

Automatic recovery is activated if you start mysqld with the myisam_recover_options system variable set. In this case, when the server opens a MyISAM table, it checks whether the table is marked as crashed or whether the open count variable for the table is not 0 and you are running the server with external locking disabled. If either of these conditions is true, the following happens:https://www.cndba.cn/hbhe0316/article/22614

The server checks the table for errors.https://www.cndba.cn/hbhe0316/article/22614

If the server finds an error, it tries to do a fast table repair (with sorting and without re-creating the data file).


If the repair fails because of an error in the data file (for example, a duplicate-key error), the server tries again, this time re-creating the data file.

If the repair still fails, the server tries once more with the old repair option method (write row by row without sorting). This method should be able to repair any type of error and has low disk space requirements.


If the recovery wouldn’t be able to recover all rows from previously completed statements and you didn’t specify FORCE in the value of the myisam_recover_options system variable, automatic repair aborts with an error message in the error log:

Error: Couldn't repair table: test.g00pages

If you specify FORCE, a warning like this is written instead:https://www.cndba.cn/hbhe0316/article/22614

Warning: Found 344 of 354 rows when repairing ./test/g00pages

If the automatic recovery value includes BACKUP, the recovery process creates files with names of the form tbl_name-datetime.BAK. You should have a cron script that automatically moves these files from the database directories to backup media.https://www.cndba.cn/hbhe0316/article/22614


[root@mysql57 ~]# cat /etc/my.cnf | grep -i myisam_recover_options
myisam_recover_options = FORCE,BACKUP
[root@mysql57 ~]# service mysqld restart
Shutting down MySQL... SUCCESS!
Starting MySQL. SUCCESS!


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'myisam_recover_options';
| Variable_name          | Value        |
| myisam_recover_options | BACKUP,FORCE |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



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