
  • Word Preparation
    • bestseller: 畅销书
    • novel: 小说
    • writing style: 写作风格
    • from cover to cover: 从头到尾(地读)
    • commonly known as: 通常被称为;俗称
    • children's books: 儿童读物
  • Grammar
    • relative clause 关系从句/定语从句

Word Preparation

bestseller: 畅销书

a book which is extremely popular and has sold in very large numbers

The Harry Porter books are all bestsellers.
《哈利 波特》系列丛书都是畅销书。

Tim is an author, but he has never written a bestseller.

novel: 小说

a long printed story about imaginary characters and events

I read a novel about a man who travels the forests of South America.

We read many novels in my English class.

writing style: 写作风格

the manner in which a writer writes

I like writing styles that are simple and clear.

What do you think of Chomsky’s writing style?

from cover to cover: 从头到尾(地读)

from the beginning to the end

Sally reads book from cover to cover once she starts them.

I don’t have time to read this novel from cover to cover.

commonly known as: 通常被称为;俗称

introduces a name recognized by most people

The puma, also commonly known as the mountain lion, is a beautiful cat.

Proof of Permanent Residency is a small identification card commonly known as a green card.

children’s books: 儿童读物

books for kids

This library has a lot of children’s books.

My grandma loves to buy children’s books for her grandchildren.


relative clause 关系从句/定语从句

  • I’m only familiar with drama, which is sad, and comedy, which is funny.
  • There are books that have very long stories.

which, that 是关系代词(relative pronoun),作关系从句的主语,指代主句中的 drama 和 books。

  • John, who speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.
  • Have you been to the restaurant that just opened in town?
  • The Golden Gate Bridge, which is actually orange-red, is surrounded by fog.

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