

python :3.6.5
pandas :0.25.1
下面的代码块是摘抄自D:\Program Files\envs\test\Lib\site-packages\pandas\io\excel_base.py

@deprecate_kwarg("skip_footer", "skipfooter")
def read_excel(io,sheet_name=0,header=0,names=None,index_col=None,usecols=None,squeeze=False,dtype=None,engine=None,converters=None,true_values=None,false_values=None,skiprows=None,nrows=None,na_values=None,keep_default_na=True,verbose=False,parse_dates=False,date_parser=None,thousands=None,comment=None,skip_footer=0,skipfooter=0,convert_float=True,mangle_dupe_cols=True,**kwds):for arg in ("sheet", "sheetname", "parse_cols"):if arg in kwds:raise TypeError("read_excel() got an unexpected keyword argument " "`{}`".format(arg))if not isinstance(io, ExcelFile):io = ExcelFile(io, engine=engine)elif engine and engine != io.engine:raise ValueError("Engine should not be specified when passing ""an ExcelFile - ExcelFile already has the engine set")return io.parse(sheet_name=sheet_name,header=header,names=names,index_col=index_col,usecols=usecols,squeeze=squeeze,dtype=dtype,converters=converters,true_values=true_values,false_values=false_values,skiprows=skiprows,nrows=nrows,na_values=na_values,keep_default_na=keep_default_na,verbose=verbose,parse_dates=parse_dates,date_parser=date_parser,thousands=thousands,comment=comment,skipfooter=skipfooter,convert_float=convert_float,mangle_dupe_cols=mangle_dupe_cols,**kwds)


1. io : excel文件路径
io : str, ExcelFile, xlrd.Book, path object or file-like objectAny valid string path is acceptable. The string could be a URL. ValidURL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host isexpected. A local file could be: ``file://localhost/path/to/table.xlsx``.If you want to pass in a path object, pandas accepts any ``os.PathLike``.By file-like object, we refer to objects with a ``read()`` method,such as a file handler (e.g. via builtin ``open`` function)or ``StringIO``.


In [1] : at = pd.read_excel("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls")In [2] : at.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8108 entries, 0 to 8107
Data columns (total 4 columns):
序号      8108 non-null int64
申请编码    8108 non-null int64
姓名      8108 non-null object
证件号     8108 non-null object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 253.5+ KBIn [3] : at.head()
Out[4] :序号           申请编码   姓名                 证件号
0   1   821102274825  艾文杰  23052419******2417
1   2  3762102138647  白银桃  42102319******4125
2   3  3335100895505  包彩骏  33012719******3111
3   4  9000101269840  包浩浩  33012719******2014
4   5  9186100202579  包建明  33012719******3318
2. sheetname : 可以是**str,int,list,或None,默认0,**字符是表示的是该表的名字,数字表示的是表的位置(从0开始),数字和字符是请求单个表格;列表形式的是请求多个表格.赋值为None是请求全部的表格
赋值 解释
sheet_name = 0 (默认为0) 第一张工作表作为DataFrame
sheet_name = 1 第二张工作表为DataFrame
sheet_name = “Sheet1” 名字为"Sheet1"的表作为DataFrame
sheet_name = [0,1,“Sheet5”] 第一张工作表,第二张工作表和名字为"Sheet5"的工作表作为字典结构的DataFrame
sheet_name = None 所有的工作表作为字典结构的DataFrame
sheet_name : str, int, list, or None, default 0Strings are used for sheet names. Integers are used in zero-indexedsheet positions. Lists of strings/integers are used to requestmultiple sheets. Specify None to get all sheets.Available cases:* Defaults to ``0``: 1st sheet as a `DataFrame`* ``1``: 2nd sheet as a `DataFrame`* ``"Sheet1"``: Load sheet with name "Sheet1"* ``[0, 1, "Sheet5"]``: Load first, second and sheet named "Sheet5"as a dict of `DataFrame`* None: All sheets.


In [56]: at = pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=0)In [57]: at.head()
Out[57]: 序号           申请编码   姓名                 证件号
0   1   821102274825  艾文杰  23052419******2417
1   2  3762102138647  白银桃  42102319******4125
2   3  3335100895505  包彩骏  33012719******3111
3   4  9000101269840  包浩浩  33012719******2014
4   5  9186100202579  包建明  33012719******3318In [58]: type(at)
Out[58]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrameIn [62]: ats = pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=None)In [63]: ats
OrderedDict([('Sheet1',         序号           申请编码   姓名                 证件号0        1   821102274825  艾文杰  23052419******24171        2  3762102138647  白银桃  42102319******41252        3  3335100895505  包彩骏  33012719******31113        4  9000101269840  包浩浩  33012719******20144        5  9186100202579  包建明  33012719******3318...    ...            ...  ...                 ...8103  8104  5066101495593  荘新宝  33012719******39198104  8105  1149101603138  邹晶晶  33012719******032X8105  8106   817102313810  左常春  33012719******12348106  8107  5483102451796  左常青  33012719******122X8107  8108  2266100036155  左建琴  33012719******1229[8108 rows x 4 columns]),('Sheet2',    29    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******42180  30  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******57151  31  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******20182  32  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******02133  33  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******32134  34  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******32175  35  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412)])In [64]: type(ats)
Out[64]: collections.OrderedDict

collections.OrderedDict (不懂的请自行百度)

3. header:指定作为列名的行,默认0,即取第一行的值为列名。数据为列名行以下的数据;若数据不含列名,则设定 header = None。
header : int, list of int, default 0Row (0-indexed) to use for the column labels of the parsedDataFrame. If a list of integers is passed those row positions willbe combined into a ``MultiIndex``. Use None if there is no header.


header =1
header =2

In [76]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=1)
Out[76]: 29    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
0  30  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
1  31  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
2  32  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
3  33  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
4  34  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
5  35  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412In [78]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=1,header=0)
Out[78]: 29    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
0  30  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
1  31  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
2  32  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
3  33  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
4  34  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
5  35  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412In [79]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=1,header=1)
Out[79]: 30  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
0  31  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
1  32  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
2  33  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
3  34  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
4  35  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412

header = None

In [77]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name=1,header=None)
Out[77]: 0              1    2                   3
0  29    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  30  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  31  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
3  32  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
4  33  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
5  34  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
6  35  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412
4. names:默认为None,要使用的列名。如数据中不包含标题行,应使用header=None作为列名。
names : array-like, default NoneList of column names to use. If file contains no header row,then you should explicitly pass header=None.
#数据中没有标题行,则header = None,names默认为None
In [31]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1 ,header = None)
Out[31]: 0              1    2                   3
0  1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
3  4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
4  5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
5  6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
6  7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412In [43]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 0,names = None)
Out[43]: 序号           申请编码   姓名                 证件号
0        1   821102274825  艾文杰  23052419******2417
1        2  3762102138647  白银桃  42102319******4125
2        3  3335100895505  包彩骏  33012719******3111
3        4  9000101269840  包浩浩  33012719******2014
4        5  9186100202579  包建明  33012719******3318
...    ...            ...  ...                 ...
8103  8104  5066101495593  荘新宝  33012719******3919
8104  8105  1149101603138  邹晶晶  33012719******032X
8105  8106   817102313810  左常春  33012719******1234
8106  8107  5483102451796  左常青  33012719******122X
8107  8108  2266100036155  左建琴  33012719******1229[8108 rows x 4 columns]# 若要将header修改为a,b,c,d,则赋值names = ['a','b','c','d']
In [45]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 0,names=['a','b','c','d'])
Out[45]: a              b    c                   d
0        1   821102274825  艾文杰  23052419******2417
1        2  3762102138647  白银桃  42102319******4125
2        3  3335100895505  包彩骏  33012719******3111
3        4  9000101269840  包浩浩  33012719******2014
4        5  9186100202579  包建明  33012719******3318
...    ...            ...  ...                 ...
8103  8104  5066101495593  荘新宝  33012719******3919
8104  8105  1149101603138  邹晶晶  33012719******032X
8105  8106   817102313810  左常春  33012719******1234
8106  8107  5483102451796  左常青  33012719******122X
8107  8108  2266100036155  左建琴  33012719******1229[8108 rows x 4 columns]
5.index_col : 指定列为索引列,默认None列(0索引)用作DataFrame的行标签。
index_col : int, list of int, default NoneColumn (0-indexed) to use as the row labels of the DataFrame.Pass None if there is no such column.  If a list is passed,those columns will be combined into a ``MultiIndex``.  If asubset of data is selected with ``usecols``, index_colis based on the subset.
In [57]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,index_col=None)
Out[57]: 0              1    2                   3
0  1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
3  4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
4  5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
5  6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
6  7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412
In [58]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,index_col=0)
Out[58]: 1    2                   3
1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412
In [59]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,index_col=1)
Out[59]: 0    2                   3
71102051772    1  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
6372100223138  2  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
8135102783848  3  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
1563100577687  4  鲍建民  33012719******0213
8256101447949  5  鲍金文  33012719******3213
8377101988262  6   鲍军  33012719******3217
6119102222613  7  鲍军华  33012719******5412
  • 如果为None则解析所有列
  • 如果为int则表示要解析的最后一列
  • 如果为int列表则表示要解析的列号列表
  • 如果字符串则表示以逗号分隔的Excel列字母和列范围列表(例如“A:E”或“A,C,E:F”)。范围包括双方。
usecols : int, str, list-like, or callable default NoneReturn a subset of the columns.* If None, then parse all columns.* If int, then indicates last column to be parsed... deprecated:: 0.24.0Pass in a list of int instead from 0 to `usecols` inclusive.* If str, then indicates comma separated list of Excel column lettersand column ranges (e.g. "A:E" or "A,C,E:F"). Ranges are inclusive ofboth sides.* If list of int, then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed.* If list of string, then indicates list of column names to be parsed... versionadded:: 0.24.0* If callable, then evaluate each column name against it and parse thecolumn if the callable returns ``True``... versionadded:: 0.24.0
In [65]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None)
Out[65]: 0              1    2                   3
0  1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
3  4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
4  5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
5  6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
6  7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412
#usecols = [1,2],解析“1”,“2”所在的列
In [66]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,usecols=[1,2])
Out[66]: 1    2
0    71102051772  鲍建飞
1  6372100223138  鲍建飞
2  8135102783848  鲍建恒
3  1563100577687  鲍建民
4  8256101447949  鲍金文
5  8377101988262   鲍军
6  6119102222613  鲍军华
7.squeeze : 默认为False,如果解析的数据只包含一列,则返回一个Series。
squeeze : bool, default FalseIf the parsed data only contains one column then return a Series.dtype : Type name or dict of column -> type, default NoneData type for data or columns. E.g. {'a': np.float64, 'b': np.int32}Use `object` to preserve data as stored in Excel and not interpret dtype.If converters are specified, they will be applied INSTEADof dtype conversion... versionadded:: 0.20.0
skiprows : list-likeRows to skip at the beginning (0-indexed).
In [75]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,skiprows=0)
Out[75]: 0              1    2                   3
0  1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
3  4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
4  5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
5  6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
6  7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412In [76]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,skiprows=1)
Out[76]: 0              1    2                   3
0  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
1  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
2  4  1563100577687  鲍建民  33012719******0213
3  5  8256101447949  鲍金文  33012719******3213
4  6  8377101988262   鲍军  33012719******3217
5  7  6119102222613  鲍军华  33012719******5412
10.nrows : int型,默认为None,解析0-所指定的行数
nrows : int, default NoneNumber of rows to parse.
In [78]: pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\at.xls',sheet_name= 1,header = None,nrows=3)
Out[78]: 0              1    2                   3
0  1    71102051772  鲍建飞  33012719******4218
1  2  6372100223138  鲍建飞  33012719******5715
2  3  8135102783848  鲍建恒  33012719******2018
11.na_values :添加字符作为NA/NaN。若是通过字典类型指定NA的值,那么默认替换为NaN。



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