
  • 步骤1:导出依赖
  • 步骤2:离线下载依赖包
  • 步骤3:进入新环境使用python安装依赖


  1. 首先根据项目需要导出依赖包,由于本地的python环境中其实安装了很多乱七八糟的包,这些包不一定都用得上,因此只需要导出必要的依赖就可以
  2. 根据当前项目的依赖清单,下载对应的安装包,以便在新的python环境中可以直接离线安装这些
  3. 进入到新环境中离线安装即可


首先在当前环境下安装:pip install pipreqs,这个库可以帮助你筛选出项目需要的python包,而不是当前环境的全部依赖。安装完成后使用命令:

cd 项目根目录/
pipreqs ./ --encoding=utf-8





pip download -d PIPDIR -r requirements.txt -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com
  • -d指定导出的文件夹
  • -r指定根据哪一个文件导出
  • -i表示使用阿里源(当然可以使用其他国内源啊)
  • --trusted-host表示信任主机
  • 更多配置请参考:https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/cli/pip_download/#options


  • –platform:指定需要安装的平台,比如:linux_x86_64,如果在windows/mac上默认会下载windows/mac的安装包,在linux上是肯定安装不了的
  • –python-version:python的版本,默认与当前环境相同,如果值为3,则python版本为3.0.0, 若值为3.7,则python版本为3.7.0或3.7.3,最好根据python --version指定完整的版本号


WARNING: The repository located at mirrors.aliyun.com is not a trusted or secure host and is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS we recommend you use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence this warning and allow it anyway with '--trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com'.
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement xxx==xxx (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for xxx==xxx



pip install --no-index --find-links=PIPDIR -r requirements.txt
  • --find-links就是存放安装文件的目录
  • -r是指按照requirements.txt这个文件去安装文件目录中找需要的安装包

python pip下载本地依赖包,并在离线环境中安装,并解决报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement报错相关推荐

  1. pip下载包报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement xxxx==1.0.2 (from versions

    我在安装pymysql的时候报错 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pymysql==1.0.2 (from ...

  2. Python pip install 安装包报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement XXX解决方法

    Python pip install 安装包报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement XXX解决方法 文章目录 ...

  3. 【错误记录】Python 安装依赖库报错 ( ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement elftools )

    文章目录 一.报错信息 二.解决方案 一.报错信息 报错信息 : ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement elft ...

  4. Python安装包报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement XXX解决方法

    我们在使用 pip 安装 python 包时,经常会出现如下错误: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement xxx ...

  5. python 导包报错:ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dateutil

    terminal执行脚本: pip install python-dateutil

  6. 解决Python安装pyqt5-tool出现的系列问题:ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement xxx

    最近在做python GUI可视化编程项目,项目过程中需要使用PyQt5和QtTools资源包,因此需要使用pip install进行资源包的下载. 正常情况下安装资源包的命令如下: pip inst ...

  7. 解决pip无法安装bayes-opt报错:ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement bayes-opt

    完整的报错是: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement bayes-opt ERROR: No matching ...

  8. pip安装tensorflow报错:could not find a version that satisfies the requirement grpcio=1.8.6

    下图红色字体为错误提示: - ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement grpcio>=1.8.6 (from ...

  9. pip安装torch错误ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch及解决办法

    使用pip安装PyTorch时报如下错误: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.6.0 ...


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