
by Subhan Nadeem

由Subhan Nadeem

您需要了解的关于比特币技术的未来 (What You Need to Know About the Future of Bitcoin Technology)

Bitcoin (BTC) recently smashed an all-time high of $11,400 USD and subsequently dropped to as low as $8,595 within a few hours. It’s incredibly important to not get lost in the pandemonium and to stay informed about how Bitcoin is progressing technologically.

比特币(BTC)最近打破了历史新高的11,400美元,随后在几个小时内跌至低至8,595美元。 重要的是,不要迷失在pandemonium中,并随时了解比特币在技术上的发展情况。

Anybody considering buying Bitcoin should at the very least learn two things:


  1. the history of the technology behind Bitcoin比特币背后的技术历史
  2. and more importantly, what lies ahead in Bitcoin’s future.更重要的是,比特币未来的未来。

As Bitcoin expert Andreas M. Antonopoulos says, “Invest in education instead of speculation.”

正如比特币专家Andreas M. Antonopoulos所说:“ 投资教育而不是投机 。”

With Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain being such incredibly new technological concepts, it can seem daunting at times to try and research and understand its underlying technical details. This article is written in an effort to highlight the scalability problem Bitcoin faces, and what expected or proposed solutions to that problem are. There are some really exciting ones out there that this article discusses!

随着比特币及其底层区块链成为如此令人难以置信的新技术概念,有时尝试研究和理解其底层技术细节似乎令人生畏。 本文旨在强调比特币面临的可扩展性问题以及该问题的预期或提议解决方案。 本文讨论了一些非常令人兴奋的内容!

I wrote this as I was learning about Bitcoin myself, to aggregate the great amount of information about Bitcoin’s future from countless sources out there. When writing this, I kept in mind even those who don’t possess a programming background. However, it is assumed that the reader has a very basic understanding of Bitcoin as a currency and what a blockchain is. Coindesk has a great 5-minute read that should get you up to speed here if you’re just starting out with Bitcoin or if you need a refresher.

我在自己学习比特币时就写了这篇文章,以汇总来自无数来源的有关比特币未来的大量信息。 在编写本文时,即使没有编程背景的人也要记住。 但是,假定读者对比特币作为一种货币以及什么是区块链有非常基本的了解。 Coindesk有一个伟大的5分钟阅读,应该让你加快速度在这里 ,如果你刚刚开始使用比特币,或者如果您需要复习。

Let’s begin with the scalability problem Bitcoin faces.


交易吞吐量问题 (The Transaction Throughput Problem)

When Bitcoin was first introduced to the world, its creator Satoshi Nakomoto described Bitcoin in the Bitcoin whitepaper as “A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.”

当比特币首次被引入世界时,其创建者中本聪(Satoshi Nakomoto)在比特币白皮书中将比特币描述为:“纯对等版本的电子现金将允许在线支付直接从一方发送到另一方而无需经过财务机构。”

One of Bitcoin’s fundamental values was instant and secure peer-to-peer payment transactions. Now, more than ever, Bitcoin is emerging as the prevailing cryptocurrency in the global market, with a 1,200%+ increase in value over the last year alone.

比特币的基本价值之一是即时和安全的点对点支付交易。 现在,比特币比以往任何时候都成为全球市场上流行的加密货币,仅去年一年就增加了1200%以上的价值。

Because of this unprecedented growth, the number of transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain has also increased, with up to 400,000 transactions per day being conducted. This rapid increase in transactions is posing to be a serious scalability problem for the blockchain, with over 90,000 transactions being backlogged as unconfirmed at the moment.

由于这种空前的增长,比特币区块链上的交易数量也增加了, 每天进行多达40万笔交易 。 交易的Swift增加对于区块链来说是一个严重的可扩展性问题,目前有超过90,000笔交易未确认,因此积压下来。

In order to understand why transactions are being backlogged, Bitcoin transactions must first be explained.


Every time a user sends a Bitcoin transaction from his or her wallet to another, the transaction is added into the memory pool (mempool), which is essentially a pool of all unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin network. This pool is upheld by individual memory pools on machines that also hold a copy of the blockchain ledger, called nodes.

每次用户从他或她的钱包向另一个钱包发送比特币交易时,该交易都会添加到内存池 ( 内存池 )中,该池实际上是比特币网络中所有未确认交易的池。 该池由机器上的各个内存池维护,这些内存池还保存着称为节点的区块链分类帐的副本。

From the mempool, miners select transactions that they want to verify. Once miners validate a transaction (i.e. confirm that the sender actually has enough bitcoins to send to the receiver), they add it to a new block, which is eventually published to the blockchain. Other nodes then iterate through this newly published block’s transactions to ensure the block is valid, before accepting the block as a part of its ledger.

矿工从内存池中选择要验证的交易。 一旦矿工验证了交易(即确认发件人实际上有足够的比特币可以发送给接收者),他们便将其添加到一个新块中,并最终发布到区块链中。 然后,其他节点遍历此新发布的块的事务,以确保该块有效,然后再将该块作为其分类帐的一部分接受。

Let’s calculate the throughput of transactions:


  • The median transaction size approximately 250 bytes


  • A block’s size is limited to 1MB (1000000 bytes)块的大小限制为1MB(1000000字节)
  • Thus, a block holds around 4000 transactions (1MB divided by 250 bytes)因此,一个块可容纳约4000个事务(1MB除以250字节)
  • A block can only be published to the blockchain once every 10 minutes on average (600 seconds).平均每10分钟(600秒)只能将一次块发布到区块链。
  • 4000 transactions (at most) are published every 600 seconds, at a rate of 6.66 transactions / second


With over 90,000 unconfirmed transactions in the mempool, how does a miner select which transactions to verify? Transaction fees! The sender of a transaction has the option of adding a custom transaction fee to its transaction intended for the miner, incentivizing a miner to select the transaction and have it verified faster. Miners will select the transactions that have the highest fee attached to them to maximize profits. Theoretically, you can send a transaction with no fee. But if there are transactions that have fees higher than yours in the pool, why would yours ever get picked?

由于Mempool中有超过90,000个未经确认的交易,矿工如何选择要验证的交易? 交易费用! 交易的发送者可以选择向其针对矿工的交易中添加自定义交易费,以激励矿工选择交易并使其验证更快。 矿工将选择附加费用最高的交易,以获取最大的利润。 从理论上讲,您可以免费发送交易。 但是,如果池中有一些交易的费用高于您的费用,为什么您会被选中?

As Bitcoin’s user base grows, so does the average transaction fee. At most, there are only 7 transactions that are processed every second and everyone wants to get their transaction verified first. At the moment, the average transaction fee is approximately $3.58 USD. This fee is certainly not ideal — if you want to send your friend a couple of dollars worth of bitcoin, you may end up spending more in transaction fees than the transaction value itself! Therein lies the problem, and if all else remains equal, transaction fees can be expected to rise due to the transaction bottleneck.

随着比特币用户群的增长,平均交易费用也在增加。 最多每秒只有7笔交易,每个人都希望首先验证其交易。 目前,平均交易费用约为3.58美元 。 这笔费用当然不是理想的选择-如果您想向您的朋友发送价值几美元的比特币,您最终可能会花费比交易价值本身更多的交易费用! 问题就出在这里,如果其他所有条件保持不变,则由于交易瓶颈,预计交易费用会增加。

解决吞吐量问题 (Solving the Throughput Problem)

A proposed solution to this bottleneck that has brought great controversy to the Bitcoin community is to simply raise the block size from the original 1MB limit, thus allowing more transactions per block.


Every time the block size is increased in the chain, a hard fork is required, meaning an entirely new copy of the chain must be created, therefore requiring consensus from the Bitcoin community. Because millions of people use Bitcoin, gaining consensus is difficult and efforts should be made to avoid it. Furthermore, although the block size can be increased enough to accommodate the current backlog of transactions, as Bitcoin’s userbase continues to grow, there will eventually be another backlog of unconfirmed transactions, so another block size increase will be needed, and subsequently another hard fork.

每次链中增加块大小时,都需要进行硬分叉 ,这意味着必须创建链的全新副本,因此需要比特币社区达成共识。 由于数以百万计的人使用比特币,因此很难达成共识,应努力避免使用比特币。 此外,尽管可以增加足够的块大小以适应当前的积压交易,但随着比特币用户群的不断增长,最终将出现另一笔未确认交易的积压,因此将需要再次增加块大小,以及随后的另一次硬分叉。

So why don’t we just make the block size large enough to ensure the throughput will never be a bottleneck, no matter how many people are using it? First, the mathematics of a block size even remotely large enough to handle mass adoption are impractical and will restrict mining to incredibly powerful machines that only large corporations will be able to maintain, introducing an element of centralization.

那么,为什么不把块的大小做得足够大,以确保无论有多少人使用它,吞吐量都不会成为瓶颈? 首先,块大小甚至足够大以应对大规模采用的数学是不切实际的,并且将挖掘限制在只有大公司才能维护的功能强大的机器上,从而引入了集中化的元素。

Furthermore, recall that once a block is mined, all other nodes must validate the block before accepting it. If the block size was incredibly large and somebody were to publish an invalid block, nodes would waste a large amount of time attempting to validate the block before discarding it as invalid and moving onto the next block. A denial of service attack can essentially be orchestrated by repeatedly publishing insanely large invalid blocks to the network, stopping valid blocks from being processed for a long period of time. As stated by blockchain pioneer Nick Szabo in this interview, the small block size acts as a technical security parameter to prevent network flooding.

此外,回想一下,一旦挖出一个块,所有其他节点都必须在接受该块之前对其进行验证。 如果块的大小非常大,并且有人要发布一个无效的块,则节点将浪费大量时间尝试验证该块,然后再将其丢弃为无效块并移至下一个块。 拒绝服务攻击的本质可以通过反复地将巨大的无效块重复发布到网络来进行,从而阻止有效块的长时间处理。 正如区块链先驱尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)在本次采访中所说,小块大小是防止网络泛滥的技术安全参数。

You can read more about the full impact of an increased block size if Bitcoin were to take over the world, in an article I’ve written here.


If we can’t increase the block size, what can we do? Luckily, there are several solutions in the works that are expected to be deployed in order to solve this issue.

如果我们不能增加块大小,该怎么办? 幸运的是,为了解决这个问题,有望在工作中部署几种解决方案。

隔离证人(SegWit) (Segregated Witness (SegWit))

Segregated Witness (SegWit) has actually already been implemented into the Bitcoin network, as of August 2017. It’s a fundamental network change that modifies the format of transactions, essentially slimming them down in size, and allowing more transactions to be fit into a block which increases throughput. SegWit is considered a soft fork, meaning it is completely backwards compatible with existing Bitcoin protocol, although nodes and wallets must upgrade to take advantage of all SegWit features.

截至2017年8月,隔离见证(SegWit)实际上已经在比特币网络中实现。这是一次根本性的网络更改,修改了交易格式,从本质上缩小了交易规模,并允许将更多交易放入一个区块中。增加吞吐量。 SegWit被视为软分叉 ,这意味着它与现有的比特币协议完全向后兼容,尽管节点和钱包必须升级才能利用所有SegWit功能。

Each transaction has a signature from the sender, or in other words, witness data; this is usually the largest part of the transaction. This data is not actually necessary to verify the transaction, and so SegWit moves this data to the end of the transaction, segregating it. If this transaction is sent to a legacy node (a node that has not upgraded to SegWit), the node strips the witness data off the end of the transaction before inserting it into a block, thus reducing the overall transaction size and saving space. The added benefit of this is that nodes can no longer modify the witness data, changing who the transaction was from, an ability nodes previously had. This makes way for the implementation of multi-layer solutions that we’ll discuss soon. Users also save on transaction fees, as they’re usually calculated per transaction byte, and SegWit reduces total transaction size.

每笔交易都有发件人的签名,换句话说就是见证人的数据 。 这通常是交易的最大部分。 该数据实际上不是验证交易所必需的,因此SegWit会将其移至交易结束并进行隔离 。 如果将此事务发送到旧式节点(尚未升级到SegWit的节点),则该节点将见证数据从事务结束时剥离,然后再将其插入到块中,从而减小了总事务大小并节省了空间。 这样做的另一个好处是,节点不能再修改见证人数据,也不能更改交易的来源,这是节点以前具有的能力。 这为我们稍后将讨论的多层解决方案的实现铺平了道路。 用户还节省了交易费用,因为通常按交易字节计算费用,并且SegWit减少了总交易规模。

Furthermore, SegWit changes the definition of a block: instead of a block being defined in terms of bytes, its now defined in terms of “weights”; a block can have a maximum weight of 4,000. Legacy transactions have a weight of 4, while SegWit transactions have a weight of 0.25, thus enabling a block to contain many more SegWit transactions and have a slightly higher size (approximately 2 megabytes at most). Nodes must upgrade to SegWit to follow this definition, and wallets must incorporate SegWit in order to send SegWit transactions. As a result, SegWit adoption has been slow, accounting for only 12% of current traffic.

此外,SegWit更改了块的定义:现在不再以字节为单位定义块,而是以“权重”来定义块。 一个方块的最大重量为4,000。 旧版事务的权重为4,而SegWit事务的权重为0.25,因此使一个块可以包含更多SegWit事务,并且大小稍大(最多约2兆字节)。 节点必须升级到SegWit才能遵循此定义,并且钱包必须包含SegWit才能发送SegWit交易。 结果,隔离见证的采用速度一直很慢,仅占当前流量的12%。

Because of the aforementioned benefits of SegWit, I highly encourage anybody reading this to use wallets that have incorporated SegWit to speed up SegWit adoption. A neat list of them can be found here (my personal favourite is Samourai Wallet for Android). If you want to learn more about the intricacies of SegWit, Jimmy Song has written a great article about it:

由于SegWit具有上述优点,因此我强烈建议任何阅读此书的人都使用结合了SegWit的钱包,以加快SegWit的采用速度。 在这里可以找到它们的整洁列表(我个人最喜欢的是Android版Samourai Wallet )。 如果您想进一步了解SegWit的复杂性, Jimmy Song撰写了一篇很棒的文章:

Understanding Segwit Block SizeAfter I wrote my last article, I was surprised by the protest about the 2MB part of the title (the title has since been…medium.com

了解隔离见证块大小 在我写完上一篇文章后,我对标题中2MB部分的抗议感到惊讶(该标题自那时以来一直是... medium.com

多层解决方案 (Multi-Layered Solutions)

As it stands, the Bitcoin blockchain isn’t very feasible for micropayments. If you want to buy a $2 cup of coffee, you’re probably going to pay more than $2 equivalent of BTC in transaction fees, and the transaction won’t be confirmed instantly — you must wait for the transaction to be published in a verified block on the chain, which will appear within 10 minutes at best.

就目前而言,比特币区块链对于小额支付不是很可行。 如果您想购买2美元的咖啡,则可能要支付超过2美元的BTC等值的交易费,并且该交易不会立即得到确认-您必须等待该交易在经过验证的交易中发布封锁链,最多会在10分钟内出现。

Second and third layer solutions are networks layered on top of the Bitcoin blockchain that enable users to send several transactions of small amounts of Bitcoin almost instantly, with no transaction fees.


The Lightning Network is this layered network currently in development expected to alleviate Bitcoin’s scaling problems. This network consists of two additional layers and enables users to open direct channels between each other to send an effectively unlimited number of payments to each other in an instant manner.

闪电网络是目前正在开发中的这种分层网络,有望缓解比特币的扩展性问题。 该网络由两个附加层组成,使用户可以在彼此之间打开直接通道,以即时方式向彼此发送无限有效的付款。

Lightning NetworkThe Lightning Network is dependent upon the underlying technology of the blockchain. By using real Bitcoin/blockchain…lightning.network

闪电网络 闪电网络取决于区块链的基础技术。 通过使用真正的比特币/区块链… lightning.network

第二层 (The Second Layer)

A user joins the second layer network by conducting a transaction on the blockchain that declares the user is committing a certain number of bitcoin to be used in the layered network. The user then joins a group of nodes that are interconnected with one another, called channel factories. These nodes essentially uphold a lobby of individuals that potentially want to conduct transactions with one another. Channel factories then enable an unlimited number of micropayment channels to be created on the third layer (hence the name factories) between individual parties.

用户通过在区块链上进行交易来加入第二层网络,该交易声明用户正在提交一定数量的比特币以用于分层网络。 然后,用户加入彼此互连的一组节点,称为通道工厂 。 这些节点实质上支撑着一个可能希望彼此进行交易的个人游说团体。 然后,渠道工厂可以在各个参与方之间的第三层上建立无限数量的小额支付渠道(因此称为工厂)。

第三层 (The Third Layer)

Micropayment channels are set up to ensure direct payments between two users on the third layer. Because the blockchain is no longer present in this layer, it cannot be used to validate transactions and ensure one party paid the other. Instead, smart-contract technology is employed, such as multisig addresses, meaning addresses that can be signed off by multiple users to enable the movement of funds, and hashed time-lock contracts, which are cryptographically secure automated contracts that lock funds for a certain period of time to ensure one parties that cannot cheat with another. These technologies eliminate the need for trust between users that are connected in micropayment channels.

建立小额付款渠道以确保第三层上两个用户之间的直接付款。 由于区块链不再存在于此层中,因此无法用于验证交易并确保一方支付了另一方的费用。 取而代之的是,采用了智能合约技术,例如multisig地址 (意味着可以由多个用户签名以实现资金移动的地址)和散列的时间锁定合同 ,它们是加密安全的自动合同,可以锁定特定资金在一段时间内确保一方不能与另一方作弊。 这些技术消除了在小额支付渠道中连接的用户之间的信任需求。

Here is an example of how a Lightning Network micropayment channel works:


  1. Alice wants to dedicate 1 Bitcoin to a micropayment channel between Bob. She declares this 1 Bitcoin to be used in a commitment transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain. This 1 Bitcoin is then locked up in a multisig address that both parties can sign off on if they want to close the channel. This address is secured with a hashed time-lock contract which states, “Alice has 1 BTC and Bob has 0 BTC, to be released in one hour”. This means the 1 Bitcoin Alice has is locked for 1 hour after which it will be returned to Alice and published to the Bitcoin blockchain once more.

    爱丽丝想将1个比特币专用于鲍勃之间的小额支付渠道。 她宣布将这1个比特币用于比特币区块链上的承诺交易 。 然后, 将这 1个比特币锁定在multisig地址中 ,如果双方都想关闭通道,则可以签名。 该地址由散列的时间锁定合同保护,该合同规定:“爱丽丝有1个BTC,鲍勃有0个BTC,将在一小时内释放”。 这意味着1个比特币爱丽丝已被锁定1小时,然后将其返回给爱丽丝并再次发布到比特币区块链。

  2. Alice then decides to give Bob 0.1 BTC. This transaction is logged with a new hashed time-lock contract stating “Alice has 0.9 BTC and Bob has 0.1 BTC, to be expired in 50 minutes”. This contract has an expiry time of 50 minutes, meaning it will be published to the blockchain before the original contract stating Alice has 1 BTC. Therefore Bob instantly knows he has the 0.1 BTC because this new contract will be published to the blockchain before the original contract, essentially making the old contract invalid.然后,爱丽丝决定给鲍勃0.1 BTC。 该交易记录有新的散列时间锁定合同,该合同注明“ Alice有0.9 BTC,Bob有0.1 BTC,将在50分钟后过期”。 该合约的有效期为50分钟,这意味着它将在原始合约说明Alice具有1个BTC之前将其发布到区块链上。 因此Bob立刻知道他拥有0.1 BTC,因为此新合同将在原始合同之前发布到区块链,从而实质上使旧合同无效。
  3. Once the full hour passes, the micropayment channel closes and the final balance between Alice and Bob is published to the blockchain. If Alice and Bob want to continue making transactions, they can extend the expiry time of their channel for as long as they want. If one of them wants to close the channel early, one of them needs to sign off on the original multisig address that the Bitcoin is stored in.一整小时过去后,小额支付渠道将关闭,爱丽丝和鲍勃之间的最终余额将发布到区块链。 如果爱丽丝和鲍勃想要继续进行交易,他们可以将其频道的到期时间延长至他们想要的时间。 如果其中之一想要提前关闭频道,则其中之一需要在存储比特币的原始多重签名地址上签字。

The network enables transactions to route itself to its final destination by using other connected users in the channel as intermediaries. This can happen even if a direct connection to the desired user isn’t able to be sought the current micropayment channel. For example, if Alice has a channel open with Bob, and Bob has a channel with Mark, and Alice wants to send Mark some Bitcoin, the network can route the payment to Mark through Bob, all while ensuring no party has to trust another.

通过使用通道中的其他已连接用户作为中介,网络使事务能够将自身路由到最终目的地。 即使无法找到当前的小额支付渠道,也无法实现与所需用户的直接连接。 例如,如果爱丽丝(Alice)与鲍勃(Bob)开通了一个频道,而鲍勃(Bob)与马克(Mark)开通了一个频道,而爱丽丝(Alice)想向马克(Mark)发送一些比特币,则网络可以通过鲍勃(Bob)将付款路由给马克(Mark),同时确保任何一方都不必信任另一方。

The implementation of lightning network transactions and their trust-less nature can get incredibly complex, and is best explained by the Lightning developers in this conference or in the following series by ecurrencyhodler:

闪电网络交易的实现及其不信任的性质会变得异常复杂,这最好由闪电开发人员在本次会议或ecurrencyhodler的以下系列文章中进行解释 :

The Lightning Network (Part 1)Multisig Addresses: The Building Blocks of the Lightning Networkmedium.com

闪电网络(第1部分) Multisig地址:闪电网络 medium.com 的构建基块

Ideally, a user will only create a commitment transaction to the secondary layer very rarely because he or she will remain in the layered network for prolonged periods of time to conduct most of their day-to-day transactions. Once a user wants to exit this multi-layered network, a settlement transaction is made on the blockchain declaring the user’s final Bitcoin balance after all of the second-layer activities. This reconciles their total Bitcoin balance on the blockchain after comparison with the original commitment transaction. In total, only two blockchain transactions are made in order to let the user to conduct a limitless number of transactions for free on the second layer.

理想情况下,用户很少会创建到第二层的承诺交易,因为他或她将在分层网络中停留很长的时间来执行他们的大部分日常交易。 一旦用户想要退出此多层网络,便会在区块链上进行结算交易 ,以声明用户在所有第二层活动之后的最终比特币余额。 在与原始承诺交易进行比较之后,这会协调他们在区块链上的总比特币余额。 为了让用户在第二层免费进行无限数量的交易,总共只进行了两次区块链交易。

As mentioned previously, SegWit paves the way for the lightning network because it removes nodes’ abilities to modify witness data, which is what is used to identify a user’s entry into the second layer. If the user’s commitment transaction can’t be found because the witness data referring to the user was changed, there is a greater level of difficulty involved when trying to reconcile the user’s settlement transaction.

如前所述,SegWit为闪电网络铺平了道路,因为它消除了节点修改见证数据的能力,见证数据是用来识别用户进入第二层的。 如果由于引用用户的见证人数据已更改而无法找到用户的承诺交易,则在尝试协调用户的结算交易时会涉及更大的难度。

The second layer of the lightning network involving channel factories was very recently introduced in this whitepaper. It is still under heavy development, so a lot of its concepts are explained abstractly. However, the network is poised to launch in 2018 and will be by far the biggest improvement in transaction scalability thus far.

本白皮书最近介绍了涉及渠道工厂的闪电网络的第二层。 它仍处于繁重的开发过程中,因此对它的许多概念进行了抽象说明。 但是,该网络已准备在2018年启动,它将是迄今为止交易可扩展性的最大改进。

施诺尔签名 (Schnorr Signatures)

When a user sends a Bitcoin transaction, the inputs of the transaction (the amount you’re sending) is calculated simply by retrieving from the blockchain the total unspent amounts of Bitcoin you previously received. So for example:

当用户发送比特币交易时,只需通过从区块链中检索先前收到的未使用的比特币总额来计算交易的输入(您要发送的金额)。 因此,例如:

  • Starting with an empty wallet, I receive 1 Bitcoin in transaction #1, and then another 1 Bitcoin in a separate transaction #2从一个空的钱包开始,我在交易#1中收到1个比特币,然后在单独的交易#2中又获得1个比特币。
  • I now want to send 2 Bitcoins in a transaction. There will be two inputs to this transaction: transaction #1, and transaction #2, summing up to 2 Bitcoin我现在想在交易中发送2个比特币。 此交易将有两个输入:交易1和交易2,总计2个比特币

Under the current algorithm for generating signatures (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), each input requires its own signature. This increases the total transaction size and therefore increases the transaction fee.

在当前用于生成签名的算法(椭圆曲线数字签名算法)下,每个输入都需要自己的签名。 这增加了总交易规模,因此增加了交易费用。

Schnorr signatures are an alternative and more efficient way of storing signature data in transactions. All inputs are accumulated and then stored as a single signature by utilizing the Schnorr algorithm, which greatly saves space in a transaction and further helps increase transaction throughput by allowing blocks to store more transactions on average.

Schnorr签名是在事务中存储签名数据的另一种更有效的方式。 通过使用Schnorr算法,所有输入都会被累积,然后存储为单个签名,这可以极大地节省交易空间,并通过允许块平均存储更多交易来进一步帮助提高交易吞吐量。

Schnorr signatures can be also be used to aid Bitcoin’s advancement in privacy by benefiting CoinJoin transactions. CoinJoin is a method of introducing anonymity to Bitcoin transactions. It works by pooling transaction inputs together with other peoples’ transactions when making a payment to a receiver. When payments are pooled, it becomes difficult to track which user sent what input, effectively making them anonymous. However, CoinJoin transactions have increased fees due to a higher number of inputs in a single transaction resulting in a higher number of signatures. Utilizing Schnorr signatures would enable all signatures in a transaction to be compressed into one, saving greatly on transaction fees and encouraging the use of CoinJoin.

通过使CoinJoin交易受益,Schnorr签名也可用于帮助比特币提高隐私性。 CoinJoin是一种在比特币交易中引入匿名性的方法。 它通过在向收款人付款时将交易输入与其他人的交易合并在一起而起作用。 汇总付款后,就很难跟踪哪个用户发送了什么输入,从而使输入匿名。 但是,由于单笔交易中输入的数量更多,导致CoinJoin交易的签名增加,因此费用增加。 利用Schnorr签名可以将交易中的所有签名压缩为一个,从而大大节省交易费用并鼓励使用CoinJoin。

Furthermore, Schnorr paves the way for complex multisig transactions which require signing off from multiple parties; no matter how many parties’ signatures are required for a transaction, all the transaction needs is one Schnorr signature.

此外,Schnorr为复杂的多重签名交易铺平了道路,这些交易需要多方签名。 无论一笔交易需要多少方签名,所有交易需求都是一个Schnorr签名。

Schnorr signatures are only now a possibility because of the implementation of SegWit; because signature data can’t be modified by third parties, it can now be used to effectively create a Schnorr signature.

由于实施了SegWit,Schnorr签名才成为可能。 因为签名数据不能由第三方修改,所以现在可以将其用于有效地创建Schnorr签名。

梦宝 (MimbleWimble)

MimbleWimble is a radical but incredibly powerful proposed change to Bitcoin architecture that was anonymously introduced through this whitepaper in July 2016.


Named after the tongue-tying curse from the Harry Potter series, its aim is to remove transactions entirely from blocks. Under MimbleWimble, transactions consist of nothing but input amounts, output amounts, and a signature. The signature of the transaction can only be decrypted by the receiver, and so transaction verification is left to the receiver.

以《哈利·波特》系列中的绑舌诅咒命名,其目的是完全从区块中删除交易。 在MimbleWimble下,交易仅由输入金额,输出金额和签名组成。 事务的签名只能由接收方解密,因此事务验证留给接收方。

By extension, blocks consist of only the list of all transaction input amounts of all transactions, all transaction output amounts, and their corresponding signatures. Blocks can then be merged seamlessly with previous blocks as they’re nothing but pairs of input and output amounts. Nodes then have the ability to cryptographically ensure that transactions in blocks do not create extra bitcoins (i.e. their net difference between inputs and outputs in blocks is 0) without having to decrypt transactions.

通过扩展,块仅包括所有交易的所有交易输入金额,所有交易输出金额及其对应签名的列表。 然后,块可以与先前的块无缝合并,因为它们不过是一对输入和输出量。 这样,节点就能够以密码方式确保块中的交易不会创建额外的比特币(即,块中输入和输出之间的净差为0),而不必解密交易。

This removal of transaction storage grants complete anonymity to all users by stripping away the ability to generate transaction history. Furthermore, with blocks only containing the unspent transaction outputs (meaning the number of Bitcoins that have been received in an address but not moved out yet), the blockchain size can be reduced by over 60% according to the whitepaper. This reduction in size means that in order to validate a MimbleWimble blockchain, nodes will only need to look at the set of unspent transaction outputs instead of the entire set of transactions, which will exponentially increase performance.

交易存储的删除通过剥夺生成交易历史记录的能力,使所有用户完全匿名。 此外,根据白皮书,使用仅包含未使用的交易输出(即已在地址中接收但尚未移出的比特币数量)的区块,可以将区块链大小减少60%以上。 大小的减小意味着,为了验证MimbleWimble区块链,节点仅需要查看未花费的交易输出集,而不是整个交易集,这将成倍地提高性能。

The mathematical details of MimbleWimble are outside of the scope of this article, but are explained in detail in the whitepaper. Although MimbleWimble presents some clear advantages and technical breakthroughs, its implementation requires the removal of Bitcoin’s Script system that much of the existing architecture relies on. As a result, MimbleWimble’s implementation on the Bitcoin blockchain is not technically feasible.

MimbleWimble的数学细节不在本文讨论范围之内,但在白皮书中将进行详细说明。 尽管MimbleWimble具有明显的优势和技术突破,但其实现需要删除许多现有体系结构所依赖的比特币脚本系统。 结果,MimbleWimble在比特币区块链上的实现在技术上是不可行的。

However, there are proposals for MimbleWimble to exist as a sidechain. A sidechain is a separate blockchain directly attached to the Bitcoin blockchain through the use of a two-way peg. This peg enables assets between the two chains to be exchanged and “pegs” the value of the sidechain asset to the value of Bitcoin. In this setup, users would be able to exchange Bitcoins for MimbleWimble coins, conduct completely private and rapid transactions on the MimbleWimble chain, and then exchange their MimbleWimble coins for Bitcoin whenever they please.

但是,有人建议将MimbleWimble作为侧链存在 侧链是通过使用双向钉直接连接到比特币区块链的独立区块链。 这种挂钩使两个链之间的资产可以交换,并将侧链资产的价值“钉”在比特币的价值上。 在此设置中,用户将能够用比特币交换MimbleWimble硬币,在MimbleWimble链上进行完全私人和快速的交易,然后在需要时随时将其MimbleWimble硬币交换为比特币。

In fact, a group of developers are already in the process of developing MimbleWimble as a separate cryptocurrency called GRIN; it was recently deployed on a test network and may be launched in the near future.

实际上,一群开发人员已经在开发MimbleWimble作为称为GRIN的独立加密货币。 它最近已部署在测试网络上,并可能在不久的将来推出。

砧木 (Rootstock)

Rootstock — Smart Contracts on the Bitcoin BlockchainAs a concept the Rootstock [1] platform is one of those ideas that once it is proposed it is obvious that it is a great…medium.com

Rootstock-比特币区块链上的智能合约 作为一个概念,Rootstock [1]平台就是这些想法之一,一旦提出,就很明显,这是一个很好的... media.com

Rootstock is for whatever reason one of the less talked about advancements in Bitcoin technology but is by far one of the coolest. Rootstock is described as “the first open-source smart contract platform with a 2-way peg to Bitcoin that also rewards the Bitcoin miners via merge-mining, allowing them to actively participate in the Smart Contract revolution.”

出于任何原因,砧木是比特币技术发展中鲜为人知的问题之一,但迄今为止却是最酷的之一。 Rootstock被描述为“第一个与比特币建立双向挂钩的开放源代码智能合约平台,该平台还通过合并采矿奖励比特币矿工,从而使他们能够积极参与智能合约革命。”

Much like MimbleWimble, Rootstock is being developed as a sidechain solution to the Bitcoin blockchain. Its fundamental value lies in its focus in smart contracts. Rootstock aims to be a Turing Complete (completely programmable) smart-contracts platform that will be backwards compatible with Ethereum’s virtual machine. This means that Rootstock will be able to execute any smart contracts developed for the Ethereum platform and have smart contracts developed for its own platform.

与MimbleWimble一样,Rootstock也正在开发为比特币区块链的侧链解决方案。 它的基本价值在于专注于智能合约。 Rootstock旨在成为一个图灵完备 (完全可编程)智能合约平台,该平台将与以太坊的虚拟机向后兼容。 这意味着Rootstock将能够执行为以太坊平台开发的任何智能合约,并能够为自己的平台开发智能合约。

Rootstock aims to implement this versatile smart-contract functionality all while leveraging Bitcoin’s comparatively dominant userbase and value by acting as a two-way pegged sidechain. It is also being designed to be secured by the existing Bitcoin mining network, therefore not needing to incentivize miners to secure its own blockchain. Rootstock also aims to tackle the transaction scalability problem by implementing its own version of a multi-layered solution called Lumino. With this, it may be able to accomplish up to 20,000 transactions per second.

Rootstock旨在实现这一通用的智能合约功能,同时通过充当双向钉住侧链来利用比特币相对占主导地位的用户群和价值。 它也被设计为由现有的比特币采矿网络来保护,因此不需要激励矿工来保护自己的区块链。 Rootstock还旨在通过实现自己的多层解决方案Lumino来解决事务可伸缩性问题。 这样,它每秒最多可以完成20,000个事务。

Rootstock is aiming for a launch by the end of 2017. Overall, the platform aims to fit in perfectly alongside Bitcoin and if its claims hold true, it will undoubtedly bring unprecedented utility to the Bitcoin network.

砧木的目标是在2017年底前推出 。 总体而言,该平台旨在与比特币完美融合,如果其主张成立,无疑将为比特币网络带来空前的效用。

If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations! I hope you were able to learn something about the future of Bitcoin and are as excited about it as I am.

如果您已经走了那么远,恭喜! 我希望您能够对比特币的未来有所了解,并像我一样对它感到兴奋。

Bitcoin isn’t perfect and is faced with challenges that its community must work to solve. However, it is backed by an incredibly dedicated and thriving developer community that is working day in and day out to tackle these problems. There are constant innovations happening everyday, and I am sure by the time you finished reading this another new and exciting proposal for the Bitcoin blockchain popped up.

比特币并不完美,它面临着社区必须努力解决的挑战。 但是,它得到了一个非常敬业和蓬勃发展的开发人员社区的支持,该社区每天都在工作以解决这些问题。 每天都有持续不断的创新发生,我敢肯定,当您阅读完有关比特币区块链的另一个令人振奋的新提案时,我相信。

This article by no means covers everything out there; if there’s anything that you’re aware of that I didn’t mention, please mention them in the comments!

本文决不涵盖其中的所有内容。 如果您知道我没有提到的任何内容,请在评论中提及它们!

Follow me on Twitter and Medium if you’re interested in more in-depth and informative write-ups like these in the future!


I’m a relative Bitcoin beginner myself so if there are any mistakes or if you have any feedback please don’t hesitate let me know!


BTC Address: 3MGguJhw1bm95tDQjZ3b8ySBwZLJ77CgG1


Here are some resources if you’re interested in learning more:


  • Mastering Bitcoin, an comprehensive book written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos

    掌握比特币 ,由Andreas M. Antonopoulos撰写的综合著作

  • The Bitcoin Wiki


  • The Bitcoin whitepaper


  • A collection of Bitcoin resources by Jameson Lopp

    Jameson Lopp 收集的比特币资源

  • This highly informative interview with Nick Szabos conducted by Tim Ferriss

    蒂姆·费里斯 ( Tim Ferriss) 对尼克·萨博斯(Nick Szabos)的采访

  • Ivan on Tech on Youtube, who is absolutely amazing at breaking down technical Bitcoin concepts

    Ivan在YouTube上的Tech上工作 ,他在打破技术性比特币概念上非常了不起

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/future-of-bitcoin-cc6936ba0b99/



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