
1.A completed Application for Graduate Admission

2.Three letters of recommendation. It is required that one be an academic reference if you graduated or engaged in post-graduate education in the past three years

3.You must supply the name and email address of your recommenders in order to submit your application.

Recommendations must be received before your application can be reviewed.

4.A self-evaluation (short essay discussing your motivation for study)

5.A current résumé

6.Transcript(s) from each college and graduate school attended. Unofficial transcripts can be uploaded to your application. Official transcripts will be required upon matriculation.

7.A nonrefundable $85 application fee.

8.Minimum TOEFL Requirements

Unless otherwise indicated by the department/program to which you are applying, the minimum total internet-based TOEFL score is 84, with minimum scores in each section as follows:





The ETS TOEFL institution code for all Boston University Graduate Programs is 3087.

9.Minimum IETLS Requirements

In addition to the TOEFL, the IELTS is also accepted as proof of English proficiency. The band score of 6.5 is required for admission to Metropolitan College. Applicants submitting IELTS scores will need to contact their testing center and request official test scores be mailed to the following address:

Boston University Metropolitan College

Graduate Admissions & Enrollment Services

808 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 270

Boston, MA 02215


The Master of Science in Computer Science concentration in Computer Networks provides students with a broad foundation in information technology (IT), and an in-depth understanding of computer data communication and modern networking. The five core courses include a comprehensive, introductory networking course that covers digital communications, local area, wide area, wireless, and other network technologies. The core also includes courses in databases, math for IT, strategic IT, software development, and systems analysis and design. The Computer Networks concentration courses provide students with a comprehensive understanding of network design and implementation, network performance analysis and management, network security, and the latest networking technology. The program is designed to empower students with extensive knowledge and hands-on experience to analyze, design, procure, manage, and implement cutting-edge computer networking solutions and technologies.


MET CS 566 Analysis of Algorithms

MET CS 575 Operating Systems

MET CS 662 Computer Language Theory

MET CS 673 Software Engineering

MET CS 535 Computer Networks

MET CS 579 Database Management

MET CS 635 Network Media Technologies

MET CS 685 Network Design and Management

MET CS 690 Network Security

MET CS 775 Advanced Networkin

MET CS 503 Windows .NET Application Programming with C#

MET CS 532 Computer Graphics

MET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

MET CS 560 Organization of Programming Languages

MET CS 561 Financial Informatics

MET CS 570 Biomedical Sciences and Health IT

MET CS 580 Health Informatics

MET CS 581 Electronic Health Records

MET CS 599 Biometrics

MET CS 601 Web Application Development

MET CS 622 Advanced Java Programming

MET CS 632 Information Technology Project Management

MET CS 633 Software Quality, Testing, and Security Management

MET CS 651 Web Development with .NET

MET CS 664 Artificial Intelligence

MET CS 665 Software Design and Patterns

MET CS 667 Enterprise Java

MET CS 671 Systems Programming Using UNIX

MET CS 674 Database Security

MET CS 683 Mobile Application Development with Android

MET CS 684 IT Security Policies and Procedures

MET CS 689 Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

MET CS 693 Digital Forensics and Investigations

MET CS 701 Rich Internet Application Development

MET CS 703 Network Forensics

MET CS 732 Advanced Game Graphics

MET CS 755 Cloud Computing

MET CS 767 Machine Learning

MET CS 773 Software Quality Management

MET CS 779 Advanced Database Management

MET CS 783 Enterprise Architecture

MET CS 789 Cryptography

MET CS 799 Advanced Cryptography


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