1、An ultra-low sidelobe ADBF algorithm for digital array,JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS,01-JAN-12

2、Efficient adaptive approach for airborne radar short-range clutter suppression,IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION,01-JAN-12



5、An Efficient Moving Target Detection Algorithm Based on Sparsity-Aware Spectrum Estimation,SENSORS,01-JAN-14

6、Recursive estimation of transition probabilities for jump Markov linear systems under minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence criterion,IET Control Theory and Applications,01-JAN-15

7、Multichannel SAR wide-swath imaging based on adaptive removal of azimuth ambiguities,REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,01-JAN-15

8、An Efficient Adaptive Angle-Doppler Compensation Approach for Non-Sidelooking Airborne Radar STAP,SENSORS,01-JAN-15

9、An efficient data domain STAP algorithm based on reduced-dimension sparse reconstruction,Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica,01-JAN-14


11、Direction of arrival estimation for co-prime MIMO radar based on unitary root-MUSIC,International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network,01-DEC-15

12、ESPRIT based direction estimation for MIMO radar using co-prime arrays,International Conference on Computer Science and Information Security,01-APR-16

13、DOA estimation based on combined ESPRIT for coprime array,IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation,30-JUL-16

14、An efficient adaptive clutter compensation algorithm for bistatic airborne radar based on improved OMP application,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,01-JAN-17

15、Space-time adaptive monopulse parameter estimation algorithm based on 3DT,航空学报,22-JUN-16

16、An efficient adaptive monopulse estimation algorithm based on MPASTd approach,International Journal of Control and Automation,12-AUG-15

17、Space-Time adaptive monopulse for RD-STAP parameters estimation,2015 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP),31-AUG-15

18、Adaptive suppression of azimuth ambiguities for multichannel SAR wide-swath imaging,IET International Radar Conference 2015,14-OCT-15

19、An improved adaptive monopulse estimation algorithm based on a modified subspace tracking technique,IET International Radar Conference 2015,14-OCT-15

20、Fast implementation of spectral slope-based compensation for non-sidelooking airborne radar STAP,Remote Sensing Letters,01-NOV-16

21、An improved OMP application for airborne radar space-time clutter spectrum estimation,Proceedings of the 2017 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering,24-NOV-17

22、Robust adaptive sidelobe canceller using SV mismatch estimation,Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters,12-JAN-18

23、An Efficient Broadband Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm Based on Frequency–Space Cascade Processing,Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing,01-JAN-18

24、A novel non-homogeneous STAP algorithm for target-like signal elimination based on sparse reconstruction,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,01-JAN-18

25、Wideband transmitting adaptive digital beamforming based on sub-band multiple linear constrained minimum variance method,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,01-JAN-18

26、Statistical analysis of monopulse-synthetic aperture radar for constant false-alarm rate detection of ground moving targets,IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION,11-JUL-15

27、An Autofocus Algorithm for Spotlight SAR Imagery Using the Projection Approximation Subspace Tracking Approach,Acta Electronica Sinica,12-JUN-12

28、Fast Direction of Arrival Estimation Using a Sensor-Saving Coprime Array with Enlarged Inter-Element Spacing,Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop,08-JUL-18

29、Reduced-dimensional Root Finding Based Direction of Arrival Estimation for Coprime Array,Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,01-AUG-18

30、Statistical analysis of Monopulse-SAR for CFAR detection of ground moving targets,International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),04-NOV-14

31、Improved doppler warping method for airborne radar with non-sidelooking array,Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,12-JUN-13

32、Effect of sub-system failure on the performance of one dimension phased array antenna,2012 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,05-MAY-12

33、Improved application of space-time adaptive monopulse to joint domain localized STAP,,REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,20-JUN-19

34、Improved Wideband Adaptive Transmit Nulling Using Subband Phase-Only Pattern Synthesis,CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,28-NOV-19

35、Wind Turbine Clutter Suppression for Weather Radars by Improved Range-Doppler Domain Joint Interpolation in Low SNR Environments,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,19-NOV-19

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