
China is now widely regarded as the second largest AI economy, behind the United States in terms of the number of AI companies and talent pool.

AI Covered Areas


Integrated intelligent systems: driverless vehicles, drones, smart home products.


Intelligent integration of software and hardware: sensors, neural network chips, open source platforms, etc.



  1. 积极的人工智能投资和资金似乎并没有分布在医疗保健等紧迫的行业。医疗保健是一个脆弱的职位。由于中国人口老龄化问题,政府必须在医疗保健方面投入更多资金。否则,政府将来会遇到更多的问题。

Aggressive AI investments and funding don’t seem to be distributed across pressing sectors like healthcare. Healthcare is a vulnerable position. Due to the aging Chinese population, the government must invest more in health care. Otherwise, the government will encounter more problems in the future.

  1. 人才缺失,宽松的数据隐私法规,这些宽松的法规似乎只在国内执行。中国在外国竞争方面更具侵略性。

Lack of talent, lax data privacy regulations, these lax regulations seem to be enforced only domestically. China is more aggressive in terms of foreign competition.


人工智能是现在很火的技术,Alpha Go 在围棋上战胜了人类,无人驾驶也有了突破。另外,人工智能在软件工程领域,也有了一些应用和尝试,比如说微软开源了一个人工智能的项目叫Sketch2Code,可以把 UI 设计草图转成 HTML 代码,也就是一部分开发工作未来也许可以被人工智能替代了。

Artificial intelligence is a very hot technology now, Alpha Go has defeated humans in Go, and unmanned driving has also made a breakthrough. In addition, artificial intelligence in the field of software engineering, there are also some applications and attempts, such as Microsoft open source an artificial intelligence project called Sketch2Code, which can convert UI design sketches into HTML code, that is, part of the development work may be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future.

AI中有一个很重要的技术,叫云计算。(cloud computing)

There is a very important technology in AI, called cloud computing.

如果你从软件工程的角度去看云计算,它本质上是在将那些与业务无关的,而又很重要的基础设施、技术,作为一种标准服务提供,让你在软件开发时,只需要专注于业务所独有的部分,从而可以极大地减少开发工作,提升开发效率。界面越来越复杂,而后端服务越来越强大,借助一些云服务,就能实现服务端 API 供前端调用,既简化了开发的难度同时又实现软件工程的标准化、模块化。云计算这样的基础服务,可以降低开发成本,让软件开发者可以专注于业务开发。

If you look at cloud computing from the perspective of software engineering, it is essentially providing those infrastructure and technologies that are not related to the business but are very important as a standard service, so that you only need to focus on the unique parts of the business when developing software, which can greatly reduce development work and improve development efficiency. The interface is becoming more and more complex, and the back-end services are becoming more and more powerful, with the help of some cloud services, the server-side API can be realized for front-end call, which not only simplifies the difficulty of development but also realizes the standardization and modularization of software engineering. Basic services such as cloud computing can reduce development costs and allow software developers to focus on business development.


In the future, to build software systems, just like now, various building materials in construction projects, workers need to use concrete to bond building materials together, standard modules used in software development, programmers need to write code to combine these modules to complete complex structures. This standardized structure can greatly reduce construction costs. In the future, software engineering can also use some standard modules and components to build complex software like architectural engineering. It can be like building a house, and reduce the cost and difficulty of development through standardization.


In addition, the development of artificial intelligence and automation technology has gradually replaced the original work such as manual testing and manual operation and maintenance. Although in the field of testing, although there have been no successful cases of replacing manual testing with artificial intelligence, it is a visible trend that automated testing has replaced a large number of manual tests. At this stage, these applications are just the beginning, and there will be more cloud services and artificial intelligence applications in the field of software engineering in the future, which will have more impact on the division of labor and cooperation in software development.


But no matter how powerful cloud services and artificial intelligence are, it is difficult to replace those creative labor, that is, those things that are unique to your business and project, such as your abstraction and design of the business, the design of test cases, the organization of the entire project process, such as business design and abstraction, the design of test cases and the organization of the project process, are unlikely to be replaced.


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