

root@latelee:latelee# apt-get install cppcheck


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>void init_buffer(void)
{char filename[128] = {""}; // 这样初始为0,如果是{"1"},则只有第1个字节为1,其它为0 --不知其它编译器会怎样printf("test of buffer\n");dump(filename, 128);char unused_buffer[7*1024*1024] = {0};   // 没有使用的缓冲区,超过栈最大值,有coredump。char unused_buffer1[1*1024*1024] = {0};strcpy(unused_buffer1, "hello");
}// 数组范围越界
void out_of_array(void)
{int foo[2]; // 范围不够int aaa = 250;foo[0] = 1;foo[1] = 2;// 下面这些是不行的foo[2] = 3;foo[3] = 4;foo[4] = 5;foo[5] = 6;printf("%d %d \n", foo[0], foo[1]);
}#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
// 打开未关闭
void open_not_close()
{// 内存泄漏char* p = new char[100];strcpy(p, "hello");printf("p:%s\n", p);FILE* fp = NULL;fp = fopen("aaa", "a");if (fp){// 注:这里返回时没有关闭文件return;}fclose(fp);DIR *dir = NULL;dir = opendir("./");}int main(void)
{int ret = 0;foo();init_buffer();out_of_array();open_not_close()return 0;


root@latelee~/test# cppcheck gcc_warning.cpp  --enable=all
Checking gcc_warning.cpp...
[gcc_warning.cpp:56] -> [gcc_warning.cpp:50]: (warning) Possible null pointer dereference: fp - otherwise it is redundant to check it against null.
[gcc_warning.cpp:13]: (style) Variable 'unused_buffer' is assigned a value that is never used.
[gcc_warning.cpp:23]: (style) Variable 'aaa' is assigned a value that is never used.
[gcc_warning.cpp:59]: (style) Variable 'dir' is assigned a value that is never used.
[gcc_warning.cpp:65]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[gcc_warning.cpp:28]: (error) Array 'foo[2]' accessed at index 2, which is out of bounds.
[gcc_warning.cpp:29]: (error) Array 'foo[2]' accessed at index 3, which is out of bounds.
[gcc_warning.cpp:30]: (error) Array 'foo[2]' accessed at index 4, which is out of bounds.
[gcc_warning.cpp:31]: (error) Array 'foo[2]' accessed at index 5, which is out of bounds.
[gcc_warning.cpp:53]: (error) Memory leak: p
[gcc_warning.cpp:53]: (error) Resource leak: fp
[gcc_warning.cpp:61]: (error) Resource leak: dir
Checking usage of global functions..
(information) Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details)









李迟 2016.6.15 周三 晚


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  6. cppcheck静态代码检查工具使用教程

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  7. CppCheck静态代码检查配置(命令行方式或在VS中使用)

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    我们在配置vscode时,测试代码时,可能会出现这种情况. 检测到 #include 错误.请更新 includePath.已为此翻译单元(E:\abc.ino)禁用波形曲线.C/C++(1696) ...

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