我用C做了12个月的日历 . 这个程序显示特定年份的12个月日历 . 该程序提示用户打印年份,并计算出(a)年份是否为闰年,以及(b)所选年份的哪一天开始 .


•main()提示用户输入,调用您自己设计的函数来确定输入年份的开始日期 . 然后它调用函数printCalendar()来实际打印十二个月的日历 .

•printCalendar()有两个参数,年份编号和开始日期 . 然后循环遍历年份并调用函数printMonth()十二次,每个月一次 .

•printMonth()接受三个参数,即年份编号,月份编号和特定月份的开始日期,它返回下个月开始的日期编号 . 打印月必须首先调用函数printMonthName(),然后以日历格式打印出月中的日期 .

•printMonthName()将年份编号和月份编号作为参数,打印出标识月份的行,并返回该月份的天数,同时考虑闰年 .




int daysInMonth;

int getDayCode(int year);

void printCalendar(int year, int dayCode);

int getYear(void);

int getYear(void){

int year;

printf("Please enter a year: ");

scanf("%i", &year);


return year;


int getDayCode(int year){

int dayCode;

int x1, x2, x3;

x1 = (year - 1.)/ 4.0;

x2 = (year - 1.)/ 100.;

x3 = (year - 1.)/ 400.;

dayCode = (year + x1 - x2 + x3) %7;

return dayCode;



int year, dayCode;

year = getYear();

dayCode = getDayCode(year);

printCalendar(year, dayCode);


void printCalendar(int year, int dayCode){

int month;

printf(" %d Monthly Calendar\n", year);

printf(" \n");

printf(" \n");

for (month = 1; month <= 12; month++){

printMonth(year, month, dayCode);



int printMonthName(int year, int month){

switch (month){

case 1:

printf("\n\nJanuary %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 2:

printf("\n\nFebruary %i", year);

if (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0){

//printf("This is a leap year.\n");

daysInMonth = 29;

return daysInMonth;



//printf("This is not a leap year.\n");

daysInMonth = 28;

return daysInMonth;



case 3:

printf("\n\nMarch %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 4:

printf("\n\nApril %i", year);

daysInMonth = 30;

return daysInMonth;


case 5:

printf("\n\nMay %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 6:

printf("\n\nJune %i", year);

daysInMonth = 30;

return daysInMonth;


case 7:

printf("\n\nJuly %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 8:

printf("\n\nAugust %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 9:

printf("\n\nSeptember %i", year);

daysInMonth = 30;

return daysInMonth;


case 10:

printf("\n\nOctober %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;


case 11:

printf("\n\nNovember %i", year);

daysInMonth = 30;

return daysInMonth;


case 12:

printf("\n\nDecember %i", year);

daysInMonth = 31;

return daysInMonth;



printf("Invalid input! Please try again!\n");




int printMonth(int year, int month, int dayCode){

int day;

printMonthName(year, month);

printf("\n\nSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat\n" );

/* advance printer to correct position for first date */

for (day = 1; day <= 1 + dayCode * 5; day++)

printf(" ");

/* print the dates for one month */

for (day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++){

printf("%2d", day);

if ((day + dayCode) % 7 > 0) /* before Sat? */

/* move to next day in same week */

printf(" ");

else /* skip to next line to start with Sun */

printf("\n ");


/* set day_code for next month to begin */

dayCode = (dayCode + daysInMonth % 7);

return dayCode;


我把2013年作为输入年份,我的代码从星期二的1月1日开始,这是正确的 . 但它也是在周二开始的所有12个月,这是问题所在:Calendar Output 2013

请帮忙 . 我一直试图让这个工作很长一段时间 .


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