本来都要休息了还是打开github,解决了线上一个插件的兼容性。 看来今晚能睡的比较踏实了!



  • 图片

  • demo 展示地址


  • 项目github地址



现用版本是 1.2.12,2013年之后就不维护了

  • Hooks 回调事件

    • ‘release’ : executed on release
    • ‘change’ : executed at each change of the value
  1. 1.2.12版本没有做向下兼容,之前1.2.0 中change在mousewheel事件执行的时候会有回调,1.2.12版本去掉了change事件的监听
  2. 没有阻止冒泡事件,当拖动旋钮更新值的时候,如果放在可拖动模态框中,模态框会跟随拖动。


/*!jQuery Knob*/
/*** Downward compatible, touchable dial** Version: 1.2.12* Requires: jQuery v1.7+** Copyright (c) 2012 Anthony Terrien* Under MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)** Thanks to vor, eskimoblood, spiffistan, FabrizioC*/
(function (factory) {if (typeof exports === 'object') {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory(require('jquery'));} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.define(['jquery'], factory);} else {// Browser globalsfactory(jQuery);}
}(function ($) {/*** Kontrol library*/"use strict";/*** Definition of globals and core*/var k = {}, // kontrolmax = Math.max,min = Math.min;k.c = {};k.c.d = $(document);k.c.t = function (e) {return e.originalEvent.touches.length - 1;};/*** Kontrol Object** Definition of an abstract UI control** Each concrete component must call this one.* <code>* k.o.call(this);* </code>*/k.o = function () {var s = this;this.o = null; // array of optionsthis.$ = null; // jQuery wrapped elementthis.i = null; // mixed HTMLInputElement or array of HTMLInputElementthis.g = null; // deprecated 2D graphics context for 'pre-rendering'this.v = null; // value ; mixed array or integerthis.cv = null; // change value ; not commited valuethis.x = 0; // canvas x positionthis.y = 0; // canvas y positionthis.w = 0; // canvas widththis.h = 0; // canvas heightthis.$c = null; // jQuery canvas elementthis.c = null; // rendered canvas contextthis.t = 0; // touches indexthis.isInit = false;this.fgColor = null; // main colorthis.pColor = null; // previous colorthis.dH = null; // draw hookthis.cH = null; // change hookthis.eH = null; // cancel hookthis.rH = null; // release hookthis.scale = 1; // scale factorthis.relative = false;this.relativeWidth = false;this.relativeHeight = false;this.$div = null; // component divthis.run = function () {var cf = function (e, conf) {var k;for (k in conf) {s.o[k] = conf[k];}s._carve().init();s._configure()._draw();};if (this.$.data('kontroled')) return;this.$.data('kontroled', true);this.extend();this.o = $.extend({// Configmin: this.$.data('min') !== undefined ? this.$.data('min') : 0,max: this.$.data('max') !== undefined ? this.$.data('max') : 100,stopper: true,readOnly: this.$.data('readonly') || (this.$.attr('readonly') === 'readonly'),// UIcursor: this.$.data('cursor') === true && 30 ||this.$.data('cursor') || 0,thickness: this.$.data('thickness') &&Math.max(Math.min(this.$.data('thickness'), 1), 0.01) ||0.35,lineCap: this.$.data('linecap') || 'butt',width: this.$.data('width') || 200,height: this.$.data('height') || 200,displayInput: this.$.data('displayinput') == null || this.$.data('displayinput'),displayPrevious: this.$.data('displayprevious'),fgColor: this.$.data('fgcolor') || '#87CEEB',inputColor: this.$.data('inputcolor'),font: this.$.data('font') || 'Arial',fontWeight: this.$.data('font-weight') || 'bold',inline: false,step: this.$.data('step') || 1,rotation: this.$.data('rotation'),// Hooksdraw: null, // function () {}change: null, // function (value) {}cancel: null, // function () {}release: null, // function (value) {}// Output formatting, allows to add unit: %, ms ...format: function (v) {return v;},parse: function (v) {return parseFloat(v);}}, this.o);// finalize optionsthis.o.flip = this.o.rotation === 'anticlockwise' || this.o.rotation === 'acw';if (!this.o.inputColor) {this.o.inputColor = this.o.fgColor;}// routing valueif (this.$.is('fieldset')) {// fieldset = array of integerthis.v = {};this.i = this.$.find('input');this.i.each(function (k) {var $this = $(this);s.i[k] = $this;s.v[k] = s.o.parse($this.val());$this.bind('change blur',function () {var val = {};val[k] = $this.val();s.val(s._validate(val));});});this.$.find('legend').remove();} else {// input = integerthis.i = this.$;this.v = this.o.parse(this.$.val());this.v === '' && (this.v = this.o.min);this.$.bind('change blur',function () {s.val(s._validate(s.o.parse(s.$.val())));});}!this.o.displayInput && this.$.hide();// adds needed DOM elements (canvas, div)this.$c = $(document.createElement('canvas')).attr({width: this.o.width,height: this.o.height});// wraps all elements in a div// add to DOM before Canvas init is triggeredthis.$div = $('<div style="' +(this.o.inline ? 'display:inline;' : '') +'width:' + this.o.width + 'px;height:' + this.o.height + 'px;' +'"></div>');this.$.wrap(this.$div).before(this.$c);this.$div = this.$.parent();if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager !== 'undefined') {G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(this.$c[0]);}this.c = this.$c[0].getContext ? this.$c[0].getContext('2d') : null;if (!this.c) {throw {name: "CanvasNotSupportedException",message: "Canvas not supported. Please use excanvas on IE8.0.",toString: function () {return this.name + ": " + this.message}}}// hdpi supportthis.scale = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / (this.c.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||this.c.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||this.c.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||this.c.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||this.c.backingStorePixelRatio || 1);// detects relative width / heightthis.relativeWidth = this.o.width % 1 !== 0 &&this.o.width.indexOf('%');this.relativeHeight = this.o.height % 1 !== 0 &&this.o.height.indexOf('%');this.relative = this.relativeWidth || this.relativeHeight;// computes size and carves the componentthis._carve();// prepares props for transactionif (this.v instanceof Object) {this.cv = {};this.copy(this.v, this.cv);} else {this.cv = this.v;}// binds configure eventthis.$.bind("configure", cf).parent().bind("configure", cf);// finalize initthis._listen()._configure()._xy().init();this.isInit = true;this.$.val(this.o.format(this.v));this._draw();return this;};this._carve = function () {if (this.relative) {var w = this.relativeWidth ?this.$div.parent().width() *parseInt(this.o.width) / 100 :this.$div.parent().width(),h = this.relativeHeight ?this.$div.parent().height() *parseInt(this.o.height) / 100 :this.$div.parent().height();// apply relativethis.w = this.h = Math.min(w, h);} else {this.w = this.o.width;this.h = this.o.height;}// finalize divthis.$div.css({'width': this.w + 'px','height': this.h + 'px'});// finalize canvas with computed widththis.$c.attr({width: this.w,height: this.h});// scalingif (this.scale !== 1) {this.$c[0].width = this.$c[0].width * this.scale;this.$c[0].height = this.$c[0].height * this.scale;this.$c.width(this.w);this.$c.height(this.h);}return this;};this._draw = function () {// canvas pre-renderingvar d = true;s.g = s.c;s.clear();s.dH && (d = s.dH());d !== false && s.draw();};this._touch = function (e) {var touchMove = function (e) {var v = s.xy2val(e.originalEvent.touches[s.t].pageX,e.originalEvent.touches[s.t].pageY);if (v == s.cv) return;if (s.cH && s.cH(v) === false) return;s.change(s._validate(v));s._draw();};// get touches indexthis.t = k.c.t(e);// First touchtouchMove(e);// Touch events listenersk.c.d.bind("touchmove.k", touchMove).bind("touchend.k",function () {k.c.d.unbind('touchmove.k touchend.k');s.val(s.cv);});return this;};this._mouse = function (e) {var mouseMove = function (e) {var v = s.xy2val(e.pageX, e.pageY);if (v == s.cv) return;if (s.cH && (s.cH(v) === false)) return;s.change(s._validate(v));s._draw();};// First clickmouseMove(e);// Mouse events listenersk.c.d.bind("mousemove.k", mouseMove).bind(// Escape key cancel current change"keyup.k",function (e) {if (e.keyCode === 27) {k.c.d.unbind("mouseup.k mousemove.k keyup.k");if (s.eH && s.eH() === false)return;s.cancel();}}).bind("mouseup.k",function (e) {k.c.d.unbind('mousemove.k mouseup.k keyup.k');s.val(s.cv);});return this;};this._xy = function () {var o = this.$c.offset();this.x = o.left;this.y = o.top;return this;};this._listen = function () {if (!this.o.readOnly) {this.$c.bind("mousedown",function (e) {e.preventDefault();if (e.stopPropagation) {e.stopPropagation();} else {e.cancelBubble = true;}s._xy()._mouse(e);}).bind("touchstart",function (e) {e.preventDefault();s._xy()._touch(e);});this.listen();} else {this.$.attr('readonly', 'readonly');}if (this.relative) {$(window).resize(function () {s._carve().init();s._draw();});}return this;};this._configure = function () {// Hooksif (this.o.draw) this.dH = this.o.draw;if (this.o.change) this.cH = this.o.change;if (this.o.cancel) this.eH = this.o.cancel;if (this.o.release) this.rH = this.o.release;if (this.o.displayPrevious) {this.pColor = this.h2rgba(this.o.fgColor, "0.4");this.fgColor = this.h2rgba(this.o.fgColor, "0.6");} else {this.fgColor = this.o.fgColor;}return this;};this._clear = function () {this.$c[0].width = this.$c[0].width;};this._validate = function (v) {var val = (~~(((v < 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5) + (v / this.o.step))) * this.o.step;return Math.round(val * 100) / 100;};// Abstract methodsthis.listen = function () {}; // on start, one timethis.extend = function () {}; // each time configure triggeredthis.init = function () {}; // each time configure triggeredthis.change = function (v) {}; // on changethis.val = function (v) {}; // on releasethis.xy2val = function (x, y) {}; //this.draw = function () {}; // on change / on releasethis.clear = function () {this._clear();};// Utilsthis.h2rgba = function (h, a) {var rgb;h = h.substring(1, 7);rgb = [parseInt(h.substring(0, 2), 16),parseInt(h.substring(2, 4), 16),parseInt(h.substring(4, 6), 16)];return "rgba(" + rgb[0] + "," + rgb[1] + "," + rgb[2] + "," + a + ")";};this.copy = function (f, t) {for (var i in f) {t[i] = f[i];}};};/*** k.Dial*/k.Dial = function () {k.o.call(this);this.startAngle = null;this.xy = null;this.radius = null;this.lineWidth = null;this.cursorExt = null;this.w2 = null;this.PI2 = 2 * Math.PI;this.extend = function () {this.o = $.extend({bgColor: this.$.data('bgcolor') || '#EEEEEE',angleOffset: this.$.data('angleoffset') || 0,angleArc: this.$.data('anglearc') || 360,inline: true}, this.o);};this.val = function (v, triggerRelease) {if (null != v) {// reverse formatv = this.o.parse(v);if (triggerRelease !== false &&v != this.v &&this.rH &&this.rH(v) === false) {return;}this.cv = this.o.stopper ? max(min(v, this.o.max), this.o.min) : v;this.v = this.cv;this.$.val(this.o.format(this.v));this._draw();} else {return this.v;}};this.xy2val = function (x, y) {var a, ret;a = Math.atan2(x - (this.x + this.w2),-(y - this.y - this.w2)) - this.angleOffset;if (this.o.flip) {a = this.angleArc - a - this.PI2;}if (this.angleArc != this.PI2 && (a < 0) && (a > -0.5)) {// if isset angleArc option, set to min if .5 under mina = 0;} else if (a < 0) {a += this.PI2;}ret = (a * (this.o.max - this.o.min) / this.angleArc) + this.o.min;this.o.stopper && (ret = max(min(ret, this.o.max), this.o.min));return ret;};this.listen = function () {// bind MouseWheelvar s = this,mwTimerStop,mwTimerRelease,mw = function (e) {e.preventDefault();if (e.stopPropagation) {e.stopPropagation();} else {e.cancelBubble = true;}var ori = e.originalEvent,deltaX = ori.detail || ori.wheelDeltaX,deltaY = ori.detail || ori.wheelDeltaY,v = s._validate(s.o.parse(s.$.val())) +(deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0 ?s.o.step :deltaX < 0 || deltaY < 0 ? -s.o.step : 0);v = max(min(v, s.o.max), s.o.min);s.val(v, false);if (s.rH) {// Handle mousewheel stopclearTimeout(mwTimerStop);mwTimerStop = setTimeout(function () {s.rH(v);mwTimerStop = null;}, 100);// Handle mousewheel releasesif (!mwTimerRelease) {mwTimerRelease = setTimeout(function () {if (mwTimerStop)s.rH(v);mwTimerRelease = null;}, 200);}}if (s.cH) {s.cH(v);}},kval,to,m = 1,kv = {37: -s.o.step,38: s.o.step,39: s.o.step,40: -s.o.step};this.$.bind("keydown",function (e) {var kc = e.keyCode;// numpad supportif (kc >= 96 && kc <= 105) {kc = e.keyCode = kc - 48;}kval = parseInt(String.fromCharCode(kc));if (isNaN(kval)) {(kc !== 13) // enter&&kc !== 8 // bs&&kc !== 9 // tab&&kc !== 189 // -&&(kc !== 190 ||s.$.val().match(/\./)) // . allowed once&&e.preventDefault();// arrowsif ($.inArray(kc, [37, 38, 39, 40]) > -1) {e.preventDefault();var v = s.o.parse(s.$.val()) + kv[kc] * m;s.o.stopper && (v = max(min(v, s.o.max), s.o.min));s.change(s._validate(v));s._draw();// long time keydown speed-upto = window.setTimeout(function () {m *= 2;}, 30);}}}).bind("keyup",function (e) {if (isNaN(kval)) {if (to) {window.clearTimeout(to);to = null;m = 1;s.val(s.$.val());}} else {// kval postcond(s.$.val() > s.o.max && s.$.val(s.o.max)) ||(s.$.val() < s.o.min && s.$.val(s.o.min));}});this.$c.bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", mw);this.$.bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", mw);};this.init = function () {if (this.v < this.o.min ||this.v > this.o.max) {this.v = this.o.min;}this.$.val(this.v);this.w2 = this.w / 2;this.cursorExt = this.o.cursor / 100;this.xy = this.w2 * this.scale;this.lineWidth = this.xy * this.o.thickness;this.lineCap = this.o.lineCap;this.radius = this.xy - this.lineWidth / 2;this.o.angleOffset &&(this.o.angleOffset = isNaN(this.o.angleOffset) ? 0 : this.o.angleOffset);this.o.angleArc &&(this.o.angleArc = isNaN(this.o.angleArc) ? this.PI2 : this.o.angleArc);// deg to radthis.angleOffset = this.o.angleOffset * Math.PI / 180;this.angleArc = this.o.angleArc * Math.PI / 180;// compute start and end anglesthis.startAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI + this.angleOffset;this.endAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI + this.angleOffset + this.angleArc;var s = max(String(Math.abs(this.o.max)).length,String(Math.abs(this.o.min)).length,2) + 2;this.o.displayInput &&this.i.css({'width': ((this.w / 2 + 4) >> 0) + 'px','height': ((this.w / 3) >> 0) + 'px','position': 'absolute','vertical-align': 'middle','margin-top': ((this.w / 3) >> 0) + 'px','margin-left': '-' + ((this.w * 3 / 4 + 2) >> 0) + 'px','border': 0,'background': 'none','font': this.o.fontWeight + ' ' + ((this.w / s) >> 0) + 'px ' + this.o.font,'text-align': 'center','color': this.o.inputColor || this.o.fgColor,'padding': '0px','-webkit-appearance': 'none'}) || this.i.css({'width': '0px','visibility': 'hidden'});};this.change = function (v) {this.cv = v;this.$.val(this.o.format(v));};this.angle = function (v) {return (v - this.o.min) * this.angleArc / (this.o.max - this.o.min);};this.arc = function (v) {var sa, ea;v = this.angle(v);if (this.o.flip) {sa = this.endAngle + 0.00001;ea = sa - v - 0.00001;} else {sa = this.startAngle - 0.00001;ea = sa + v + 0.00001;}this.o.cursor &&(sa = ea - this.cursorExt) &&(ea = ea + this.cursorExt);return {s: sa,e: ea,d: this.o.flip && !this.o.cursor};};this.draw = function () {var c = this.g, // contexta = this.arc(this.cv), // Arcpa, // Previous arcr = 1;c.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;c.lineCap = this.lineCap;if (this.o.bgColor !== "none") {c.beginPath();c.strokeStyle = this.o.bgColor;c.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius, this.endAngle - 0.00001, this.startAngle + 0.00001, true);c.stroke();}if (this.o.displayPrevious) {pa = this.arc(this.v);c.beginPath();c.strokeStyle = this.pColor;c.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius, pa.s, pa.e, pa.d);c.stroke();r = this.cv == this.v;}c.beginPath();c.strokeStyle = r ? this.o.fgColor : this.fgColor;c.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius, a.s, a.e, a.d);c.stroke();};this.cancel = function () {this.val(this.v);};};$.fn.dial = $.fn.knob = function (o) {return this.each(function () {var d = new k.Dial();d.o = o;d.$ = $(this);d.run();}).parent();};}));


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