes up, type "netsh winsock reset." Press "Enter." Type "exit" to close the DOS window and go back to Windows.
  2. Restart the computer. Check to see if the problem is resolved. If it isn't, open the Windows Registry. Click "Start" and type "Run." Type "regedit" in the open box.
  3. Select "File" from the menu. Click "Export." Choose a location to export the Registry to. Name the exported file "backup.reg."
  4. Choose the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE." Click the plus sign to expand the key. Click the key "System" and expand it. Navigate to "CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock." Right-click the "Winsock" key and select "Delete." Click "Yes" to confirm the deletion.
  5. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2." Right-click the "Winsock2" key and delete it. Click "Yes" to confirm. Exit the Registry Editor. Find the file "backup.reg" that you exported and save it to a CD or disk. Restart the computer.
  6. Right-click "My Network Places" on the desktop. Right-click the network connection icon. Click "Properties." Click "Install," "Protocol" and "Add." Click "Have Disk" and type in "c:\windows\inf." Click "OK."
  7. Choose "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list of available protocols. If it does not appear, click "Start" and choose "Search." Check the options to search system folders, hidden files and folders, and subfolders. Search for the file "nettcpip.inf." Click "Install." Restart the computer.

See if this can help you!

Good Luck!!!



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