山东大学类脑实验 五 HMAX 模型实现


加深对 HMAX 模型的理解,能够使用 HMAX 模型解决简单问题


根据 HMAX 模型的相关知识,使用 Python 语言实现一个简单的HMAX模型。


(1) 下载 MNIST 数据集。
(2) 构建 HMAX 模型。
(3) 使用 MNIST 数据集中的训练集训练网络,使用测试集测试训







# encoding: utf8
PyTorch implementation of the HMAX model of human vision. For more information
about HMAX, check:http://maxlab.neuro.georgetown.edu/hmax.htmlThe S and C units of the HMAX model can almost be mapped directly onto
TorchVision's Conv2d and MaxPool2d layers, where channels are used to store the
filters for different orientations. However, HMAX also implements multiple
scales, which doesn't map nicely onto the existing TorchVision functionality.
Therefore, each scale has its own Conv2d layer, which are executed in parallel.Here is a schematic overview of the network architecture:layers consisting of units with increasing scale
S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1\ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1\     \     \    |     /     /     /     /ALL-TO-ALL CONNECTIVITY/     /     /    |     \     \     \     \S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2Author: Marijn van Vliet <w.m.vanvliet@gmail.com>References
----------.. [1] Riesenhuber, Maximilian, and Tomaso Poggio. “Hierarchical Models ofObject Recognition in Cortex.” Nature Neuroscience 2, no. 11 (1999):1019–25.  https://doi.org/10.1038/14819... [2] Serre, T, M Kouh, C Cadieu, U Knoblich, Gabriel Kreiman, and T Poggio.“A Theory of Object Recognition: Computations and Circuits in theFeedforward Path of the Ventral Stream in Primate Visual Cortex.”Artificial Intelligence, no. December (2005): 1–130.https://doi.org/ [3] Serre, Thomas, Aude Oliva, and Tomaso Poggio. “A FeedforwardArchitecture Accounts for Rapid Categorization.” Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences 104, no. 15 (April 10, 2007): 6424–29.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0700622104... [4] Serre, Thomas, and Maximilian Riesenhuber. “Realistic Modeling ofSimple and Complex Cell Tuning in the HMAXModel, and Implications forInvariant Object Recognition in Cortex.” CBCL Memo, no. 239 (2004)... [5] Serre, Thomas, Lior Wolf, Stanley Bileschi, Maximilian Riesenhuber,and Tomaso Poggio. “Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-likeMechanisms.” IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 29, no. 3 (2007):411–26.  https://doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2007.56.
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import loadmat
import torch
from torch import nndef gabor_filter(size, wavelength, orientation):"""Create a single gabor filter.Parameters----------size : intThe size of the filter, measured in pixels. The filter is square, henceonly a single number (either width or height) needs to be specified.wavelength : floatThe wavelength of the grating in the filter, relative to the half thesize of the filter. For example, a wavelength of 2 will generate aGabor filter with a grating that contains exactly one wave. Thisdetermines the "tightness" of the filter.orientation : floatThe orientation of the grating in the filter, in degrees.Returns-------filt : ndarray, shape (size, size)The filter weights."""lambda_ = size * 2. / wavelengthsigma = lambda_ * 0.8gamma = 0.3  # spatial aspect ratio: 0.23 < gamma < 0.92theta = np.deg2rad(orientation + 90)# Generate Gabor filterx, y = np.mgrid[:size, :size] - (size // 2)rotx = x * np.cos(theta) + y * np.sin(theta)roty = -x * np.sin(theta) + y * np.cos(theta)filt = np.exp(-(rotx**2 + gamma**2 * roty**2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))filt *= np.cos(2 * np.pi * rotx / lambda_)filt[np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) > (size / 2)] = 0# Normalize the filterfilt = filt - np.mean(filt)filt = filt / np.sqrt(np.sum(filt ** 2))return filtclass S1(nn.Module):"""A layer of S1 units with different orientations but the same scale.The S1 units are at the bottom of the network. They are exposed to the rawpixel data of the image. Each S1 unit is a Gabor filter, which detectsedges in a certain orientation. They are implemented as PyTorch Conv2dmodules, where each channel is loaded with a Gabor filter in a specificorientation.Parameters----------size : intThe size of the filters, measured in pixels. The filters are square,hence only a single number (either width or height) needs to bespecified.wavelength : floatThe wavelength of the grating in the filter, relative to the half thesize of the filter. For example, a wavelength of 2 will generate aGabor filter with a grating that contains exactly one wave. Thisdetermines the "tightness" of the filter.orientations : list of floatThe orientations of the Gabor filters, in degrees."""def __init__(self, size, wavelength, orientations=[90, -45, 0, 45]):super().__init__()self.num_orientations = len(orientations)self.size = size# Use PyTorch's Conv2d as a base object. Each "channel" will be an# orientation.self.gabor = nn.Conv2d(1, self.num_orientations, size,padding=size // 2, bias=False)# Fill the Conv2d filter weights with Gabor kernels: one for each# orientationfor channel, orientation in enumerate(orientations):self.gabor.weight.data[channel, 0] = torch.Tensor(gabor_filter(size, wavelength, orientation))# A convolution layer filled with ones. This is used to normalize the# result in the forward method.self.uniform = nn.Conv2d(1, 4, size, padding=size // 2, bias=False)nn.init.constant_(self.uniform.weight, 1)# Since everything is pre-computed, no gradient is requiredfor p in self.parameters():p.requires_grad = Falsedef forward(self, img):"""Apply Gabor filters, take absolute value, and normalize."""s1_output = torch.abs(self.gabor(img))norm = torch.sqrt(self.uniform(img ** 2))norm.data[norm == 0] = 1  # To avoid divide by zeros1_output /= normreturn s1_outputclass C1(nn.Module):"""A layer of C1 units with different orientations but the same scale.Each C1 unit pools over the S1 units that are assigned to it.Parameters----------size : intSize of the MaxPool2d operation being performed by this C1 layer."""def __init__(self, size):super().__init__()self.size = sizeself.local_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(size, stride=size // 2,padding=size // 2)def forward(self, s1_outputs):"""Max over scales, followed by a MaxPool2d operation."""s1_outputs = torch.cat([out.unsqueeze(0) for out in s1_outputs], 0)# Pool over all scaless1_output, _ = torch.max(s1_outputs, dim=0)# Pool over local (c1_space x c1_space) neighbourhoodreturn self.local_pool(s1_output)class S2(nn.Module):"""A layer of S2 units with different orientations but the same scale.The activation of these units is computed by taking the distance betweenthe output of the C layer below and a set of predefined patches. Thisdistance is computed as:d = sqrt( (w - p)^2 )= sqrt( w^2 - 2pw + p^2 )Parameters----------patches : ndarray, shape (n_patches, n_orientations, size, size)The precomputed patches to lead into the weights of this layer.activation : 'gaussian' | 'euclidean'Which activation function to use for the units. In the PNAS paper, agaussian curve is used ('guassian', the default), whereas the MATLABimplementation of The Laboratory for Computational CognitiveNeuroscience uses the euclidean distance ('euclidean').sigma : floatThe sharpness of the tuning (sigma in eqn 1 of [1]_). Defaults to 1.References:-----------.. [1] Serre, Thomas, Aude Oliva, and Tomaso Poggio. “A FeedforwardArchitecture Accounts for Rapid Categorization.” Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences 104, no. 15 (April 10, 2007): 6424–29.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0700622104."""def __init__(self, patches, activation='gaussian', sigma=1):super().__init__()self.activation = activationself.sigma = sigmanum_patches, num_orientations, size, _ = patches.shape# Main convolution layerself.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=num_orientations,out_channels=num_orientations * num_patches,kernel_size=size,padding=size // 2,groups=num_orientations,bias=False)self.conv.weight.data = torch.Tensor(patches.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(1600, 1, size, size))# A convolution layer filled with ones. This is used for the distance# computationself.uniform = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, size, padding=size // 2, bias=False)nn.init.constant_(self.uniform.weight, 1)# This is also used for the distance computationself.patches_sum_sq = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor((patches ** 2).sum(axis=(1, 2, 3))))self.num_patches = num_patchesself.num_orientations = num_orientationsself.size = size# No gradient required for this layerfor p in self.parameters():p.requires_grad = Falsedef forward(self, c1_outputs):s2_outputs = []for c1_output in c1_outputs:conv_output = self.conv(c1_output)# Unstack the orientationsconv_output_size = conv_output.shape[3]conv_output = conv_output.view(-1, self.num_orientations, self.num_patches, conv_output_size,conv_output_size)# Pool over orientationsconv_output = conv_output.sum(dim=1)# Compute distancec1_sq = self.uniform(torch.sum(c1_output ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True))dist = c1_sq - 2 * conv_outputdist += self.patches_sum_sq[None, :, None, None]# Apply activation functionif self.activation == 'gaussian':dist = torch.exp(- 1 / (2 * self.sigma ** 2) * dist)elif self.activation == 'euclidean':dist[dist < 0] = 0  # Negative values should never occurtorch.sqrt_(dist)dist = -distelse:raise ValueError("activation parameter should be either ""'gaussian' or 'euclidean'.")s2_outputs.append(dist)return s2_outputsclass C2(nn.Module):"""A layer of C2 units operating on a layer of S2 units."""def forward(self, s2_outputs):"""Take the maximum value of the underlying S2 units."""maxs = [s2.max(dim=3)[0] for s2 in s2_outputs]maxs = [m.max(dim=2)[0] for m in maxs]maxs = torch.cat([m[:, None, :] for m in maxs], 1)# maxs = torch.where(torch.isnan(maxs), torch.full_like(maxs, -100), maxs)return maxs.max(dim=1)[0]class HMAX(nn.Module):"""The full HMAX model.Use the `get_all_layers` method to obtain the activations for all layers.If you are only interested in the final output (=C2 layer), use the modelas any other PyTorch module:model = HMAX(universal_patch_set)output = model(img)Parameters----------universal_patch_set : strFilename of the .mat file containing the universal patch set.s2_act : 'gaussian' | 'euclidean'The activation function for the S2 units. Defaults to 'gaussian'.Returns-------c2_output : list of Tensors, shape (batch_size, num_patches)For each scale, the output of the C2 units."""def __init__(self, universal_patch_set, s2_act='gaussian'):super().__init__()# S1 layers, consisting of units with increasing sizeself.s1_units = [S1(size=7, wavelength=4),S1(size=9, wavelength=3.95),S1(size=11, wavelength=3.9),S1(size=13, wavelength=3.85),S1(size=15, wavelength=3.8),S1(size=17, wavelength=3.75),S1(size=19, wavelength=3.7),S1(size=21, wavelength=3.65),S1(size=23, wavelength=3.6),S1(size=25, wavelength=3.55),S1(size=27, wavelength=3.5),S1(size=29, wavelength=3.45),S1(size=31, wavelength=3.4),S1(size=33, wavelength=3.35),S1(size=35, wavelength=3.3),S1(size=37, wavelength=3.25),]# Explicitly add the S1 units as submodules of the modelfor s1 in self.s1_units:self.add_module('s1_%02d' % s1.size, s1)# Each C1 layer pools across two S1 layersself.c1_units = [C1(size=8),C1(size=10),C1(size=12),C1(size=14),C1(size=16),C1(size=18),C1(size=20),C1(size=22),]# Explicitly add the C1 units as submodules of the modelfor c1 in self.c1_units:self.add_module('c1_%02d' % c1.size, c1)# Read the universal patch set for the S2 layerm = loadmat(universal_patch_set)patches = [patch.reshape(shape[[2, 1, 0, 3]]).transpose(3, 0, 2, 1)for patch, shape in zip(m['patches'][0], m['patchSizes'].T)]# One S2 layer for each patch scale, operating on all C1 layersself.s2_units = [S2(patches=scale_patches, activation=s2_act)for scale_patches in patches]# Explicitly add the S2 units as submodules of the modelfor i, s2 in enumerate(self.s2_units):self.add_module('s2_%d' % i, s2)# One C2 layer operating on each scaleself.c2_units = [C2() for s2 in self.s2_units]# Explicitly add the C2 units as submodules of the modelfor i, c2 in enumerate(self.c2_units):self.add_module('c2_%d' % i, c2)def run_all_layers(self, img):"""Compute the activation for each layer.Parameters----------img : Tensor, shape (batch_size, 1, height, width)A batch of images to run through the modelReturns-------s1_outputs : List of Tensors, shape (batch_size, num_orientations, height, width)For each scale, the output of the layer of S1 units.c1_outputs : List of Tensors, shape (batch_size, num_orientations, height, width)For each scale, the output of the layer of C1 units.s2_outputs : List of lists of Tensors, shape (batch_size, num_patches, height, width)For each C1 scale and each patch scale, the output of the layer ofS2 units.c2_outputs : List of Tensors, shape (batch_size, num_patches)For each patch scale, the output of the layer of C2 units."""s1_outputs = [s1(img) for s1 in self.s1_units]# Each C1 layer pools across two S1 layersc1_outputs = []for c1, i in zip(self.c1_units, range(0, len(self.s1_units), 2)):c1_outputs.append(c1(s1_outputs[i:i+2]))s2_outputs = [s2(c1_outputs) for s2 in self.s2_units]c2_outputs = [c2(s2) for c2, s2 in zip(self.c2_units, s2_outputs)]return s1_outputs, c1_outputs, s2_outputs, c2_outputsdef forward(self, img):"""Run through everything and concatenate the output of the C2s."""c2_outputs = self.run_all_layers(img)[-1]c2_outputs = torch.cat([c2_out[:, None, :] for c2_out in c2_outputs], 1)return c2_outputsdef get_all_layers(self, img):"""Get the activation for all layers as NumPy arrays.Parameters----------img : Tensor, shape (batch_size, 1, height, width)A batch of images to run through the modelReturns-------s1_outputs : List of arrays, shape (batch_size, num_orientations, height, width)For each scale, the output of the layer of S1 units.c1_outputs : List of arrays, shape (batch_size, num_orientations, height, width)For each scale, the output of the layer of C1 units.s2_outputs : List of lists of arrays, shape (batch_size, num_patches, height, width)For each C1 scale and each patch scale, the output of the layer ofS2 units.c2_outputs : List of arrays, shape (batch_size, num_patches)For each patch scale, the output of the layer of C2 units."""s1_out, c1_out, s2_out, c2_out = self.run_all_layers(img)return ([s1.cpu().detach().numpy() for s1 in s1_out],[c1.cpu().detach().numpy() for c1 in c1_out],[[s2_.cpu().detach().numpy() for s2_ in s2] for s2 in s2_out],[c2.cpu().detach().numpy() for c2 in c2_out],)

2.下载MNIST数据并用HMAX滤波器处理数据(GTX1650 用时35min)

import torch
import torchvision
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import pickle
import numpy as np
import hmax
from tqdm import tqdm# Initialize the model with the universal patch set
print('Constructing model')
model = hmax.HMAX('./universal_patch_set.mat')path = './data/'
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([torchvision.transforms.Grayscale(),torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),torchvision.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255)])
# torchvision.transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5], std=[0.5])])trainData = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(path, train=True, transform=transform, download=True)
testData = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(path, train=False, transform=transform)BATCH_SIZE = 1
trainDataLoader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=trainData, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
testDataLoader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=testData, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)# Determine whether there is a compatible GPU available
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')print('Running model on', device)model = model.to(device)trainData_after = []
for X, y in tqdm(trainDataLoader):c2 = model.forward(X.to(device))[:, 0, :]trainData_after.append((c2[0].cpu(), y))
np.save(open("./data/train_data_new.npy", "wb"), trainData_after)
testData_after = []
for X, y in tqdm(testDataLoader):c2 = model.forward(X.to(device))[:, 0, :]testData_after.append((c2[0].cpu(), y))
np.save(open("./data/test_data_new.npy", "wb"), testData_after)

3.用SVM作为VTU训练(GTX1650 用时10min)

from sklearn.svm import SVC
import numpy as npprint("loading data...")
trainData = np.load(open("./data/train_data_new.npy","rb"),allow_pickle=True)
testData = np.load(open("./data/test_data_new.npy","rb"),allow_pickle=True)
print("converting data...")
X = [_[0].cpu().numpy().tolist() for _ in trainData]
y = [int(_[1]) for _ in trainData]
X_test = [_[0].cpu().numpy().tolist() for _ in testData]
y_test = [int(_[1]) for _ in testData]print("training data...")
model = SVC(kernel="rbf")
model.fit(X,y)print("testing acc:",model.score(X_test,y_test))


testing acc: 0.9132(恒定值,因为是SVM)

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