
This M.S. program in Cybersecurity in Computer Science is offered by GW's Department of Computer Science, which also offers a Ph.D. and M.S. in computer science, as well as two professional degrees (applied scientist and engineer) and a graduate certificate in computer security and information assurance.

This program was created to respond to the large and fast-growing need for technical Cybersecurity experts nationally and internationally. Students in this program will acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills in Cybersecurity, a field of ever-increasing importance to national security, the economy, and individual users. They will also get a firm grounding in requisite core knowledge in computer science, as well as the ability to take courses in related disciplines.

In this program, students receive individualized attention from world-class faculty, are able to take advanced topics courses along with Ph.D. students, and benefit from evening classes that accommodate the schedules of those who are working professionals. Students may choose a thesis or non-thesis option.

Those who would like to pursue a graduate certificate in Computer Security and Information Assurance can transfer all their certificate courses to the M.S. in Cybersecurity program if they decide to get a master's degree.  Also, students who are in M.S. in Cybersecurity program can obtain the graduate certificate in Computer Security and Information Assurance if they so choose.

Course Structure

Credit hours: 30

Thesis options: Thesis and non-thesis options available.

Duration: Two years (full-time) or three years (part-time)


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