There is no direct option to create a hyperlink in SSRS, however you still can create links. This is how.

When designing the report:
 • Open up a text box properties window
• In the Value box enter the display for the link. You can use the expressions too.

When designing the report:

• Open up a text box properties window

• In the Value box enter the display for the link. You can use the expressions too.

Adding a Title
Adding a link

• Go to Navigation

• Enable Jump to URL

• In the URL enter =”javascript:void(‘http://localhost/VBMS2/WorkTray/WorkItemOpen.aspx?T=V&WIS=67B3D3AD-156C-4D52-B46D-87E12827B11F’, ‘_blank’))” . Add the URL you would like to launch.   _Blank, is used to launch the link in a new window.

Note that reporting services will not display the underlined and blue color hyperlinks, one trick is to format the text color to blue and use Font Decoration Underline.


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